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S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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ZHUKOVSKY, August 29 (RIA Novosti) – The S-300 advanced air defense missile systems that Russia refused to deliver to Iran have now been completely dismantled and scrapped, the CEO of the company that built them said Thursday.
“The equipment that was to have been delivered to Iran is no more,” Almaz-Antey Corporation’s CEO Vladislav Menshchikov said. “We have dismantled it completely. Some elements, which could be used, have been used. Some have been scrapped.”

Every contract is made for a particular client and cannot be adjusted to the requirements of another, he said.
“The makeup is different, the specifications are different, and the software is different,” Menshchikov said.

Russia signed a deal in 2007 to provide Iran four S-300 batteries. Russia annulled the contract in 2010 due to concerns over its nuclear program. Iran filed a $4 billion lawsuit for compensation over the failed deal, which is pending review in an international arbitration court in Geneva.
Russian daily Vedomosti said in June, citing undisclosed Russian arms industry sources, that Russia had offered to provide Iran with Antei-2500 air defense systems, but the offer was never officially confirmed.

Anatoly Isaikin, the head of Russia’s state-run arms export monopoly Rosoboronexport said in mid-August his agency had no plans to provide Iran with replacements for the S-300 missile defense systems that Russia had refused to deliver.

S-300 is a family of air defense missile systems capable of engaging aerial targets from helicopters to cruise and ballistic missiles. The more capable variants of the system would be capable of engaging aircraft far inside the airspace of neighboring states to Iran, according to analysts.
Israel, in particular, lobbied hard against the S-300 deal, according to Israeli media, over concerns that any Israeli air attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be made far more dangerous if Tehran operated the system.


After what's going on in Syria, Russia may just sell the system to Iran.
As a iranian guy i would prefer a peaceful and non-aggressive policy over the expensive russian toys to defend iran.

One can be sure that the US has plans and ways to destroy even a S-300 Air Defence System via use of combined weapon systems when the Mullahs get the War they are praying for.

Like the Mginot Line or the Air Defense System of Bagdad in 1991 (the strongest in the World) any Defense System is conquerable.

Anyway i doubt if Russia will sell them to the Mullahs anyway. When Russia has to decide between breaking with Mullahs or the West then the russian decision is clear.
As a iranian guy i would prefer a peaceful and non-aggressive policy over the expensive russian toys to defend iran.

One can be sure that the US has plans and ways to destroy even a S-300 Air Defence System via use of combined weapon systems when the Mullahs get the War they are praying for.

Like the Mginot Line or the Air Defense System of Bagdad in 1991 (the strongest in the World) any Defense System is conquerable.

Anyway i doubt if Russia will sell them to the Mullahs anyway. When Russia has to decide between breaking with Mullahs or the West then the russian decision is clear.

Mariam Rajavi ? is that you?:laughcry:
As a iranian guy i would prefer a peaceful and non-aggressive policy over the expensive russian toys to defend iran.

One can be sure that the US has plans and ways to destroy even a S-300 Air Defence System via use of combined weapon systems when the Mullahs get the War they are praying for.

Like the Mginot Line or the Air Defense System of Bagdad in 1991 (the strongest in the World) any Defense System is conquerable.

Anyway i doubt if Russia will sell them to the Mullahs anyway. When Russia has to decide between breaking with Mullahs or the West then the russian decision is clear.

Hey bro, would you have any links or information about the Iraqi air defence of 1991, I've long heard that Iraq had a very powerful military but I wasn't even alive at the time and I can't find any articles or information on the Iraqi strength.
Oh sure baby. Everyone who wants a peaceful, respected and democratic Iran is a mujahedin member.

I dont care about the Mojahedin like i dont care about the Mullahs. i want a demcratic iran with good relationship with all important countries.

get your pills.:)

to tarafdare in regimi hasti ke az 1979 ta alan 200.000 hamwatane ma ro koshte?


i can not include links to my postings until i get 30 postings. google "gulf war iraqi integrated air defense" and you find 2 usefull links.

The sheer number of good quality AD Systems made conventional attack runs against Bagdad suicidal.

Still the Coalition found ways to overrun the system with little loses.

Same will happen to mycountry when the suicidal mullahs continue their aggressive foreign policy.
As a iranian guy i would prefer a peaceful and non-aggressive policy over the expensive russian toys to defend iran.

One can be sure that the US has plans and ways to destroy even a S-300 Air Defence System via use of combined weapon systems when the Mullahs get the War they are praying for.

Like the Mginot Line or the Air Defense System of Bagdad in 1991 (the strongest in the World) any Defense System is conquerable.

Anyway i doubt if Russia will sell them to the Mullahs anyway. When Russia has to decide between breaking with Mullahs or the West then the russian decision is clear.

Oh do be quiet! You use the word 'Mullahs' a couple of times and you think you've actually made a point! Nobody in Iran prays for war. Those same mullahs have seen war and destruction first hand, and have tried on numerous occasions to reach out to the West. Which is more than can be said about you. We're at odds with the West unless we capitulate and fully accommodate their demands or until we reach a point of relative strategic balance in the region and we settle with them in a manner congruent with our national interests. It has nothing to do with any particular system of government in Iran. It was the same before, and it's the same now. The 'mullahs' have wisely chosen the latter path, in which I and I suspect the majority of Iranian people support them. In either case we cannot expect any love from the West for a while to come. So you'd better learn to appreciate and value whatever we have achieved and worked for thus far, instead of taking a dismissive view of things and internalizing the hatred you encounter from the outside.
Oh sure baby. Everyone who wants a peaceful, respected and democratic Iran is a mujahedin member.

I dont care about the Mojahedin like i dont care about the Mullahs. i want a demcratic iran with good relationship with all important countries.

get your pills.:)

to tarafdare in regimi hasti ke az 1979 ta alan 200.000 hamwatane ma ro koshte?


i can not include links to my postings until i get 30 postings. google "gulf war iraqi integrated air defense" and you find 2 usefull links.

The sheer number of good quality AD Systems made conventional attack runs against Bagdad suicidal.

Still the Coalition found ways to overrun the system with little loses.

Same will happen to mycountry when the suicidal mullahs continue their aggressive foreign policy.

And in your opinion anybody who disagrees with your naive and emotional views is a hardcore supporter of the Islamic regime! So you're not that much different.

And did we have an aggressive foreign policy when Iran was divided in half by the British and Russians? Had we done anything to the Americans when they engineered and 1953 coup d'etat, after we merely asked for our very basic rights? Did Iran have a 'Mullah' government when she was invaded on 2 occasions during the first and second WWs, causing the death of millions of Iranians, either directly or through starvation?

Comparatively, 200,000 deaths (your claim) is not a huge price! I'd rather be killed due to our own extremism and lack of tolerance and open mindedness than at the hands foreign occupying forces and their goons. Because there's good chance my society can learn from the former and improve its lot. But there's not much you can take away from the latter.

When you have such a hate for the West and find the policy of the Regime so great then..Why you are in the USA benefiting all the freedom instead of in Iran under the rule of the Regime?

Are`nt you lying to yourself every Day?

You write about the National Intrest of Iran?

Our National Intrest should be creating Jobs and having good Relation withthe World instead of supporting Terrorists and causing Terror Attacks in Argentina, Bulgaria, Thailand, Azerbaijan, India..did i forgot a Nation?

You must grow up over your childish fantasies and see the real needs of our people. Iranians want our money to be invested in Iran instead of giving it to Hisbollah&co.

budget for foreign policy should be used to IMPROVE the reputation of the country and NOT given to hisbollah to blow up a bus and kill civilians in Bulgaria my dear.

the foreign policy of a intelligent government should benefit the country and not harm it like the regime is harming iranian economy, reputation and intrests actualy. and i dont even talk about the not existing freedom in iran.

realy funny to meet 2 iranians who defend a regime but are not willing to live under the rule of this regime.:) instead of that they prefer to stay in the USA which they blame for everything.

budget for foreign policy should be used to IMPROVE the reputation of the country and NOT given to hisbollah to blow up a bus and kill civilians in Bulgaria my dear.

the foreign policy of a intelligent government should benefit the country and not harm it like the regime is harming iranian economy, reputation and intrests actualy. and i dont even talk about the not existing freedom in iran.

realy funny to meet 2 iranians who defend a regime but are not willing to live under the rule of this regime.:) instead of that they prefer to stay in the USA which they blame for everything.

Bulgarian Charge of Hezbollah Bombing Was an “Assumption”
lol what a sick website is this? they realy say that mossad was behind the gas attack in syria. and they realy say US killed 1.4 millions iraqis when most of the iraqi civilian victims were caused by terror groups.

sorry but i prefer to see that the guilt of hisbollah was so clear that EU finaly declared the military wing oif hisbollah a terror gang.

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