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Russia's Olympic officials dismiss corruption allegations


Aug 13, 2013
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One of the most corrupt country in the world..


Transparency International - Country Profiles

Anti-corruption groups believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s childhood friends and other allies were awarded inflated contracts to build the infrastructure needed to support the Games.

“His cronies, when they understood that it was so important for him politically, they understood that they could charge whatever they want,” said Vladimir Ashurkov, the head of an anti-corruption foundation.

Putin’s friends include Russian Railways boss Vladimir Yakunin, whose job was to build a modern train service that connects the two Olympic sites. The cost of that project is more than $8.5 billion – more than the entire cost of 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

In another example, the initial estimate for the cost of the Olympic stadium in Sochi was $50 million. The final cost is now estimated to be between $500 and $700 million.

A Russian anti-corruption activist has launched an interactive website, Sochi.FBK.info, detailing cost overruns and conflicts of interest.

Alexei Navalny claims that Russia spent twice as much as necessary to build at least 10 of the Olympic venues in Sochi.

The Sochi Games will be the most expensive Olympics in history, but Russian officials insist that the $51 billion price tag is misleading.

They say that only a small chunk is directly related to the Olympics and that the rest has gone to infrastructure projects the state would have carried out anyway.

Putin himself has denied the corruption allegations, saying that investors initially underestimated the costs of Olympics projects.

On Tuesday, Putin thanked the International Olympic Committee for having faith in Sochi, a city that had barely 15 per cent of the needed infrastructure before construction work began.

Putin said that Sochi is now more beautiful and more comfortable.

IOC President Thomas Bach said the committee can see that “Russia, and the Russians, have delivered.”

The president of the Russian Olympic Committee has brushed off questions about corruption allegations that have dogged the upcoming Winter Games in Sochi.

Asked about allegations of stolen money and inflated building contracts, Alexander Zhukov said they had no basis in reality.

But critics say that corruption is behind the massive cost of these Winter Olympics, which has ballooned to $51 billion.

Anti-corruption groups believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s childhood friends and other allies were awarded inflated contracts to build the infrastructure needed to support the Games.

“His cronies, when they understood that it was so important for him politically, they understood that they could charge whatever they want,” said Vladimir Ashurkov, the head of an anti-corruption foundation.

Putin’s friends include Russian Railways boss Vladimir Yakunin, whose job was to build a modern train service that connects the two Olympic sites. The cost of that project is more than $8.5 billion – more than the entire cost of 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

In another example, the initial estimate for the cost of the Olympic stadium in Sochi was $50 million. The final cost is now estimated to be between $500 and $700 million.

A Russian anti-corruption activist has launched an interactive website, Sochi.FBK.info, detailing cost overruns and conflicts of interest.

Alexei Navalny claims that Russia spent twice as much as necessary to build at least 10 of the Olympic venues in Sochi.

The Sochi Games will be the most expensive Olympics in history, but Russian officials insist that the $51 billion price tag is misleading.

They say that only a small chunk is directly related to the Olympics and that the rest has gone to infrastructure projects the state would have carried out anyway.

Putin himself has denied the corruption allegations, saying that investors initially underestimated the costs of Olympics projects.

On Tuesday, Putin thanked the International Olympic Committee for having faith in Sochi, a city that had barely 15 per cent of the needed infrastructure before construction work began.

Putin said that Sochi is now more beautiful and more comfortable.

IOC President Thomas Bach said the committee can see that “Russia, and the Russians, have delivered.”

Read more: Russia's Olympic officials dismiss corruption allegations | CTV News

France = 22/177 :smart:

Transparency International - Country Profiles

Russia 127/177 :hang2:

Transparency International - Country Profiles

Yes Russia is not corrupt,Russia is a paradise,better than Norway and Australia:nana:
transparency international and all the other western organisation are founded by Americans and french. What you except? You have 90% taxrate vs our 13% taxrate, so your own government is stealing from its people. This is corruption too for me much more worse than russias.
transparency international and all the other western organisation are founded by Americans and french. What you except? You have 90% taxrate vs our 13% taxrate, so your own government is stealing from its people. This is corruption too for me much more worse than russias.

Here it is ...imperialist/zionist/NATO/illuminati/space monkeys conspiracy out there to defame Russia.Russia no corrupt,no oligarchs,Russia utopia.:yes4:
Here it is ...imperialist/zionist/NATO/illuminati/space monkeys conspiracy out there to defame Russia.Russia no corrupt,no oligarchs,Russia utopia.:yes4:
when it comes to taxrate is heaven on earth in comparison. I rather pay by some cop once in a while than paying every month 90% of my earnings. France just made corruption legal

Transparency International was Founded by .... Germany :omghaha:
the country that has welcomed you :woot:
i just heard the name and thought it must be one of the countless Anglo organisation who think they are important. No one welcomed me in germany, i am per law german.
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@senheiser Taxes = Corruption ? you know the definition of corruption ? I think not..
In our country the taxes are used to finance some projects (Trams,roadways etc...) :smart:
In your country the money of taxes are in the pockets of politics etc.. :coffee:

@senheiser Taxes = Corruption ? you know the definition of corruption ? I think not..
In our country the taxes are used to finance some projects (Trams,roadways etc...) :smart:
In your country the money of taxes are in the pockets of politics etc.. :coffee:

who will invest it into buying cars and houses in russia, an no where is there anyway stollen as much money as with french tax rate. Its barbarism on capitalism and liberty.
@senheiser Taxes = Corruption ? you know the definition of corruption ? I think not..
In our country the taxes are used to finance some projects (Tramways,roadways etc...) :smart:
In your country the money of taxes are in the pockets of politics etc.. :coffee:

Taxes is just a legalize form of extortion. Gov't taking money from the middle class to support lazy people is a clever disguised form of corruption.
A Frenchie talking about corruption. I've seen it all now :lol:. France is the laziest country in the world, they take more days off than they actually work. French politicians are bought by the banksters. Never believe anything from these western dominated organisations. They are all regime propaganda tools.
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