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Olympics terrorism email threats originate from Israel

Volgograd and the Conquest of Eurasia: Has the House of Saud seen its Stalingrad? | Global Research

According to this web article, terrorism threats have originally originated from a Muslim: Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud.

It's a long article, I have read only half of it - found it quite revealing. Please read the article.

I will quote 2 paragraphs:

1. After the visit of Prince Bandar to Russian, Lebanese newspaper As-Safir on August 21, 2013 ran a story:
According to the Lebanese newspaper, not only did Prince Bandar tell the Russians during their first July meeting that the regimes of the GCC would not threaten the Russian gas monopoly in Europe, but he made promises to the Russians that they could keep their naval facility on the Mediterranean coast of Syria and that he would give the House of Saud’s guarantee to protect the 2014 Winter Olympics being held in the North Caucasian resort city of Sochi, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, from the Chechen separatist militias under Saudi control. If Moscow cooperated with Riyadh and Washington against Damascus, the leak discloses that Bandar also stated that the same Chechen militants fighting inside Syria to topple the Syrian government would not be given a role in Syria’s political future.

When the Russians refused to betray their Syrian allies, Prince Bandar then threatened Russia with the cancellation of the second planned peace conference in Geneva and with the unleashing of the military option against the Syrians the leak imparts.

This leak, which presents a veiled Saudi threat about theintended attackson the Winter Olympics in Sochi, led to a frenzy of speculations internationally until the end of August 2013, amid the high tensions arising from the US threats to attack Syria and the threats coming from Iran to intervene on the side of their Syrians allies against the United States.Originating from the same politically affiliated media circle in Lebanon, reports about Russian military preparations to attack Saudi Arabia in response to a war against Syria began to circulate from the newspaper Al-Ahed also, further fueling the chain of speculations.

2. Seymour Hersh
wrote in 2007 that after the 2006 defeat of Israel in Lebanon that the US government had a new strategy called the “redirection.” According to Hersh, the “redirection” had “brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, inparts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.” With the cooperation of Saudi Arabia and all the same players that helped launch Osama bin Ladin’s career in Afghanistan, the US government took “part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria.” The most important thing to note is what Hersh says next: “A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.”

A new House of Saud spinon the “redirection” has begun. If there is anything the House of Saud knows well, it is rounding up fanatics as tools at the service of Saudi Arabia’s patrons in Washington. They did it inAfghanistan, they did it Bosnia, they have done it in Russia’s North Caucasus, they did it in Libya, and they are doing it in both Lebanon and Syria. It does not take the British newspaper The Independent to publish an article titled “Mass murder in the Middle East is funded by our friends the Saudis” for the well-informed to realize this.
An Israeli did it yes, but this has more to do eight he natural reaction of the people here. If we a suspect an Jewish person your brains are calibrated so you immediately deny it. While at the same time making many assumptions about Muslims. Bunch of monkeys, LOL! :lol:

I'm glad by thought process isn't calibrated according to the way the government wants it. :D

Not really,maybe in the West,we still retain our judging capability in the East ...didn't you hear? Us east europeans are racists ...heck,we even had a major scandal last Christmas with a "throw the jew down the well" type of Christmas carol on national tv.:o:

Romania Broadcasts Anti-Semitic Christmas Carol - Jewish World - News - Israel National News
Not really,maybe in the West,we still retain our judging capability in the East ...didn't you hear? Us east europeans are racists ...heck,we even had a major scandal last Christmas with a "throw the jew down the well" type of Christmas carol on national tv.:o:

Romania Broadcasts Anti-Semitic Christmas Carol - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

I'm not referring to you mate, I know you're indifferent to such calibration. :D :)

And yes, I know how racist europeans are...:D, except the Norwegians they are great.

According to Indians, everyone who talks against them is an evil Pakistani mussliumm!

Some of them are that way although many are decent people. :)

Well,yes,at first glance it may seem harsh but contrary to what that artcle was saying that Christmas carol predates the Holocaust by many,many years.But you know...it just got associated by an unfortunate play of words.

I honestly Lol-ed when i saw it and i knew it will start a clusterfuck in the media.
Well,yes,at first glance it may seem harsh but contrary to what that artcle was saying that Christmas carols predates the Holocaust by many,many years.But you know...it just got associated by an unfortunate play of words.
So that is how Christians saw the Jews before the Holocaust and now they are well protected...Maybe we Muslims need to do a play to draw attention of a "planned and brutal wiping out of Muslims around the world" or something along those lines :unsure:

Then again we dont do well with pity ...though it might just help :undecided:

Well,yes,at first glance it may seem harsh but contrary to what that artcle was saying that Christmas carol predates the Holocaust by many,many years.But you know...it just got associated by an unfortunate play of words.

I honestly Lol-ed when i saw it and i knew it will start a clusterfuck in the media.
Oh just realized who cried out loud about it: israelnationalnews.com !! :D

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency revealed the horrific lyrics Wednesday, which include the statements, "The kikes, damn kikes, Holy God would not leave the kike alive, neither in heaven nor on earth, only in the chimney as smoke, this is what the kike is good for, to make kike smoke through the chimney on the street.”
Wonder where freedom of speech and expression of Christmas joy went:
"It is outrageous that none in the audience took a stance against the anti-Semitic Christmas carol that incites to burn the Jews," the letter stated. It added that it was "absolutely unacceptable that TVR3 tried to deny responsibility" by blaming the cultural group.
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So that is how Christians saw the Jews before the Holocaust and now they are well protected...Maybe we Muslims need to do a play to draw attention of a "planned and brutal wiping out of Muslims around the world" or something along those lines :unsure:

Then again we dont do well with pity ...though it might just help :undecided:

Oh just realized who cried out loud about it: israelnationalnews.com !! :D

The american embassy went crazy to.

There are 2 things wrong in this event.

1.The song which somehow got to be aired on national tv.

2. The lies that got associated with it starting with the absurd claims that jewish organizations made that somehow it was something glorifying the Holocaust when in reality it was some peasants brought from a remote place in the country to sing a traditional song.To everyone's surprise they went with "burn the kike/God hates the kike" live on national tv.:rofl:

Anyway...still...not the anti semitic conspiracy some tried to make out of it.
The american embassy went crazy to.

There are 2 things wrong in this event.

1.The song which somehow got to be aired on national tv.

2. The lies that got associated with it starting with the absurd claims that jewish organizations made that somehow it was something glorifying the Holocaust when in reality it was some peasants brought from a remote place in the country to sing a traditional song.To everyone's surprise they went with "burn the kike/God hates the kike" live on national tv.:rofl:

Anyway...still...not the anti semitic conspiracy some tried to make out of it.

You know the producer is Jewish right? The producer of this show is Adrian Rozenberg Mosaic.
You know the producer is Jewish right? The producer of this show is Adrian Rozenberg Mosaic.

Yep,but from what he said he didn't know about the theme of the song.

Just for the lulz i would have payed a million bucks to see everyone's faces in that studio when they started to sing.

Anyway,the ideea is that despite the furor that followed wuth the usual "oh you killed jews in ww2","you're anti semitic",etc,etc, we/I really don't care.We're kind of immune to this PC BS in here.I can afford to be objective as i'm not pussyfied like many in W. Europe.
The american embassy went crazy to.

There are 2 things wrong in this event.

1.The song which somehow got to be aired on national tv.

2. The lies that got associated with it starting with the absurd claims that jewish organizations made that somehow it was something glorifying the Holocaust when in reality it was some peasants brought from a remote place in the country to sing a traditional song.To everyone's surprise they went with "burn the kike/God hates the kike" live on national tv.:rofl:

Anyway...still...not the anti semitic conspiracy some tried to make out of it.
Now a days everyone plays the victim card! :D
Yep,but from what he said he didn't know about the theme of the song.

Just for the lulz i would have payed a million bucks to see everyone's faces in that studio when they started to sing.

Anyway,the ideea is that despite the furor that followed wuth the usual "oh you killed jews in ww2","you're anti semitic",etc,etc, we/I really don't care.We're kind of immune to this PC BS in here.I can afford to be objective as i'm not pussyfied like many in W. Europe.

What's your opinion towards the I/P conflict, mate?
What's your opinion towards the I/P conflict, mate?

I've said it before.In a nutshell:

They have to stop the settlements.
Two state solution with 1967 borders.I do not agree with terrorism though nor do I think that the palestinians are doing themselves any favours by encouraging violence against Israel,this is actually helping Israel villifying them in the yes of the international arena.
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