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Olympics terrorism email threats originate from Israel

I've said it before.In a nutshell:

They have to stop the settlements.
Two state solution with 1967 borders.I do not agree with terrorism though nor do I think that the palestinians are doing themselves any favours by encouraging violence against Israel,this is actually helping Israel villifying them in the yes of the international arena.

You do know Israel is objecting to an 67' border deal, ah?
You do know Israel is objecting to an 67' border deal, ah?

Yes i do unfortunately.To be honest i am at a lose here.On one hand i don't like terrorism but on the other hand i have to be honest and put myself in the palestinians position:"what would i do if someone would be sitting on my land?" ...it's very conflicting .I do admire Israel for its tenacity,i don't believe that they're only victims,and palestinians do deserve their own country.

i know they have a powerfull lobby -it happenned to us in WW2 ,yes we shamed ourselves by killing many jews but nobody mentions how the jewish minority started to kill romanians in 1940,orthodox priests nailed to crosses, when the soviets rolled in Bessarabia-,when the romanians came back in 1941...cry me a river ...they were kind of pissed for that and took their revenge.But you won't find that small part in the official history books.
Yes i do unfortunately.To be honest i am at a lose here.On one hand i don't like terrorism but on the other hand i have to be honest and put myself in the palestinians position:"what would i do if someone would be sitting on my land?" ...it's very conflicting .I do admire Israel for its tenacity,i don't believe that they're only victims,and palestinians do deserve their own country.

i know they have a powerfull lobby -it happenned to us in WW2 ,yes we shamed ourselves by killing many jews but nobody mentions how the jewish minority started to kill romanians in 1940,orthodox priests nailed to crosses, when the soviets rolled in Bessarabia-,when the romanians came back in 1941...cry me a river ...they were kind of pissed for that and took their revenge.But you won't find that small part in the official history books.

It is surely complicated to reach an understanding in this conflict...although you have a decent opinion which is trying to stay on the balanced side and I salute you for that. This is how I believe most people independent from this conflict should view it, especially in the western audience. Try to understand both sides aspirations and causes yet at the same time don't take an extreme stance against either. :tup:

This is why people should come in with an open mind and put theirselves in Palestinians shoes. Hamas is somewhat understood even though people don't have to like them.

Also, those events in history are not discussed in our nation. Nobody is informed about specific details we just get the broader 'Europe persecuted Jews' line. I'm certainly not sympathetic with some European nations due to their colonialist past but I find it disturbing that we don't have a accurate account with as much caution as possible towards history.
Not the first time JEWS make false flags: 911, USS liberty, zionist Al Qaeda, Lavon affair

I don't see why palestinians hate russians who arm them

Even it comes from a synagogue, JEWS will say it's the african worker
a petty, rootless race like jewry risks everything in provoking a mighty russia and trying foolishly to undermine it with homosexuality and terror. but it is those jewish animals that deserve sodomy and terrorism more than any other nations and races: homosexuality, so that the race would die from infertility, and terrorism, so that this despicable race can die BEFORE infertility kills it.
Yes i do unfortunately.To be honest i am at a lose here.On one hand i don't like terrorism but on the other hand i have to be honest and put myself in the palestinians position:"what would i do if someone would be sitting on my land?" ...it's very conflicting .I do admire Israel for its tenacity,i don't believe that they're only victims,and palestinians do deserve their own country.

Core of the problem is Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. That city needs to be separated from both Israel and any future Palestinian state, and put under direct UN or similar control. Reverting to 67 borders implies that the Palestinian state takes control of the Temple Mount which seems as one-sided as Israel keeping all of Jerusalem which is their policy. (Israel has annexed Jerusalem). I believe opposition against this should be classified as a crime against humanity. The humanity needs to STOP fighting over Jerusalem.
Core of the problem is Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. That city needs to be separated from both Israel and any future Palestinian state, and put under direct UN or similar control. Reverting to 67 borders implies that the Palestinian state takes control of the Temple Mount which seems as one-sided as Israel keeping all of Jerusalem which is their policy. (Israel has annexed Jerusalem). I believe opposition against this should be classified as a crime against humanity. The humanity needs to STOP fighting over Jerusalem.

I don't think a 67 borders agreement would give Palestinians control over that holy 'square' if you will. You call it the Temple Mount but don't confuse it with the holy sites there as Jews confuse people as to what it is. It's a temple that was destroyed thousands of years ago and they claim it's spot is right where the Islamic mosque 'Dome of the rock' is. They try to get underground there and inside an Islamic mosque which is very holy to Muslims. The 'Temple mount' doesn't actually exist which is why it's controversial.
The Temple Mount is the area of Jerusalem, where the Dome of the Rock was built on the ruins of the Temple of Herod (and Solomo). No need to fuzzy up this definition.

I see no reason why any state should be allowed to claim this site as its own.

The fact that it is holy to a religion does not change my opinion.
It is holy to Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
Religion is the cause of the fight.

Building a religious site on top of the ruins of another religious site is a recipe for trouble
and should also be outlawed.
It results in people getting killed.

Killing violates the 10 commandments to which all monoteistic religions should be bound.
The Temple Mount is the area of Jerusalem, where the Dome of the Rock was built on the ruins of the Temple of Herod (and Solomo). No need to fuzzy up this definition.

I see no reason why any state should be allowed to claim this site as its own.

The fact that it is holy to a religion does not change my opinion.
It is holy to Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
Religion is the cause of the fight.

Building a religious site on top of the ruins of another religious site is a recipe for trouble
and should also be outlawed.
It results in people getting killed.

Killing violates the 10 commandments to which all monoteistic religions should be bound.

No it isn't, this is your problem. It does not include the Dome of the Rock, the only issue is when the Israeli people want to claim control over the mosque and bring Jewish people inside of it and under it which can damage its structure. This is based on speculation that a previous Temple Mount destroyed thousands of years ago is located right at that spot. Romans and whomever built things when they took control of Jerusalem as they are people who have religious obligations. It has nothing to do with 'building on top' of a thing that doesn't exist.

The dome of the rock is not holy to Jews nor Christians, the area around it is. The controversy is when Israelis try to exercise control over the mosque.
Then You better change the Wiki entry on "Temple Mount", because the map
(and any sound archaelogical scholar) situates the Dome of the Rock
right in the centre.

Some Israeli wanted to tear it down in 1967, but were stopped by the IDF.
They have had the capability to tear it down since 1967, but haven't.
(and don't come with that crap argument that they do not dare)

Somehow I think that a few Muslims entered the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople since 1453,
so reciprocity means that it should be OK for ANY one to enter the Dome of the Rock.
If you disagree, then you implicitly are saying that you are not interested in fair play.
Then You better change the Wiki entry on "Temple Mount", because the map
(and any sound archaelogical scholar) situates the Dome of the Rock
right in the centre.

Some Israeli wanted to tear it down in 1967, but were stopped by the IDF.
They have had the capability to tear it down since 1967, but haven't.
(and don't come with that crap argument that they do not dare)

Somehow I think that a few Muslims entered the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople since 1453,
so reciprocity means that it should be OK for ANY one to enter the Dome of the Rock.
If you disagree, then you implicitly are saying that you are not interested in fair play.

No they don't doofus, these are all theories of its location and size. Some say it makes a tiny portion of where the 'dome of the rock' is located today and is pointed southeast. There are different theories regarding this and no one will truly know. The only people here trying to make this controversial is people like you and the Israel. This isn't about 'fair play' jackass. The temple doesn't exist at ALL. Doesn't EXIST. Try to comprehend these words, they can guess all they want regarding its location yet this doesn't justify taking control of a holy site that is not holy to Jews. If they believe in an imaginary temple that was gone a few thousand years ago they can stay away from the mosque which according to their theories makes up little portion of the temple. The reason they do so is to mock the Palestinians and exercise control of Jerusalem. They try to imply sovereignty over it through stupid excuses like yours.

The thing doesn't exist, what don't you get about that? Push your deception and hilarious justifications elsewhere where there are naive gullible people and Jewish morons like you who push a very false narrative.

Check this guy out , @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani
I can see that you are part of the problem.
You do not accept science, when it goes contrary to your wishes.

Hagia Sophia does exist.
What justifies the Turks taking over the largest church in Christendom?
Conquerors rights, thats it.
Do you believe in conquerors rights or not?

The rest of the world wants to get rid of that.
I can see that you are part of the problem.
You do not accept science, when it goes contrary to your wishes.

Hagia Sophia does exist.
What justifies the Turks taking over the largest church in Christendom?
Conquerors rights, thats it.
Do you believe in conquerors rights or not?

The rest of the world wants to get rid of that.

The area is holy to all people's, this specific mosque however is not. LOL, I never known all Jews had converted to Islam. ;)
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