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Russians better ally than Americans: Turkey may quit NATO

My Turkish camrades! Today I discovered a new historical fact (it is new for me), which for some reason I did not learn during the lessons of history.
View attachment 458458
Kliment Voroshilov and Mikhail Frunze near Kemal Ataturk at the "Republic" monument in Istanbul! It turns out that Soviet Russia was the only country that officially supported the independence of the Republic of Turkey!
I've seen that debated. It may not be Kliment Vorshilov I'm not sure.

Two things are important, first there was a muslim soviet defence minister at the time, and second, Russians worked against British rather than for Turks. Britain was still seen as the greatest empire at the time. Soviets didn't want them to have a foothold in Anatolia. We were at a weaker state, we posed no threat. They could march down at some point and bring the communism to Turkey.

They wanted to try later, but Turkey joined the NATO.

Russians were never our friends. They helped us a little bit because their interests demanded so.
Because Russia in its current state is just a network of criminal enterprises running the country. Russia and Turkey can be friends, just not with current USSR..... I mean Russia.

In your opinion.
This version is better, and you gotta give it the soviets, its one of the most powerful anthems.

My Turkish camrades! Today I discovered a new historical fact (it is new for me), which for some reason I did not learn during the lessons of history.
View attachment 458458
Kliment Voroshilov and Mikhail Frunze near Kemal Ataturk at the "Republic" monument in Istanbul! It turns out that Soviet Russia was the only country that officially supported the independence of the Republic of Turkey!
"The Soviet supply of gold and armaments to the Kemalists in 1920–1922 was a key factor in the latter's successful grab of power in an Ottoman Empire defeated by the Triple Entente and their victory in the Armenian campaign and the Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922)"
I think Turkey should leave NATO and withdraw its eu application. We should do it in a friendly manner and then take a neutral position. I dislike the fact that we would have to defend PKK supporting countries in case the russians/n-koreans attack them.
I think Turkey should leave NATO and withdraw its eu application. We should do it in a friendly manner and then take a neutral position. I dislike the fact that we would have to defend PKK supporting countries in case the russians/n-koreans attack them.

You forget that it was Russians and the Communist Block who created and helped the PKK back in the days against Turkey- this is why their ideology is Marxist- Leninist. Russians were and still are in a pretty friendly relations with the YPG in Syria and the PKK. PYD even opened their representation office in Moscow some years ago.

Most medias and people in the government don’t mention that though... they prefer to yell at America and Europe instead because that is what brings them bread on the table.

Everyone who is against Turkey uses the PKK for their interest including some of our neighbors and Sunni “brothers” from the Arabian Gulf. Even the Palestinians who so many people in Turkey are crying about used to be very active in training and helping the PKK back in the days when Turkey and Israel were still in very good relations... the same Israel whose secret services helped Turkey to capture Apo Ocalan in Nayrobi in the end of the 90s. Yet still medias don’t mention those things.
The primary supporters of the PKK are in the west however. The very same west our soldiers would have to defend if russia starts its adventures. That is in my eyes unacceptable
The primary supporters of the PKK are in the west however. The very same west our soldiers would have to defend if russia starts its adventures. That is in my eyes unacceptable

Recently Germany has listed Turkey as a fascist state and the reason is of course YPG.
Recently Germany has listed Turkey as a fascist state and the reason is of course YPG.
If Fascism means = "Anti PKK/YPG" then i'm the greatest fascist in the world and proud of it.
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