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Russians better ally than Americans: Turkey may quit NATO

If Fascism means = "Anti PKK/YPG" then i'm the greatest fascist in the world and proud of it.

Unfortunately that's what they mean by fascist. BTW, they did not put that sicilian scumbag of Egypt in that list. That's how credible their list is.
Ukrainian Army: Air force of the Russian Federation fulfilled the blockade of the Bosphorus

Combat aviation of the Russian Federation made departures from airfields Shaykivka, Krymsk and Belbek with the maximum approach to the state border of Ukraine.
Ukrainian air defense was put on alert after provocations by Russian aviation along the eastern and southern Ukrainian airspace. This is reported by the command of the air forces of the APU on Thursday, March 22.

"The fighter and bomber aviation of the aggressor country made departures from airfields Shaikivka, Krymsk and Belbek with the maximum approach to the state border of Ukraine, the line of delimitation between the mainland of Ukraine and the Crimea, and with approaching up to 40 kilometers to the shoreline from the Black Sea with the subsequent flight along the coast of Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, "the report said.

In addition, a group of long-range strategic Tu-22 rocket-carrying bombers with a full ammunition, accompanied by Su-30 fighters, flew in the airspace of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea to work out certain conditional targets for striking.

"Such actions of the Russian Federation aviation are caused, first of all, by reaction to the next stage of command post training in the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and for the purpose of conditional training of the blockade of the Bosphorus Strait," the Ukrainian military said.

It is emphasized that all air defense forces and forces were put on alert to fight back in the event of the use of aviation by the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Recall, on February 15, Russian aviation approached the border with Ukraine as close as possible, after which the Tu-95 missile carriers worked out conditional launches of cruise missiles from the occupied Crimea on the Ukrainian territory.

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I think Turkey should leave NATO and withdraw its eu application. We should do it in a friendly manner and then take a neutral position. I dislike the fact that we would have to defend PKK supporting countries in case the russians/n-koreans attack them.
Funny enough I agree. It will be more straightforward and honest than indulging in small talk here and there.
However, we have to be realistic in life and accept that this won't happen. Stakes are too high.
Funny enough I agree. It will be more straightforward and honest than indulging in small talk here and there.
However, we have to be realistic in life and accept that this won't happen. Stakes are too high.

We gonna see
A nation does not simply quit nato.

Do you know what happen to wolve who gets kicked out from group?

Rest of volves wıll killhim

NATO waits to liberate turkey jews from bad turkos
Turkeys biggest threat is still pkk. A terror organization who ist still not listed as such in Russia. So, how can Russia be a better ally?
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Turkey didnt apologized for the downing of the jet to the Russian state. Turkey apologized and expressed condolences to the family of the Russian pilot. Its other question that the government threw the ball to FETO after the coup try. I personally think that not FETO was responsible and that the decision was right.

Turkish aggression? After the Greeks started armed attacks against Turks in 1963 and all other crimes and provocations until 1974 the Turkish state had the right to defend the Turks and their right to live also the national interests of its people. After the official and unofficial underground actions and operations the Republic of Turkey warned the Greeks of the consequences of those provocative actions and crimes against the Turks. In result of the rising tensions and the crimes against the Turkish minority and the predictable bigger disaster after the new government of Cyprus was assigned the Republic of Turkey decided to start the Turkish Peace Operation and secure the future of the Turks on the island. I want you to know that every piece of the world where Turkish language is being spoken is Turkey and if the rights of the Turks on those places are not respected the oppressors must know that the Turkish hand is long and heavy and the Turkish state will take every needed action no matter if it will be within the internationally recognized rules or not. If to defend my brothers in blood against the oppressors everytime and everywhere on the world is aggression and crime then I am happy to call myself aggressor.
Well it's greek lands and you are invaders why don't you leave greek lands for the Greeks didn't you have enough land already?!

Open a book and read the History of Crimea instead of talking Bullshit!
Cimmerian Greeks, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Kharzars, Mongols, Ottomans were there before the Russians/Slavs.
It's european lands weather controlled by Germans or Slavs and it's thing between the slavic countries of Russia and Ukraine none of your business you don't belong in their it's just like someone interfair between to cousins of another family
Well it's greek lands and you are invaders why don't you leave greek lands for the Greeks didn't you have enough land already?!

It's european lands weather controlled by Germans or Slavs and it's thing between the slavic countries of Russia and Ukraine none of your business you don't belong in their it's just like someone interfair between to cousins of another family
Its not a Greek land. Its the island of Cyprus where both Greeks and Turks are living. They were treating Turkish Cypriots differently, made pogroms and crimes against the Turks. Let me tell you something. If you don't respect Turks and terrorize them you get the Turkish Armed Forces on the place to defend them. The Greeks will never accept equality between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots so we are not leaving. We will help our brothers with all we can and ensure the equality of rights over the island between Greeks and Turks. In Crimea there are Crimean Tatars and they are our brothers to so we are concerned about them.
Its not a Greek land. Its the island of Cyprus where both Greeks and Turks are living. They were treating Turkish Cypriots differently, made pogroms and crimes against the Turks. Let me tell you something. If you don't respect Turks and terrorize them you get the Turkish Armed Forces on the place to defend them. The Greeks will never accept equality between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots so we are not leaving. We will help our brothers with all we can and ensure the equality of rights over the island between Greeks and Turks. In Crimea there are Crimean Tatars and they are our brothers to so we are concerned about them.
Well it's you who went to their lands not the opposite if they don't want you than you should simply leave just like bulgarian turks and Crimean Tatars
Well it's you who went to their lands not the opposite if they don't want you than you should simply leave just like bulgarian turks and Crimean Tatars
The thing is that Cyprus is not Greece and is independent country in which both Greeks and Turks live and they have equal right over the land. Its not a Greek land its Cyprus land. So we made the best choice and secured the land in which Turks are a majority and have properties. Cyprus is not only Greek.
Well it's you who went to their lands not the opposite if they don't want you than you should simply leave just like bulgarian turks and Crimean Tatars

What kind of bullshit is that? With that logic majority of world should leave their homes, as most people's ancestors migrated from somewhere else at one point. Turks of Cyprus has settled there hundreds of years ago, before there was any independent Cyprus. They are equal to Greek Cypriots. and Turkic presence in Crimea is probably older than a thousand years.
Well it's you who went to their lands not the opposite if they don't want you than you should simply leave just like bulgarian turks and Crimean Tatars

So people should leave their homes and their livelihoods? What do I expect from an Iranian dog.
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