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Russian think tank calls for sale of Su-35 fighters to Pakistan

I would pick a light agile fighter like jf17 over the big bulky fighters. With the asea radar and sd10 its packs a real punch. And then it carries cruise missiles and anti ship missiles and has a good range without refuelling and with air to air refielling loiter time can be increased too

I am not taking away anything from JF-17 block III. All I am saying is that there is still a requirement for a heavy air superiority fighter. We need such a fighter to safeguard our CPEC naval assets. Of course the JF-17 can easily fulfill such a role, but having a tailor made long range fighter would enjoy the preference. In my opinion, the Su-35 is one of the most cost-effective options available. It is still relatively expensive for Pakistan, but it is worth bang for the buck. Especially if you compare it to its nearest competitors.

Read the following excellent article to get an idea what a beast Su-35 is:


The Su-35 is a killer beast and I am putting that very mildly yet.
ofc, which is why i said i would be surprised if putin does sell pakistan sukhoi

You are still incorrect. You should not be surprised. Russia has been selling quite a few things to Pakistan despite Indian displeasure. Today the relations are improving to a whole new level.
I am not taking away anything from JF-17 block III. All I am saying is that there is still a requirement for a heavy air superiority fighter. We need such a fighter to safeguard our CPEC naval assets. Of course the JF-17 can easily fulfill such a role, but having a tailor made long range fighter would enjoy the preference. In my opinion, the Su-35 is one of the most cost-effective options available. It is still relatively expensive for Pakistan, but it is worth bang for the buck. Especially if you compare it to its nearest competitors.

Read the following excellent article to get an idea what a beast Su-35 is:


The Su-35 is a killer beast and I am putting that very mildly yet.
Love the SU35..excellent when operstional..we alos know that russian equipement is heavy on maintenence and ends up with low availability. Also during war they may cut our spares. I have had enough of pakistab suffering due to foreigners and want our own fighter.
Love the SU35..excellent when operstional..we alos know that russian equipement is heavy on maintenence and ends up with low availability. Also during war they may cut our spares. I have had enough of pakistab suffering due to foreigners and want our own fighter.

I understand your concern and it is a valid one. Frankly, apart from Su-35 we don't have much options except to wait for a Chinese 5th gen platform which is definitely worth the wait. We are developing our own 5th gen project Azm so that is another prospect. We could also opt for J-10B, but this fighter is still in development. Also, there is a counterargument that J-10B gets negated by the newer JF-17 blocks which is honestly a valid argument. Not getting the Su-35 is not the end of the world because we are churning out JF-17 Block II. The Su-35 would have been an awesome worthy addition though. A true multi role heavy air superiority twin engine beast. Frankly, every side has its own arguments and most are valid. It is not an easy decision, but this is luckily where PAF gets to decide.

On a different note, even if Su-35 got offered, we won't be able to purchase it easily without soft terms. So there are a lot of ifs and buts. Right now this idea is being pitched by influential Russian think tanks who are sick and tired of Indian backstabbing i.e. the Su-57 project. This was the last nail in the coffin. The Russians feel like making a statement which is long overdue. India has long played the blackmail card and the Russians are not buying it anymore.
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Pakistan should join FGFA development with russia.now is a golden chance for pakistan
I understand your concern and it is a valid one. Frankly, apart from Su-35 we don't have much options except to wait for a Chinese 5th gen platform which is definitely worth the wait. We are developing our own 5th gen project Azm so that is another prospect. We could also opt for J-10B, but this fighter is still in development. Also, there is a counterargument that J-10B gets negated by the newer JF-17 blocks which is honestly a valid argument. Not getting the Su-35 is not the end of the world because we are churning out JF-17 Block II. The Su-35 would have been an awesome worthy addition though. A true multi role heavy air superiority twin engine beast. Frankly, every side has its own arguments and most are valid. It is not an easy decision, but this is luckily where PAF gets to decide.
The SU-35 deal will not just open Russian Flankers but also Chinese along with the latest engine something PAF needs for any further upgradations to JF-17's or any other aircraft produced locally or procured from China or Turkey.

However personally think that this deal is 5 years too late if its for the PN alone as there are many new possibilities available today that could serve the same purpose F-35's were looked upon.
Ain't happening. India was heavily involved in this project.

Russia can however provide assistance in the Azm project.
We backed out as per few news outlets,as it did not meet our expectations,may be it fits into PAF expectations.
If you pump in money into the project now that will bring Russia closer to Pakistan ,it's worth a shot.
We backed out as per few news outlets,as it did not meet our expectations,may be it fits into PAF expectations.
If you pump in money into the project now that will bring Russia closer to Pakistan ,it's worth a shot.

India knows too much about this project. They were directly involved. It doesn't make sense for Pakistan to continue a project that India left. At least that is my opinion.

The SU-35 deal will not just open Russian Flankers but also Chinese along with the latest engine something PAF needs for any further upgradations to JF-17's or any other aircraft produced locally or procured from China or Turkey.

However personally think that this deal is 5 years too late if its for the PN alone as there are many new possibilities available today that could serve the same purpose F-35's were looked upon.

That is an excellent point which highlights another potential positive outcome of the Su-35 deal. The newer JF-17 block will require an engine upgrade. The Su-35 deal will truly lift all blockades and mistrust between Pakistan and Russia. It will open the doors to more high-end cooperation.

I think that PAF will wait a little longer. There is a lot going on as you say. The Turks are also busy with their own 5th gen project. There are options. All the pros and cons will have to be weighed.
Russia isnt going to give weapons who matter to Pakistan i think, they will again turn them down hence embarrassing Pakistan.
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