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Russian think tank calls for sale of Su-35 fighters to Pakistan

I agree with this notion. The US has made a clear choice and they don't hide it under a rug. The US will always favor India over Pakistan under any circumstances. That is just a given.

Pakistan needs to work on its relationship closer to home. Our interests dictate that we need to improve our relations with Russia on an urgent basis.

By the end of the day, you are your own best friend. We have reliable partners in the form of China, or money can get you favours and assets internationally.

But instead of buying short-term hardware, and short-lived favours, buy knowledge and foundation of greatness which would stay with you much longer. Germany and France are much smaller countries than Pakistan with less land and less population, but they are ahead only (and only) because they have better education, infrastructure and skills than Pakistan. We can be, as our National father Jinnah stated "one of the greatest Nations of the earth". Between here and sky of greatness, the only missing bit is self-education, self-improvement and self-reliance. If you ever be rich, it will be because of your own knowledge and your own two hands. Its never ever going to be otherwise.
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By the end of the day, you are your own best friend. We have reliable partners in the form of China, or money can get you favours and assets internationally.

But instead of buying short-term hardware, and short-lived favours, buy knowledge and foundation of greatness which would stay with you much longer. Germany and France are much smaller countries than Pakistan with less land and less population, but they are ahead only (and only) because they have better education, infrastructure and skills than Pakistan. We can be, as our National father Jinnah stated "one of the greatest Nations of the earth".
Only US and China have stealth aircraft operational and now I believe they have sold to Israel. China still need 5 more years to market J-31 and probably we will start joint venture for our own 5th Gen jet by then and in the mean time we need heavy weight dual engine long range fighter to provide cover to our navy and ports, flying single engine short range fighter over sea isn't a wise move. Even after getting 5th gen fighter which most probably also a single engine jet we still need one to two squadrons of long range strike fighters.
By the end of the day, you are your own best friend. We have reliable partners in the form of China, or money can get you favours and assets internationally.

But instead of buying short-term hardware, and short-lived favours, buy knowledge and foundation of greatness which would stay with you much longer. Germany and France are much smaller countries than Pakistan with less land and less population, but they are ahead only (and only) because they have better education, infrastructure and skills than Pakistan. We can be, as our National father Jinnah stated "one of the greatest Nations of the earth".

I can't disagree with your argument. Self sufficiency is obviously the best of all worlds. Investing in your own capabilities is the way forward.

Both short term acquisitions and self sufficiency can go hand in hand. Although I firmly disagree that Su-35 is a short term investment. It is a long term investment that would fly along 5th gen aircraft for a long time. If the JF-17 would fly along newer platforms for decades, I don't see why the Su-35 cannot. Just because we are acquiring this aircraft today doesn't mean it becomes obsolete in the coming years. On the contrary, a heavy structured fighter like Su-35 is meant to last for decades. Besides, the PAF has an excellent record of utilizing its assets to the maximum. Also, look at China as an example. They don't buy something for sole usage. They buy to use, learn and reproduce.

Did you know that China has acquired the Su-35 despite having 5th gen aircraft, J-11 and so many other fighters?

The PAF has never operated a dual engine air superiority fighter like Su-35. This platform could provide massive insight into Russian philosophy and doctrine. Apart from that it would pave the way for better relations with Russia. A fighter like Su-35 would go a very long way in securing our naval CPEC assets. They can even assist in other roles and areas. I can't even think of one negative.
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@MastanKhan @Oscar @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Sir your opinion required, since I know acquiring chance of these jets is 0% but still good to know either we really need them or Russia just playing games with estrange girl friend India.
You just leave that up to Pakistan and Russia. We will figure something out.

The Russians are clearly in the mood to improve relations with Pakistan. Pakistan also wants to improve its relations with Russia. Something good can happen when both sides are on friendly terms.
ofc, which is why i said i would be surprised if putin does sell pakistan sukhoi
S-400, S-500 and all Missile based defense systems are already obsolete, in my opinion.

We should focus on directed energy weapons for all ABM and Air Defense systems.

i cant agree more, i think all missile defense are interim solution. energy weapons are way to go
No. T129 deal was disclosed on 24 May and published on 25 May by IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
Signing took place under caretaker Government not PML N. Also of Type 54 and Milgem Corvettes
Lols US will never let India to buy or participate in 5th gen jet even objected the possible purchase of S-400....bro Russian need money they are selling India and China same weapons without any problem don't you think they will not care about Indian whining when you don't place any major orders.
that can be true but we will have to wait and see also... america by the sounds of it, will make an exception in case of india... they're toying with the idea of selling them f-35 and although they're displeased with s400 procurement... india is still getting it
that can be true but we will have to wait and see also... america by the sounds of it, will make an exception in case of india... they're toying with the idea of selling them f-35 and although they're displeased with s400 procurement... india is still getting it
If India confirms the S-400 deal US will immediately stops delivery of Apache.
Bro, the JF-17 cannot be compared to a long range heavy air superiority fighter. They are both different animals.

Specifically our naval requirements dictate a long range fighter that can fly fast from one destination to another. Remember that the JF-17 is a multi-role fighter in a medium package. It's strength is totally different from an air superiority fighter.
I would pick a light agile fighter like jf17 over the big bulky fighters. With the asea radar and sd10 its packs a real punch. And then it carries cruise missiles and anti ship missiles and has a good range without refuelling and with air to air refielling loiter time can be increased too
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