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Russian think tank calls for sale of Su-35 fighters to Pakistan

I think Pakistan should aim for something better than S-400.
S-400 is inferior than Patriot latest block but if compare price S-400 is good choice but as per data what I have read it was a good product but prematurely cooked.
The production of J-10B has stopped.

Oh wow. I didn't know that. Since when and reason?

PS. I have found it on sinodefence. J-10C is the reason.

Wow. J-10C is another serious contender. What a massive upgrade.
i'd still be surprised if putin agrees... putin repeated this time and time again... there is no question of sukhoi jets for pakistan...

If Pakistan agree to invest in Su-57 then they will sale that to Pakistan.
I would pick a light agile fighter like jf17 over the big bulky fighters. With the asea radar and sd10 its packs a real punch. And then it carries cruise missiles and anti ship missiles and has a good range without refuelling and with air to air refielling loiter time can be increased too

JFT can not protect P-3s in Indian Oceans or on long duration flights in EEZ, for later PAF will need to deploy more number of JFTs with Refueler aircrafts putting strain on fleet.

Only buy if these items are must in SU-35 deal:

1. Stealth coating to reduce frontal RCS.

2. Assembling facility in Pakistan

3. Engine overhaul facility

4. Active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar

5. Thales TopOwl-F helmet-mounted display and sight (HMD/S) system

6. Integration of Marlin and Darter missiles.

Then why go for Su-35, instead go directly to Su-57 to fill 4++ gen bird requirements till 5th gen arrive in PAF, Su-57 customized for PAF needs could be big blow to Super Sukhoi & Rafael jets.
S-400 is inferior than Patriot latest block but if compare price S-400 is good choice but as per data what I have read it was a good product but prematurely cooked.

How its inferior?? It has more type of missiles then PAC-3 MSE.
are we even considering about the operational/maintenance cost , Spare parts , weapon systems ? @Oscar @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Signalian @Gryphon everyone know's we need a stop gap but still su-35 will be costly

Sukhoi Su-35, if ever acquired, will also have the issue of interoperability within PAF's own fleet.
Pakistan will have to buy the Russian weapons package. Not much flexibility is offered by the Russians.
Training and maintenance, obviously, are challenges.

But, PAF doesn't have another choice.
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