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Russia will provide Military hardware to #Pakistan - Sergei Lavrov

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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Russia will provide Pakistan military equipment and full support against terrorists: top diplomat
16 Jan, 2018


MOSCOW: Russian Foreign Minister <link> <link>Sergei Lavrov <link> has said that they wanted to make Pakistan a developed country and Moscow will provide every possible support to Islamabad.

Responding to a question after addressing a press conference in Moscow, he acknowledged Pakistan’s efforts in eradicating terrorism.

The Russian FM said that the terrorists spread inside Afghanistan along the area bordering Pakistan pose grave danger for Islamabad.

Lavrov went on to say that several agreements have been signed between Pakistan and Russia for the provision of helicopters and military equipments.

Russian wanted to make Pakistan a developed country and Moscow will provide every possible support to Islamabad in this regard, he said, adding “Pakistan’s presence in the Shanghai Cooperation Oragisation (SCO) will strengthen relation between the two countries.”
Whether its the Russian, Chinese or American support, it cannot change the fact that the conflict is gonna happen in Af-Pak-Iran region. When the fight is in you own back yard, you yourself are the worst sufferer not the allies/enemies who are thousand of miles away. It just means that now Pakistan has a choice to choose against whom its gonna be.
Beside the Arms/weapons, recent Pakistan-Russia engagement, growing ties and mutual understandings w.r.t. several regional issues; speaks volume of relations between both countries especially since Trump threatened Pakistan. Also, it is acknowledged that Pakistan plays a major role for peace and stability of the region and a major party for Afghanistan peace that US cannot ignore nor can threaten as such with any kind of containment.

Pakistan actively countered usual Indian propaganda that Delhi was off the opinion as such that close India-US ties will limit Islamabad merely to China or couple of countries. Current strategy and US threats actually work together for our aim to move forward, deny any external influence as well as interference in this region but also provides us more close relations with China, Russia, Turkiye, Iran and other nations.

Not just the pressure is being denied but Pakistan is having more advantages of friendship with regional powers as compare to past. Surely, our current standing and alliance is based upon betterment of region and all the nations unlike any ambition to contain anyone that actually fails miserably every time.
Help in fencing and monitoring the border
Beside the Arms/weapons, recent Pakistan-Russia engagement, growing ties and mutual understandings w.r.t. several regional issues; speaks volume of relations between both countries especially since Trump threatened Pakistan. Also, it is acknowledged that Pakistan plays a major role for peace and stability of the region and a major party for Afghanistan peace that US cannot ignore nor can threaten as such with any kind of containment.

Pakistan actively countered usual Indian propaganda that Delhi was off the opinion as such that close India-US ties will limit Islamabad merely to China or couple of countries. Current strategy and US threats actually work together for our aim to move forward, deny any external influence as well as interference in this region but also provides us more close relations with China, Russia, Turkiye, Iran and other nations.

Not just the pressure is being denied but Pakistan is having more advantages of friendship with regional powers as compare to past. Surely, our current standing and alliance is based upon betterment of region and all the nations unlike any ambition to contain anyone that actually fails miserably every time.

I'm sure Trump's poor relations with Iran and Russia doesn't help matters except to paint US in a geo-strategic corner. No doubt Pakistan benefits from all this.
i think we don't need anymore equipment for counter terror . do we?

we need their Choppers , as the hope is dying for AH-Z1 Zulu's :(
Plus we ( both Russia and Pakistan ) can share experience in Anti Terrorist operations as they operated in Syria against AL-Nusra and ISIS, and Pakistan has taken out huge terrorists Operations which many of the modern forces failed to do.
I'm sure Trump's poor relations with Iran and Russia doesn't help matters except to paint US in a geo-strategic corner. No doubt Pakistan benefits from all this.
Trump is doing to USA what all the enemies of USA have failed to do...making it irrelevant. I have the news that EU may go with Iranian nuclear deal if USA backs out and imposes sanctions on Iran.. so finally USA getting slapped by EU is imminent.
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i think we don't need anymore equipment for counter terror . do we?
Combat helicopters

Beside the Arms/weapons, recent Pakistan-Russia engagement, growing ties and mutual understandings w.r.t. several regional issues; speaks volume of relations between both countries especially since Trump threatened Pakistan. Also, it is acknowledged that Pakistan plays a major role for peace and stability of the region and a major party for Afghanistan peace that US cannot ignore nor can threaten as such with any kind of containment.

Pakistan actively countered usual Indian propaganda that Delhi was off the opinion as such that close India-US ties will limit Islamabad merely to China or couple of countries. Current strategy and US threats actually work together for our aim to move forward, deny any external influence as well as interference in this region but also provides us more close relations with China, Russia, Turkiye, Iran and other nations.

Not just the pressure is being denied but Pakistan is having more advantages of friendship with regional powers as compare to past. Surely, our current standing and alliance is based upon betterment of region and all the nations unlike any ambition to contain anyone that actually fails miserably every time.
They plot and I plot and I am the best of plotters.
I'm sure Trump's poor relations with Iran and Russia doesn't help matters except to paint US in a geo-strategic corner. No doubt Pakistan benefits from all this.

And not to mention that Pakistan is also part of Islamic Military Alliance. Pakistan did not just benefit from all this in an overnight discussion but took a lot of energy, approach and activism in this regard that such resulting in more stronger relations contrary to the planning against Pakistan, china & Russia in this region. Pakistan not just refused US pressure but also together with other regional powers, paved a new venture of geo-strategy as well as bringing all in one camp.
Trump is doing to USA what all the enemies of USA failed to do...making it irrelevant. I have the news that EU may go with Iranian nuclear deal of USA backs out and imposes sanctions on Iran.. so finally USA getting slapped by EU is imminent.

I believe influence of US was waning even before Trump became POTUS. Nevertheless, Trump's actions -- especially his tweets -- makes this waning of influence even more apparent.

As for Iran nuclear deal, not even the US is ready to scrap it..yet:


It's trying to get a better deal, but it will probably just go it alone and be isolated by the world community.
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