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Russia will provide Military hardware to #Pakistan - Sergei Lavrov

Supply of weapons is a visible symbol of a relationship that is more strategic than based on a transaction.

Russia, Pakistan and China are converging on issue of Afghanistan. They have begun to understand presence of foreign power in the long run is detrimental to their long term security interests. US is not here for peace. It is here for chaos. It wants to keep a chaos under control to promote its interest. Primary interest being to prolong stay on the pretext of terrorism.
Supply of weapons is a visible symbol of a relationship that is more strategic than based on a transaction.

Russia, Pakistan and China are converging on issue of Afghanistan. They have begun to understand presence of foreign power in the long run is detrimental to their long term security interests. US is not here for peace. It is here for chaos. It wants to keep a chaos under control to promote its interest. Primary interest being to prolong stay on the pretext of terrorism.
USA will have to leave Afghanistan sooner or later.

USA cannot stay in Afghanistan forever.
Well as per original statement by Lavrov in Russian foreign ministry website it appears he referring to older agreements between Russia and Pakistan such as Mi-35 and not of Russia signing any new agreement:
Question: In 2017, Russia and Pakistan had intensive contacts on combating terrorism and drug trafficking, plus the issues of Afghanistan as well. What will the situation be like in 2018? What is expected in the area of relations between Russia and Pakistan?

Sergey Lavrov: You were absolutely right to point out how actively we had collaborated in combating terrorism. We have a stake in suppressing the terrorist threat that is spreading to the territories of Pakistan and Afghanistan and “spilling over” the Pakistani-Afghan border. The agreement we made on supplying Pakistan with special equipment, such as, first and foremost, helicopters for antiterrorist units, only further confirms the seriousness of our intentions.

In addition, we are interested in promoting our economic cooperation. Like India, Pakistan joined the SCO as a full-fledged member last year. This expands opportunities for joint work in various areas, since the SCO is a structure aimed at both ensuring security in our common region, including combating new threats, and at developing economic and humanitarian cooperation. I believe that this will enrich the Russian-Pakistani ties as well.
I disagree cash was and will remain the single biggest obstacle to buying not just Russian weapons but any weapon from Europe and even USA.

In the past USA equipment was funded via part USA grant aid or need in brackets to fight war on terror. Even then USA officials scratched their heads when USA offered small arms and ammo and helos to fight insurgents terrorists etc you Pakistanis would ask for f16 with bvr and long range stand off weapons to fight a conventional military power.

The USA knew what this was about but pre trump administration turned a blind eye to these little events .

Coming back to Russia I think you guys are going to learn a harsh lesson

Firstly Russian top line hardware is very very expensive dare I say out of reach . One regiment of s400 is cool billion dollars

One su35 costs same as a f16/60 i.e. 90 million dollars each

The Russians are poor nation relative to USA and china even France. So don't wait for soft loans or generous payment options

Their after sales service is a rip off boys they really are Russian oligarch gangsters

There is a reason why India now deals with


Rather than Russia for new generation weapons

So good luck with your flankers and s400
Correction, we don't need State of the Art Fighter jets or Long Range SAM systems from Russia. We have China and Turkey as our major partners for that. We are already acquiring Chinese Air Defence Systems.
The most important area where Russia can help us is Counter Insurgency. And that the most eminent threat to Pakistan. With ISIS growing its presence in Afghanistan and Pathetic state of Kabul Regime they cant do shit to control this menace. We need Border management systems, Attack helos, Night operation equipment, Special forces Training, Counter Intelligence cooperation and so forth.
What fact if you think China has or will have a s-400 than you're wrong,Russian offered s-400 with Su-35 but China rejected s-400 and buys only Su-35 if you have a prove/links that China has or will have s400 than show it to us, so basically you need to your fact right:hitwall:

You really, really, really need to stop banging that head of yours and start using it for once. It will do you wonders.

These are false reports they rejected/canceled the order for the s400 from Russia go to Chinese defense sections so you knows that they cancelled/rejected order from Russia:angry::hitwall:

Dude post a link or shut up for God's sake. You are embarrassing yourself.
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