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Russia will provide Military hardware to #Pakistan - Sergei Lavrov

If Lavrov says that, top diplomat of Russian federation, so there is no doubt remaining. On the other hand proves there was back door negotiations going on between two countries.

I think that Pakistan would buy S-400. Recently in this forum, there was a news about it, now it is sure to happen :tup:

Sometimes, there are people that ignores the reality yet couldn't help but have to ask for unnecessary things. There shouldn't by any doubt that both countries are in contact and started from little to this day. Musharraf approach Russia in back day and we slowly started to set our priorities straight as well as for the benefit of region.

Cannot comment about S-400 but surely, there are many things being discussed and here, we are talking about much more broader and wider aspects. This cooperation as materialized further, will soon prove its worth far more and better than any wordy diplomacy that sometimes countries encash for short time gains.

In my opinion, the field is set, atmosphere is favour, everything is becoming clear and more understandable and only factor that I see missing is, that parties better make decisions ASAP contrary to usual diplomatic practices or wastage of time. Furthermore, Pakistan-Russia growing ties are not result of recent US threats nor the work of an overnight proposal. Both the nations, seeing growing threats of security as well as sovereignty by the enemies, realized the need of such kind of block to thwart any possible attempt in this region. The writing is on the wall especially after what happened to Middle East that South Asia is next in line but here, as we speak of regional powers, this is not going to happen.
If Lavrov says that, top diplomat of Russian federation, so there is no doubt remaining. On the other hand proves there was back door negotiations going on between two countries.

I think that Pakistan would buy S-400. Recently in this forum, there was a news about it, now it is sure to happen :tup:

Pakistan is not going to buy SAM Pakistan is soon going to test SAM.
So here is the interesting fact; Turkey has received its S-400. Iran has received S-300. China has received S-400. Russia probably has the system deployed in Central asian states as well. Now will Pakistan receive S-400? In my opinion, if Pakistan wants S-400 it will be given S-400. And here is why. If you look at the map, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are the states which have always historically been the 'front line' countries. To check the US aggression in the region, these three countries are absolutely critical to China and Russia. And this is why if Pakistan wants the S-400 system it will be given this system.

Now please don't raise a silly question that "but how will Pakistan afford it?". When the very existence of many regional countries are at stake, this question becomes irrelevant. These systems and other will come to Pakistan.
Excerpt From News Conference....

Question: In 2017, Russia and Pakistan had intensive contacts on combating terrorism and drug trafficking, plus the issues of Afghanistan as well. What will the situation be like in 2018? What is expected in the area of relations between Russia and Pakistan?

Sergey Lavrov:
You were absolutely right to point out how actively we had collaborated in combating terrorism. We have a stake in suppressing the terrorist threat that is spreading to the territories of Pakistan and Afghanistan and “spilling over” the Pakistani-Afghan border. The agreement we made on supplying Pakistan with special equipment, such as, first and foremost, helicopters for antiterrorist units, only further confirms the seriousness of our intentions.

In addition, we are interested in promoting our economic cooperation. Like India, Pakistan joined the SCO as a full-fledged member last year. This expands opportunities for joint work in various areas, since the SCO is a structure aimed at both ensuring security in our common region, including combating new threats, and at developing economic and humanitarian cooperation. I believe that this will enrich the Russian-Pakistani ties as well.

Incidentally, with regard to the SCO’s role in fighting radicalism, let me note the important, signature nature of the document signed by the SCO leaders last year. I am referring to the Convention on Counteraction to Extremism, which has established a highly important framework, including the principle of unacceptability of using terrorist and extremist groups to put pressure on sovereign states. There are plenty of examples of this, as we know, including the mayhem in Libya, when Muammar Gaddafi was being toppled. These attempts were once made and continue to be made in Syria, too. I believe this Convention to be highly relevant. India and Pakistan will join it. Apart from the SCO member states, many other countries are also showing an interest in joining the Convention, since it is open to everyone, not just the SCO members.
@HRK why has this post been given a negative rating? I don't see any abusive or even an aggressive comment.

Thank you for your comments

We don't need to Lease a Nuclear Sub from Russia 6+2 Subs are coming to PN from 2020+ .. rumor says that those 2 Additional subs will be Pakistan's own design ( Probably Nuclear subs ) , and as for S-400 it would be a welcome Addition to Pakistan AD but i won't sweat on it, as Chinese are offering HQ-9 and ASTER 30 block III is easily available from Italy we might have cash for that ..

Virtually zero investment by Pakistan in missle defence especially long range

In fact I'm astonished why you people have ignored the excellent chinease options

Aster 30 is European so will be expensive me thinks

Currently your only defence to array of Israeli French and Indian stand off weapons is

Manned fighters and short legged sams
So here is the interesting fact; Turkey has received its S-400. Iran has received S-300. China has received S-400. Russia probably has the system deployed in Central asian states as well. Now will Pakistan receive S-400? In my opinion, if Pakistan wants S-400 it will be given S-400. And here is why. If you look at the map, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are the states which have always historically been the 'front line' countries. To check the US aggression in the region, these three countries are absolutely critical to China and Russia. And this is why if Pakistan wants the S-400 system it will be given this system.

Now please don't raise a silly question that "but how will Pakistan afford it?". When the very existence of many regional countries are at stake, this question becomes irrelevant. These systems and other will come to Pakistan.
China has no S-400 currently nor in near/distant future:disagree: they are developing HQ-9 version of SAM independently ever heard of HQ-26 (comparable to US THAAD), HQ-29 (comparable. US to PAC-3):agree:
China has no S-400 currently nor in near/distant future:disagree: they are developing HQ-9 version of SAM independently ever heard of HQ-26 (comparable to US THAAD), HQ-29 (comparable. US to PAC-3):agree:

You need to get your facts right.
You need to get your facts right.
What fact if you think China has or will have a s-400 than you're wrong,Russian offered s-400 with Su-35 but China rejected s-400 and buys only Su-35 if you have a prove/links that China has or will have s400 than show it to us, so basically you need to your fact right:hitwall:
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