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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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While Warsaw Pact Migs and Sukhois are nearly Soviet quality, I’m surprised the boys on the Potomac aren't trying to Buy up decent condition East bloc planes from around the world and Sprucing them up before handing them over to the Ukrainians.
We do have some MIG and Su in government and private hands. Just that no one expected this mess...
You can tell from her voice she's lying.

Putin set out to achieve a regime change in Ukraine. Any dialogue outcome that is less than a regime change is a step down for him. Let's see what happens.

If Putin simply takes control of Ukraine by force, he will deal with a bigger insurgency than what the Americans had to deal with in Afghanistan. Unlike in places like Kashmir or Chechnya, the whole EU/US block will sanction Putin and fund this insurgency until the to be puppet regime is overthrown. :cheers:
US /EU will also deal with severe economic problems at home as well.

For both blocs it is a catch 22

He wants to recreate the old soviet empire, nothing more nothing less.
That is a very naive, uneducated and frankly a stupid statement to make.
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A run of 2-3 B-2 bombers would annihilate those Russian columns. B-2s can launch up to 80 PGMs in one pass.
Nuclear deterrence. Why should Russia remain conventional. People are getting giddy in UK and USA.
Can somebody please explain why Russians have started executing civilians with their families? The videos have started to flood the social media. I recently saw a video of an old couple (in their 70s) in their car, being mercilessly executed by a Russian BMP, using the automatic grenade launcher. Then there was this young couple that was shot through their necks at close range.
We do have some MIG and Su in government and private hands. Just that no one expected this mess...
True, but here we are. A lot of those private red air contractor aircraft could really get some use if they were handed over to the Ukrainians.
While Warsaw Pact Migs and Sukhois are nearly Soviet quality, I’m surprised the boys on the Potomac aren't trying to Buy up decent condition East bloc planes from around the world and Sprucing them up before handing them over to the Ukrainians.
There were this rumor that one part of the Davis Monahan Air Base (309th AMRG, otherwise known as "The Boneyard") have a section reserved for ex-Soviet Aircraft the US collected (Buy/Steal/Capture) from around the world and the sole intention for that is to supply those to Former Soviet Republic to fight a US backed revolution.

Not sure if they are still doing it tho, I am not sure if this is indeed real actually, but this is the rumor I have heard back when I was in the Military....

Maybe @gambit have more idead as an Airforce guy? I don't know

US spy chiefs say Putin is likely to escalate in Ukraine with no concern for civilian casualties​

The US intelligence community believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin views the conflict in Ukraine as a "war he cannot afford to lose," suggesting he is likely to escalate the conflict without any concern for the number of civilians killed, the US's top intelligence chiefs told Congress.

Probably letting the Russians move over them and poping up behind them, in small units as in the operation Gladio strategy.

Maybe, I don't know, but they should be able to do it as the Russian advance is thin enough to pull off a disruption battle
Translation: Its alright, Russia can take Ukraine.

I kinda don't get this Stoltenberb guy is Americans blocking him, or him blocking Americans?

Anyways he is here only until September.
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