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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Can somebody please explain why Russians have started executing civilians with their families? The videos have started to flood the social media. I recently saw a video of an old couple (in their 70s) in their car, being mercilessly executed by a Russian BMP, using the automatic grenade launcher. Then there was this young couple that was shot through their necks at close range.
I recall some members in this thread who were trying to convey how humanitarian Russians are - that they are trying their best to not harm civilians.

I pointed out that all should wait for the war to prolong and more information to surface. Numerous atrocities will come to light in time.

This is WAR, kids. Russian army is not in Ukraine to give flowers to Ukrainians.
Agree - this is the point that most people are forgetting - the sanctions will remain until we have proof that Russia cannot do this again - either economically or politically or militarily ever again.
Any assets seized that belongs to Putin and his cronies. The U.S. and EU can help financed the rebuilding to make up for needing more money like stocks, dividends and bonds, etc.
Do you realise what this means? US is actively arming a country at war with Russia, and doing it openly. With startegic weapons.

Ukraine will not fall. US has decided this. Naturally poles are too scared to send the planes over for fear of getting bombed, but US of A fears noone. Bring it on.
LOL! I mean you have anti tank missiles that Ukraine doesn't usually make so the Russians ARE NOT that stupid.
The video I have seen was Ukrainian

I've seen a handful of videos, and so far the ones I've seen were Ukrainians killing civilians.
Oh! So they were Ukrainians who may have commandeered the Russian BMP to kill their own civilians in order to damage the excellent reputation the Russians have when invading neighbouring countries throughout history? Silly me.
Russia keeps sending arms to Ukraine.
I recall some members in this thread who were trying to convey how humanitarian Russians are - that they are trying their best to not harm civilians.

I pointed out that all should wait for the war to prolong and more information to surface. Numerous atrocities will come to light in time.

This is WAR, kids. Russian army is not in Ukraine to give flowers to Ukrainians.

So funny how some people think one side consists of white knights vs orcs or so.
War is sadly deep in the human DNA because in the end we are only the most sophisticated mammals and will do what happens every day in nature.
Especially ugly it will get when completely different ideologies are fighting with each other.
Then you could talk about who started the war, what were the motives etc. but in the end, there are no really THE good or THE bad guys.
Open eyes, sadly in this forum are too many with "white/black" view on certain themes.
There were this rumor that one part of the Davis Monahan Air Base (309th AMRG, otherwise known as "The Boneyard") have a section reserved for ex-Soviet Aircraft the US collected (Buy/Steal/Capture) from around the world and the sole intention for that is to supply those to Former Soviet Republic to fight a US backed revolution.

Not sure if they are still doing it tho, I am not sure if this is indeed real actually, but this is the rumor I have heard back when I was in the Military....

Maybe @gambit have more idead as an Airforce guy? I don't know
It is true that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, we bought several MIG and Su from the former Soviet satellites because they needed cash to survive.

Every branch of the US military have its own version of 'foreign technology exploitation' office. The Air Force office was at Wright-Patterson AFB, now merged to other sections. We got the MIG and Su jets out in Area 52...I mean...Area 51...for testing purposes, but nothing more. We learned much and the particular impressive parts was the aerodynamics of the Soviet era designs. The Soviets had great aerodynamicists, but not too good avionics engineers, though.

However...There are some MIG and Su jets in private hands.

For example, the company Air USA operates at least three Mikoyan MiG-29s bought from Kyrgyzstan. On December 10, 2010, they flew their first private MiG-29 in the United States.​
The USAF contracted these guys for 'Red Air' along with our own Aggressors Squadron.
I recall some members in this thread who were trying to convey how humanitarian Russians are - that they are trying their best to not harm civilians.

I pointed out that all should wait for the war to prolong and more information to surface. Numerous atrocities will come to light in time.

This is WAR, kids. Russian army is not in Ukraine to give flowers to Ukrainians.
The guy didn't provide any video just words
It is true that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, we bought several MIG and Su from the former Soviet satellites because they needed cash to survive.

Every branch of the US military have its own version of 'foreign technology exploitation' office. The Air Force office was at Wright-Patterson AFB, now merged to other sections. We got the MIG and Su jets out in Area 52...I mean...Area 51...for testing purposes, but nothing more. We learned much and the particular impressive parts was the aerodynamics of the Soviet era designs. The Soviets had great aerodynamicists, but not too good avionics engineers, though.

However...There are some MIG and Su jets in private hands.

For example, the company Air USA operates at least three Mikoyan MiG-29s bought from Kyrgyzstan. On December 10, 2010, they flew their first private MiG-29 in the United States.​
The USAF contracted these guys for 'Red Air' along with our own Aggressors Squadron.
Hmm...maybe we can persuade them to part ways with it, like a couple of F-16s in Russian colors. Been done before.
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