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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Did you hear about this?

My stock portfolio is in deep shit due to this war. What you guys think, how will this war span out. Any expert opinion please.
How long it will last and how will it end.
Yeah because the Russians aren't shooting at them yet. If they start shooting at them,all these civilians with "balls" will run like chickens here and there.

My stock portfolio is in deep shit due to this war. What you guys think, how will this war span out. Any expert opinion please.
How long it will last and how will it end.
730 pages thread and you ask "what you guys think,how will this war span out"? How Indian are you?
Well, we have to be careful about that. The Donetsk People's Republic, a now-independent pro-Russian region bordering Ukraine has 4987 Tatars who will be mostly Muslims I will say. I am sure all of them support Russia against Zelensky. It will be same for other current or recently-former parts of Ukraine.
Before the war they were about 100,000. Only in Donetsk were about 25-30K. One must first ask, how can a people remain in its homeland with only 5000 people and even lose the qualification of being a significant ethnic minority... There is nothing but Russian atrocities in the history of Tatar-Turks in Ukraine.

Even in Crimea today only about 200,000 Tatars live. From a population of a few million nation, 200,000 remain. The entry of the single highest executive-representative body of the Crimean Tatars, Crimean Leader Refat Çubarov, and also honorary national leader of Crimea Mustafa Abdülcemil Kırımoğlu is prohibited by Russia. Even Mejlis was outlawed by Russia.

If you want to express your Russian sympathy, these are probably the topics that should be avoided.
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Considering all the equipment being abandoned by the Russians, according to social media, how many countries have special forces units inside Ukraine right now, trying to get at it? Or do you think it will all just be collected after the war?

Russian full quality systems (not export quality)

T-80BVM, T-72B3M and T-90A are nothing special.
Only T-90M would be interesting.
Any famous ones from them to find more info ? Which city is this ?

It is a village called Isérables and majority of the youth just keep moving to the Urban cities but the village itself has around 1000+ population but normally their could be as high as 50.000 Isérablians spread around the country
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Make of this what you will, but those practices still persist today in the Russian military (and the PLA as well).
In my opinion, the worst things to sell are ranks, and this is where the PLA, from available sources, excels at this type of corruption. Not only ranks but assignments. From the decades of officers selling and extorting money for ranks, there is no telling how many incompetent officers are there and where are they, and there is no telling how they will perform if there is a real war, and by the time you find out, it will be too late.

There is a theory doing the rounds that Putins generals didn't think Putin was going to actually invade Ukraine until shortly before the order was given. Consequently, field commanders were selling fuel and other supplies to the locals, which has contributed to the logistical problems and poor maintenance of vehicles and equipment currently being observed.
Yes, I saw some pics of Russian trucks with blown tires. The RV guys noticed a familiar pattern on the tires: China bomb. :lol:

The term “China bomb” comes from the idea that many lower-quality tires come from China. Unfortunately, many of these tires have blown out while going down the highway.​

Chinese manufacturers have found a profitable business model where RV manufacturers are willing to put low-quality tires on their RVs. Until RV manufacturers decide to stop using these, we’ll likely continue to hear reports of RVs having blowouts.​
Yeah because the Russians aren't shooting at them yet. If they start shooting at them,all these civilians with "balls" will run like chickens here and there.

730 pages thread and you ask "what you guys think,how will this war span out"? How Indian are you?

It is on going war. What is your analysis/guesses , my question is how long this war will last? and what will end this war?
BTW thanks for the reply.
Looks like Russians are throwing in the reserves.. good ol ZSU-23 Afghanskis.. no radar.. just auto 23mm rain for urban warfare
if only you knew how fantastic are they against infantries and lightly armored vehicle
those 1700 warhead probably reached their EOL years ago
Irrelevant. And how would YOU know if a nuclear warhead reached its EOL? What is your reference? Please do not bring on Iranian sources. But let us say that you are correct. What part of the warhead reached its EOL? Are you talking about the 1/2 life of the uranium or plutonium? Does this make the nuclear warhead any less dangerous?

and UK and USA also agreed on that non legal document , so they are also guilty on that matter
Guilty of what?
The X-15 was a hypersonic vehicle. Before the Soviet Union and China had any.

Which weapons' platform are the so-called X-15s deployed on? Care to name them?

This is why anyone with intelligence should not take you seriously. You now think that a single weapon platform can make a country militarily superior over everyone else. I hope Pakistani military leadership is filled with people like you.

People like me? So now you have resorted to personal attacks! Marvelous tactics applied when conducting a discussion. Bravo!

On a serious note, a direct response to your question .... yes, a single weapons system can make a country militarily superior over everyone else. I direct the readers to 1945, Japan, where America attacked Hiroshima and Nagasaki with single type of weapons' system, that put America ahead and superior to other countries. Oh and in case some have short term memory, Japan surrendered to America, as a consequence of it using nukes against Japan.

If you have an ounce of intelligence, you would not have responded to my post with personal attack. But your response has proven that you don't.

Next time, if someone has not quoted you and is initiating a discussion with someone else (post#10705) .... do yourself a favor and stay out of it, unless of course you have the level etiquettes to hold a civilized discussion.
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