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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There is nothing but Russian atrocities in the history of Tatar-Turks in Ukraine.

Historically the Russian empire was very brutal against the tatars. Tbh they were very brutal against muslims in genral. Something they adopted by empires further west to it.

Southern Ukraine was Ottoman territory for many centuries and there was thriving muslim communities all along the balck sea coast.
Historically the Russian empire was very brutal against the tatars. Tbh they were very brutal against muslims in genral. Something they adopted by empires further west to it.

Southern Ukraine was Ottoman territory for many centuries and there was thriving muslim communities all along the balck sea coast.

Well Ofcourse they were because nobody would be friendly with their former occupiers and it was ''Ivan the Terrible'' who re-conquered or you could say liberated Russia from the Muslims after centuries of occupation and the reason his called terrible is due to barberian nature but all is fair in war and love
Then admit that the true reason for why Russia invaded Ukraine is not about NATO membership but about taking back what was lost after the Soviet Union collapsed. Is Turkey a former Soviet satellite?

Then admit? Seriously? How did u arrive to this conclusion? The true reason is about NATO membership that opens the door for nukes to be placed in Ukraine. Why is it so hard for u to comprehend this?
Ukraine got rid of nukes and got assurity that it wont be invaded, now when they join NATO and place nukes in Ukraine, that assurity is void. Do u think once a NATO member, Ukraine wont allow nukes on its land??
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When Russia promised Ukraine that Russia would allow sovereignty if Ukraine give up those 1700 nuclear warheads, that was when Russia was too weak to forcibly retake those warheads, what if NATO offered membership then? That would add 1700 nuclear warheads to NATO arsenal. But not exactly under NATO control because they were legally Russia's. Not only that, Ukraine did not have a reputation of being a stable power, let alone a nuclear weapons state, like the UK or France. Still, I wonder what would have been the responses if NATO made that offer.
Russia was weak , but Ukraine was also weak
Which weapons' platform are the so-called X-15s deployed on? Care to name them?
The X-15 is a VEHICLE designed to study the effects of hypersonic speed on bodies.

People like me? So now you have resorted to personal attacks! Marvelous tactics applied when conducting a discussion. Bravo!
Yup, people like you.

On a serious note,...
Am shocked...

...a direct response to your question .... yes, a single weapons system can make a country militarily superior over everyone else. I direct the readers to 1945, Japan, where America attacked Hiroshima and Nagasaki with single type of weapons' system, that put America ahead and superior to other countries. Oh and in case some have short term memory, Japan surrendered to America, as a consequence of it using nukes against Japan.
I knew you would bring this up.

A nuclear weapon is primarily a POLITICAL weapon. Its sheer destructiveness in a single strike puts it into a separate category, which is to induce a political outcome irrespective of any other weapon. Nuclear weapons are not intended as a countermeasure against AWACS, for example. But if the US did not have nuclear weapons, then the war against JPN would have been prolonged for undetermined time.

Now, if you want to talk about a single weapon system that reduce the effectiveness of multiple platforms against it, then look at low radar observability, aka 'stealth'. A single 'stealth' fighter reduced the effectiveness of opposition fighters, ground air defense, and AWACS. Not only that, the 'stealth' fighter can also serve as a tactical short term point recon platform, meaning it can be sent to any location to gather intel that are short lived. So in terms of true utility, the 'stealth' fighter is even more of a real threat than the nuclear ICBM or even the hypersonic missile. The 'stealth' fighter is in the same class as the SSBN or nuclear missile sub.

Your argument ain't that clever, pal.

If you have an ounce of intelligence,...
I have more than an ounce and I have actual military experience to go with it.

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