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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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She might be aspiring for the presidential slot, if Biden is impeached on account of senility. :lol:
All veeps want to be prez. But the problem for KH is that she is too unpopular among the Democrats even worse than Trump was dislike among the Republicans. If Biden is out due to either the 25th or resignation, then KH will be prez by default of succession and her unpopularity will push the odds of a Republican prez over the 50/50 threshold. KH is that bad. Even if somehow Biden survives his four yrs, he will not run for reelection. That leave KH and the Democrats are truly worried. My dislike for Trump is known here, but there is no doubt that the entire Biden administration is filled with incompetent affirmative action losers.
According to Pentagon latest Satellite feed, Russian committed 92% of the force, which mean they had thrown everything in, no more tactical reserve....
I was about to ask you on that figure. How true is it?
Only one sided Western propaganda and disinfo ops is on full swing across the globe led by CNN, SkyNEWS & BBC. The reality is very different, The Russians are moving with controlled pace and up to their plans...

US Senator Lindsay Graham Calling for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin or will loose entire Europe.... this clearly shows what is happening on ground....

Boris Johnson calls for Putin trial for war crime against humanity ....fkrs ...often forget what they have done in Iraq Syria Libya Afghanistan and supporting same crimes in Palestinian Lands.

Let these Ukranians try bravery against American military. They will be shot to bits. The Russians are generally being quite civil.

My stock portfolio is in deep shit due to this war. What you guys think, how will this war span out. Any expert opinion please.
How long it will last and how will it end.

You should take this war as opportunity to realize the wrongness of disparity-spreading and oppression-spreading Capitalist elements like stock markets and the entire artificial needlessness of it all. At immediate personal of the stock market player the losses can cause people to suicide like this Chinese man who jumped into a steel furnace and at a wider societal level and global level the stock markets perpetuate oppression and disparity and non-accessibility to basic human rights which should have been free. Among those who understood this was the Occupy Wall Street movement that started in 2011 in New York's Wall Street area where many of USA's Capitalist organizations are based and then the movement spread to many other places in the Western bloc world. From the wiki about it :
The OWS slogan, "We are the 99%", refers to income and wealth inequality in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population.

It is a village called Isérables and majority of the youth just keep moving to the Urban cities but the village itself has around 1000+ population but normally their could be as high as 50.000 Isérablians spread around the country

Thanks for the interesting information but I must go off-topic and point out the fashion nowadays of using the dot to separate whole numbers ( like you wrote "50.000" instead of "50,000" where there is a comma instead of a dot ). The dot should only be used in fractional numbers ( example, 50.95 ).

Historically the Russian empire was very brutal against the tatars. Tbh they were very brutal against muslims in genral. Something they adopted by empires further west to it.

The Russian language and culture imbibed elements elements from Muslims, whether Tatar or others I don't know. For example, Gorbachev's wife is named Raisa. Now that is a Muslim name usually. And then there is the planned Russian space station called Almaz which means Diamonds in Russian. Now "Diamonds" in Arabic is "Almas". Surely, this imbibing must have been present during the pre-Russian-revolution times. But during the czarist period the Communists became allied with the Tatars who formed their ideas into Islamic Socialism. I quote from my thread from 2016 whose OP is by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha :
Though one can struggle to pinpoint the exact starting point (or points) from where the many ideas that became associated with Islamic Socialism emerged, historians and intellectuals, Sami A. Hanna and Hanif Ramay – who specialised in critiquing and compiling a dialectic history of Islamic Socialism – are of the view that one of the very first expressions of Islamic Socialism appeared in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century.

A movement of Muslim farmers, peasants and petty-bourgeoisie in the Russian state of Tatartan opposed the Russian monarchy but was brutally crushed.

In the early 2oth century, the movement went underground and began working with communist, socialist and social democratic forces operating in Russia to overthrow the monarchy.

The leaders of the Muslim movement, that became to be known as the Waisi began explaining themselves as Islamic Socialists when a leftist revolution broke out against the Russian monarchy in 1906.

During the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that finally toppled and eliminated the Russian monarchy and imposed communist rule in the country, the Waisi fell in with the Bolsheviks and supported Russian revolutionary leader, Vladimir Lenin’s widespread socialist program and policies.

However, after Lenin’s death in 1924, the Waisi began to assert that the Muslim community and its socialism in Tatartan were a separate entity from the Bolshevik communism.

The movement that had formed its own communes became a victim of Stalin’s radical purges of the 1930s and was wiped out.
@dBSPL, please read the above in its full context.
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