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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I was about to ask you on that figure. How true is it?
Saw the feed myself, Russian camp in the 3 staging area is quite empty, I don't believe the people left there are going into the fight, more like they have packed up camp.

Should have said 92% was what the pentagon given, I saw the photo and the camp provided by Pentagon. (My AKO still works, hehe)
On Propaganda war front Russians have failed miserably.... they should have managed it through social media specially on Twitter & FB.

It has become an essential ingredient for any successful military campaign ( Remember , DG-ISPR with his team and thousands of volunteers who were engaging rest of the world after Balakot incident.)
On Propaganda war front Russians have failed miserably.... they should have managed it through social media specially on Twitter & FB.

It has become an essential ingredient for any successful military campaign ( Remember , DG-ISPR with his team and thousands of volunteers who were engaging rest of the world after Balakot incident.)

Not really.. It is not important aspect on the ground example look at IEA.. Ground reality is created by ground forces not image or media
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Another Su34 down?



On Propaganda war front Russians have failed miserably.... they should have managed it through social media specially on Twitter & FB.

It has become an essential ingredient for any successful military campaign ( Remember , DG-ISPR with his team and thousands of volunteers who were engaging rest of the world after Balakot incident.)

But Western social media websites are censoring the Russian support or Russian side of story and are presenting a different narrative. Look at this Twitter trend story I saw just now :
Russia not observing temporary ceasefire as attacks continue on evacuation route

The Russian defence ministry said in a statement that it was declaring a ceasefire and opening "humanitarian corridors" to allow civilians to leave the cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha. But Mariupol deputy mayor Serhiy Orlov told the BBC that "the Russians are continuing to bomb us and use artillery" despite the ceasefire. In a message on Telegram, the city council said fighting was also taking place in the Zaporizhzhia region, where the humanitarian corridor ends.
But there was a vid posted on this thread last night which had Azov Battalion Nazis or people inspired by them attacking civilians fleeing the cities by car. It was a short vid with sudden, ganged-up and brutal violence.
Wait...The US-UK is guilty of losing Ukrainian nukes?
they signed the same document , they made the same promises, they are as guilty as Russia that today neo-Nazis don't have nukes . and it seems you are sad because neo-Nazis don't have nukes and blame Russia for that.
I am so sad...Not.

Am going to give you a critical clue about debating on the internet. When I debate people, I literally have ZERO interests on changing their minds. You are a nobody to me. Your disregard for me do not cause me any anxiety. The truly important people are the uncounted and unknown silent readers out there who wants facts and opinions from all sides. You ignoring me does not take that away from them. Your 'Ignore' list is like toilet paper to me.

Great advice. Am sure this would change a person life if they apply it in to their daily lives. A happy and stress free :)
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they signed the same document , they made the same promises, they are as guilty as Russia that today neo-Nazis don't have nukes . and it seems you are sad because neo-Nazis don't have nukes and blame Russia for that.
If he is sad about neo-nazis not having nuke, we can probably solve that problem by giving them some. No need to blame Russia for that, just saying. :)
I want to ask the members here, what has Russia ever done for Pakistan other than arm India to the teeth with systems they wouldn’t be able to get from any where else? Nuclear subs etc.

They sided with Pakistan on Afghan issues because quite frankly they choose the winning side.

As to arms sales to Pak are almost nil. Used as a leverage against India. S-1 Pantsir was denied (thank god it’s a piece of crap).

We should have atleast retaliated against the S400 sale by sending a couple hundred ATGm and Manpads to Ukraine. Their shelf life is expiring anyways.
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