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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine technically use to be Ottoman country for centuries hence there are still remnants and flavors of the Ottoman present in Ukraine to some form and degree

Turkish-Muslim traces in today's Ukraine date back to before the Ottomans. And in fact, very few of these traces are related to the Ottoman heritage. If you are talking about the Ottoman domination of the Black Sea, the relationship between the Crimean khanate and the Ottoman Empire is as autonomous and special as possible.

However, when this geography was invaded, the Ottomans and today's Turkey received the most immigration. Both the Northwest Black Sea and the Northeast Black Sea. Anatolia became a safe haven in both Tatar exiles and Circassian genocide.
Let us assume that Russian rebels were not the problem before 2014, and it was all Ukraine's fault.

Still, after capturing Crimea, Putin could still put it on the negotiation table if Ukraine agrees for the guarantee of the rights of Russian minorities and staying neutral.

Nevertheless, Putin didn't offer Crimea as a bargaining chip, but went further to support the rebels in other areas of Ukraine too.

And after doing so, if Putin still demands that Ukraine should stay neutral and does not join NATO, then it is not going to happen, while he himself closed the doors for the negotiations through his previous invasions.

Wait are you justifying Russian action or denying it? What is your locus standi? If Putin didn't offer Crimea, does it mean the joker had a bargaining chip(in NATO)? If asking for NATO membership was the right thing then the resultant war and it's destruction must squarely be on the joker! No? Because otherwise NATO would join in like a knight in shining armor...
It means he was grandstanding and playing chicken while having no real card(s) in hand...
It means he brought his state and his peoole from relative freedom to no freedom(at least according to him)... the current standoff is utterly meaningless loss of life and destruction of property rought on by an absolute egomaniac, who can neither protect his peoples freedom, property nor a glorified death!
Instead he's become a damnation and indignation for his people.
Simultaneously, the fallacy of peddling security assurance of Budapest memorandum, a set of refrains and respects, on part of Russia and other guarantors... however, sideswipes completely any form of belligerence... antagonism, chauvinism or adventurism on part of the subject state(s) against guarantor(s)... while conveniently missing the fact that weapons in Ukraine were aimed at The U.S. and not Europe and couldn't be redirected to Russia but regions in far east. So, along with assurance(s), they were compensated.

Now what? What is the end goal? Be an Afghanistan for Russia? Break Russia up in many pieces? Hope NATO will finally realize their calling and join in...?
In fact, one thing seems certain... the supremacism and rampant racism boiling over in Poland, Hungary and Baltics will create a reason for NATO to enact article 5(by them instigating something to force the hand of NATO)... who does what and how it is done is yet to be seen... but remains highly likely.

So, I suggest you keep working on your narrative(s).

Russia declares partial ceasefire to allow humanitarian corridors out of Ukrainian cities​

Russia declared a partial ceasefire on Saturday to allow humanitarian corridors out of Ukrainian cities that have suffered heavy casualties during the deadly invasion that has now entered its 10th day.


Russian state media announced the defence ministry approved the ceasefire to allow civilians to leave Mariupol and Volnovakha. The ceasefire take effect at 9 a.m. Kyiv time, the ministry was quoted as saying.

Mykhailo Podoliak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, confirmed the two cities were preparing for evacuations shortly after the ministry’s announcement.

Turkish-Muslim traces in today's Ukraine date back to before the Ottomans. And in fact, very few of these traces are related to the Ottoman heritage. If you are talking about the Ottoman domination of the Black Sea, the relationship between the Crimean khanate and the Ottoman Empire is as autonomous and special as possible.

However, when this geography was invaded, the Ottomans and today's Turkey received the most immigration. Both the Northwest Black Sea and the Northeast Black Sea. Anatolia became a safe haven in both Tatar exiles and Circassian genocide.

I think majority of it came from the Golden Horde whom also were a sultanate that reign in that territory (Ukraine) for centuries before even the Ottomans came..

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I was just surprised by their surnames.. I find found an entire city in Switzerland claiming to be the Al-Andalus moors and they are correct including their last names but they are not muslims anymore but they were the invaders who settled down

Interesting. Moors in Switzerland. Did they settle down and assimilate into Christianity after Muslims left Europe in 1492 or did they convert before ?

Things like that tend to get overlooked

Well, we have to be careful about that. The Donetsk People's Republic, a now-independent pro-Russian region bordering Ukraine has 4987 Tatars who will be mostly Muslims I will say. I am sure all of them support Russia against Zelensky. It will be same for other current or recently-former parts of Ukraine.
You cannot even produce that agreement, let alone declaring it nullified.

Ukraine was in physical ownership of 1700 Soviet nuclear warheads. Russia was too weak to get them back. Russia seduced/convinced Ukraine to give up the nukes based on a non-legal doc. Ukraine agreed and complied to Russia's wishes. Now Russia is 1700 nuclear warheads more powerful.

And Ukraine is in the wrong?
those 1700 warhead probably reached their EOL years ago
and UK and USA also agreed on that non legal document , so they are also guilty on that matter
Interesting. Moors in Switzerland. Did they settle down and assimilate into Christianity after Muslims left Europe in 1492 or did they convert before ?

They had colonies in the Alps of Switzerland and settlements but after long duration of time they became christians and assimilated but they still have their beautiful dark hair, white skin and exotic look. They aren't plain looking as the other swiss you can sort of recognize them as they have character and presence

Ukraine war: Ukraine can absolutely win against Russia - Blinken​

Published7 hours ago

Media caption,
Watch: Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says the US does not seek regime change in Russia
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told the BBC that he is convinced Ukraine can win its war with Russia.
He could not say how long the conflict would last, but insisted that Ukraine's defeat was not inevitable.
Mr Blinken praised the "extraordinary resilience" of the Ukrainian people.
"If it's the intention of Moscow to try somehow to topple the government and install its own puppet regime, 45 million Ukrainians are going to reject that one way or the other," he said.
The war has already not gone as Russian President Vladimir Putin might have planned, he added.
Stiff resistance by Ukrainian forces continued to hamper Russian advances across the country on the ninth day of the invasion.

In the south, Russian forces captured areas along the Black Sea coast, and the port city of Mariupol remained surrounded. But the governor of Mykolaiv said Russian troops had been driven out of the city.
Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv, in the north, also remained under siege.

Media caption,
Watch: Sarah Rainsford reports from a metro station in Kharkiv where people have been sheltering from attacks
Mr Blinken spoke to BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale after meeting his European Union counterparts in Brussels at the start of a six-day trip to Europe.
He said the international community was committed to doing everything it could to help Ukraine and also to put "excruciating pressure on Russia to end this war of choice that Vladimir Putin started".
Asked if he was convinced Ukraine could win, he said: "Over time, absolutely."
"I can't tell you how long this will go on. I can't tell you how long it will take. But the idea that Russia can subjugate to its will 45 million people who are ardently fighting for their future and their freedom, that does not involve Russia having its thumb on Ukraine, that tells you a lot."


Russia attacks Ukraine: More coverage​


Mr Blinken also said he was concerned about escalation.
"It's something we care about and are focused on because the only thing worse than a war which is contained to Ukraine is one that escalates even further and goes beyond it."
He warned that Russian forces were using "increasingly brutal" methods against civilians in Ukraine, and that there had been tremendous human suffering as a result.
"We're seeing Russia go after critical infrastructure that's denying Ukrainians water, denying them electricity, denying them heat," he said. "Those methods are, unfortunately, tragically, part of the Russian playbook under President Putin. And I think we're likely to see more of that."
Asked if the US would seek a change in Moscow's leadership to bring an end to the invasion, he replied: "We don't seek that, and in any event it's not up to us. The Russian people need to decide their leadership."
"What I would say to the Russian people is: How in the world is this war of aggression... advancing your interests, your needs?" he added.

Map showing areas of Ukraine that are under Russian control

Is this from the same people who said that the Kabul Government of ashraf ghani will not fall so easily to the Afghan to Taliban???... The same source??

Nice... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
The Americans had total dominance for two decades, post Cold War. They had the Petrodollar, the World Bank - IMF Cartel, they had the Credit Ratings Agencies, they had the highest immigrant application pool, they had access to the best minds, the best R&D on the planet, they were unchallenged and had no Peer Nation that could match America's military and economic power.

Yet, despite all of this, as the facts on the ground are in black and white .... it is the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China who have researched, designed, developed and operationally deployed hypersonic weapons and NOT America.
The X-15 was a hypersonic vehicle. Before the Soviet Union and China had any.

What this proves is that for the first time in nearly a century, the East has gained technological superiority over the West. That the Russian Federation has the ability to stop any military force against it, in their tracks.
This is why anyone with intelligence should not take you seriously. You now think that a single weapon platform can make a country militarily superior over everyone else. I hope Pakistani military leadership is filled with people like you.
They had colonies in the Alps of Switzerland and settlements but after long duration of time they became christians and assimilated but they still have their beautiful dark hair, white skin and exotic look. They aren't plain looking as the other swiss you can sort of recognize them as they have character and presence

Any famous ones from them to find more info ? Which city is this ?
This nazi stuff is just Russian propaganda, its a little odd as you say. Russia basically has no real argument to attack so they invent this nonsense.

There are neo nazis in Ukraine and in Russia. Its a fringe ideology. Its also a way to hype up young guys for a very difficult war.

Nazis dd not hate slavs, they kind fo thought them to be inferior to the Germans, and in many respects we are. I am a slav. We often talk about how we can be more like germans. When germans invaded Russia they were shocked at the living conditions and lack of toilets etc.

Also germans liberated many slavs from a genocide and mass murder being committed by the Soviets. This was the case in Ukraine so they will have some nazi sympathies, All my family survived nazi occupation. They were only quite bad to the jews and gypsies.

Anyway this nazi stuff is just a Russian smokescreen.

TBH, I had a Bosnian girlfriend for a time, knew her parents, brothers and the sister and even her cousins, uncles, autns etc bc of family parties.
They were very secular, culture-"muslims" aka drinking, Haramlevel red, only no pork eating. :D
NON of them looked like eastern mongolic roots slavic (Putin moonface).
ALL looked more or less like Western European ergo - "German".
And I know - and thanks for the clarification - that many so called slavs were not really treated like described by Nazi propaganda.
You know, Felix Steiner, one of the main architects for the Waffen-SS had Armenians in his HQ working and allowed his soldiers to marry Ukrainian women.
But THERE are Neo-Nazis in Ukraine AND Russia.
Look at Wagner, they are often really "modern-right-wingers" who make Nazi signs in Mosques in Libya or killing Middle Easterns/Negroids even they are on their own side but did something where they are calling a traitor.

So Putins adventure is NOT because of
and because there are already 2 NATO states on Russias border NOT because of
"NATO" too near on border, especially if he takes over WHOLE Ukraine he will have even many MORE NATO countries on HIS (new) border. :D
But when he takes only western/middle part of Ukraine, he will have a buffer state in which partisan warfare will be rampant and weapons will go in, like Turkey/Syria as an example.
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Interesting. Moors in Switzerland. Did they settle down and assimilate into Christianity after Muslims left Europe in 1492 or did they convert before ?

The most widely less talked about is that there has been a moor colony on Island all tho short period of time perhaps couple of years and they just left due to the land being useless for economical growth and to cold..
The US did not invade Cuba and the Soviet Union PEACEFULLY removed the missiles after negotiations.

The Cuban Missile Crisis actually supports our argument. Yes, we did pressured Cuba to the extent that we did a naval blockade on the island. But at the same time, we negotiated with the Soviet Union on how to resolve the crisis PEACEFULLY. In the end, we left Cuba alone to this day. Whereas, Russia seduced/convinced Ukraine to give up nuclear weapons in exchange for sovereignty. All parties worked peacefully. Now Russia invaded Ukraine because Poutine wanted to make a name in Russian history. Not because of perceived NATO threat.
you only sent your navy block ships bound for Cuba and nicely and peacefully negotiated with USSR that you start WW3 if those missile somehow reach Cuba and you sank those ships bound for Cuba

and I wonder how 500 time trying to assassinating Castro is considered leaving alone
how sending terrorists there to attack tourists is considering leaving them alone wonder if you guys that there is a Governmental organization in your country called CIA
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