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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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US: Ukraine has ‘significant majority’ of its military aircraft​

NATO rules out ‘no-fly’ zone as Russian forces threaten Kyiv and Odesa, bombard cities of Mariupol and Kherson.

Wreckage of a Russian Air Force combat fighter

Wreckage of a Russian Air Force combat fighter is seen in a field outside the town of Volnovakha in the Donetsk region [Ukraine Joint Forces Operation/Handout via Reuters]
Published On 4 Mar 20224 Mar 2022
Ukraine still has a “significant majority” of its military aircraft available nine days after Russian forces started their invasion of the country, a United States defence official told the Reuters news service on Friday.
Vastly outmatched by Russia’s military in terms of numbers and firepower, the fact that Ukraine’s own air force is still flying and its air defenses are still deemed to be viable has surprised military experts.
I don't agree.

Putin closed all the doors for Ukraine to stay neutral by occupying the Crimea.

Still today, Putin didn't put Crimea on the negotiation table i.e. if Ukraine becomes neutral, then Russia will return the Crimea.

Therefore, it is Putin who pushed Ukraine towards NATO for their defense.

In simple words, till the time Putin does not put Crimea on the negotiation table for peace, till that time it is impossible for Ukrainians to become a neutral state.

And Zelensky is not a puppet in the present situation, while MAJORITY of Ukrainians are opposing Putin and majority of them want to join NATO.
putin took crimea in 2014, Nato and Ukraine talks started in 2008 onwards.. I do not agree with your analysis.,
It is much more reasonable to discuss the annexation of California and negotiate its return to Mexico than to discuss the secession of Crimea, which has been Russia for centuries, but apparently someone is defending an internal administrative decision of the USSR in 1954.
When I was in Afghanistan, there was this upper echelon CIA station guy who saw the curtain come down, we would talked to him and he have some crazy account how his team is tasked to recover unaccounted for Soviet Nuke by any mean necessary, and he told us that they were actually working with the KGB on that. A lot of crazy story I have heard.......
I have no doubt on that...

You mention that members of the Russian military have actually sold weapons to the men they’re fighting in Chechnya. And you suggest that corrupt soldiers could be one channel through which nuclear material could get into the hands of small-time hustlers, or even terrorists. Selling any kind of weapon to one's enemy seems like a surpassingly stupid thing for a military person to do, but selling nuclear material to terrorists would seem to go beyond mere corruption. How likely is that scenario?
We do know that it was a widespread practice during the Chechen wars that Russian officers—or soldiers, or conscripts, and generals even—were selling weapons, tanks, all sorts of equipment to the Chechen separatists. It was simply a function of the fact that the country was in disarray. The sense of national purpose had been lost. And the Russian military lived extremely poorly. Even officers were paid a pittance, although that’s been improving recently. The rank and file didn’t believe in the war in Chechnya. They preferred to make a buck and sell their weapons. So it was a very widespread practice.​
Does that mean that there are elements within the Russian security or military services that would actually engage in peddling weapons-grade nuclear material to terrorists? The answer is, we don’t know. But it’s certainly not beyond the realm of imagination.​
Back then, the idea that the former Soviet states were selling military hardware for cash was something in James Bond movies, or so I thought. But after '02 when we were enlightened as to what transpired back in '92, I took the idea seriously. I have always believed that small arms or maybe a truck were sold, but a tank, and now, whole nuclear weapons?

Private to chiefs: small arms
Lts to Capt: trucks
Maj to Col: tanks
Gen/Adm: nukes?
The war in Ukraine marks the point of maximum extension of the Anglo-Empire 2.0, which we can also call the Biblical-Roman Empire

We can now summarise the history of this deadly empire and its cult of war

(1846-1920): Wall Street Wars
(1945-1991): Where Adolf left off Washington picked up: Adolf War 2
(1991-2021): Ziocon Wars
There's a '40 mile' convoy spread out north of Kiev that has not been attacked for days.
Apparently it was attacked. The convoys lead vehicles were struck using artillery, which has further stopped it's advance.


(1) Crimea is Russia before California, Texas, Nevada was USA

(2) Ukraine seceded from the USSR after a referendum, and Crimea seceded from Ukraine after a referendum

Enough of flooding this thread with propaganda.
Crimea was Ottoman before Russia.

Your entire comment makes no sense.
We do know that it was a widespread practice during the Chechen wars that Russian officers—or soldiers, or conscripts, and generals even—were selling weapons, tanks, all sorts of equipment to the Chechen separatists. It was simply a function of the fact that the country was in disarray. The sense of national purpose had been lost. And the Russian military lived extremely poorly. Even officers were paid a pittance, although that’s been improving recently. The rank and file didn’t believe in the war in Chechnya. They preferred to make a buck and sell their weapons. So it was a very widespread practice.​
Make of this what you will, but those practices still persist today in the Russian military (and the PLA as well). There is a theory doing the rounds that Putins generals didn't think Putin was going to actually invade Ukraine until shortly before the order was given. Consequently, field commanders were selling fuel and other supplies to the locals, which has contributed to the logistical problems and poor maintenance of vehicles and equipment currently being observed.
What an ignorant remark... you believe Taiwan people speak Cantonese?
I didn’t say they speak Cantonese, I said they are more different than Beijing Chinese than Russians are to Ukranians.

On top of that I also say, accurately that Cantonese and mandarin are more different than Bosnian and russian.

Which brings into question the concept of Han Chinese being one United group. I say the term is no more accurate to describe a population than the term “white European”

Ukraine war: Ukraine can absolutely win against Russia - Blinken​

Published7 hours ago

Media caption,
Watch: Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says the US does not seek regime change in Russia
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told the BBC that he is convinced Ukraine can win its war with Russia.
He could not say how long the conflict would last, but insisted that Ukraine's defeat was not inevitable.
Mr Blinken praised the "extraordinary resilience" of the Ukrainian people.
"If it's the intention of Moscow to try somehow to topple the government and install its own puppet regime, 45 million Ukrainians are going to reject that one way or the other," he said.
The war has already not gone as Russian President Vladimir Putin might have planned, he added.
Stiff resistance by Ukrainian forces continued to hamper Russian advances across the country on the ninth day of the invasion.

In the south, Russian forces captured areas along the Black Sea coast, and the port city of Mariupol remained surrounded. But the governor of Mykolaiv said Russian troops had been driven out of the city.
Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv, in the north, also remained under siege.

Media caption,
Watch: Sarah Rainsford reports from a metro station in Kharkiv where people have been sheltering from attacks
Mr Blinken spoke to BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale after meeting his European Union counterparts in Brussels at the start of a six-day trip to Europe.
He said the international community was committed to doing everything it could to help Ukraine and also to put "excruciating pressure on Russia to end this war of choice that Vladimir Putin started".
Asked if he was convinced Ukraine could win, he said: "Over time, absolutely."
"I can't tell you how long this will go on. I can't tell you how long it will take. But the idea that Russia can subjugate to its will 45 million people who are ardently fighting for their future and their freedom, that does not involve Russia having its thumb on Ukraine, that tells you a lot."


Russia attacks Ukraine: More coverage​


Mr Blinken also said he was concerned about escalation.
"It's something we care about and are focused on because the only thing worse than a war which is contained to Ukraine is one that escalates even further and goes beyond it."
He warned that Russian forces were using "increasingly brutal" methods against civilians in Ukraine, and that there had been tremendous human suffering as a result.
"We're seeing Russia go after critical infrastructure that's denying Ukrainians water, denying them electricity, denying them heat," he said. "Those methods are, unfortunately, tragically, part of the Russian playbook under President Putin. And I think we're likely to see more of that."
Asked if the US would seek a change in Moscow's leadership to bring an end to the invasion, he replied: "We don't seek that, and in any event it's not up to us. The Russian people need to decide their leadership."
"What I would say to the Russian people is: How in the world is this war of aggression... advancing your interests, your needs?" he added.

Map showing areas of Ukraine that are under Russian control
Sounds like misdirection or a distraction or a excuse not to send any USA forces to Ukraine.
The cruelty of Anglo-Empire 2.0 towards Ukraine is striking.

The State Department knew perfectly well that Ukraine was divided into two camps, and that is precisely why it provoked a civil war. "Ukraine" means "border", "borderlands", and one part is Polish-Ukrainian and another part is Russian-Ukrainian.

They filled their heads with promises, lies and fantasies, to use them as pawns and cannon fodder. As if impoverished Ukraine could magically become Denmark or Norway as long as they hated the Russians a lot, killed Russians on the Don, and were very obedient to the Master in Washington.
Try to say anything against Jews and you'll lose your job very quickly and be turned into an outcast. Today this protection extends to the LGTBQ community and some other groups. The only group regarding whom free speech is allowed is Muslims. All kinds of abuse of Muslims is protected by freedom of speech laws.

What you are telling is appearent for anyone who lives outside of America, and probably even for those who live inside America too. Gambit have to admit that America does not have freedom of speech in many areas, he can choose to ignore it but its only for the sake of being willfully ignorant.
What does this prove?

In regarding weapons development and deployment, here is my take on it...

The Americans had total dominance for two decades, post Cold War. They had the Petrodollar, the World Bank - IMF Cartel, they had the Credit Ratings Agencies, they had the highest immigrant application pool, they had access to the best minds, the best R&D on the planet, they were unchallenged and had no Peer Nation that could match America's military and economic power.

Yet, despite all of this, as the facts on the ground are in black and white .... it is the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China who have researched, designed, developed and operationally deployed hypersonic weapons and NOT America.

What this proves is that for the first time in nearly a century, the East has gained technological superiority over the West. That the Russian Federation has the ability to stop any military force against it, in their tracks.
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