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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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@SIPRA, can you present a simple ( for me ) couplet of Faiz, or perhaps you know one of Mashal, that is connected with revolutionary thought including recognizing disparities and wrongs ?

A part of poem, by Faiz Sahib:

"Ja baja biktay huye koocha o baazaar main jism
Khaak main lithrhay huye, khoon main nehlaaye huye
Laut jaati hae udhar ko bhi nazar, keya kijiye
Ab bhi dilkash hae taira husn, magar keya kijiye"

"Aaj bhi Sipra, uss ki khushboo mill maalik lay jaata hae
Man loyay ki naaf say paeda, jo kasturi karta hoon"
(Tanvir Sipra)

Ukraine is the final delirium of our colossal and deadly empire

The terror suffered by the Ukrainians at the hands of the Bolsheviks and the terror suffered by the Yiddish people at the hands of the Ukrainians ...

... Now it becomes the nostalgics of the 14th Waffen SS encouraged by the State Department where the four main positions are grandchildren of Ukrainians, Russians and Poles ... and financed by a clan of "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan" where several Russian-Polish-Ukrainian terrorist groups succeeded
It is funny though that eastern Ukraine,where there's a large chunk of russian speaking people (and reportedly lot of people favorable to Russia...) hasn't rapidly fallen or massive uprisings happened supporting Russia.... Kharkiv is still standing and Ukrainians are fighting hard for this town.... so it was all BS ?

Ukraine can absolutely win against Russia - Blinken​

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told the BBC that he is convinced Ukraine can win its war with Russia.
He could not say how long the conflict would last, but insisted that Ukraine's defeat was not inevitable.
Mr Blinken praised the "extraordinary resilience" of the Ukrainian people.

"If it's the intention of Moscow to try somehow to topple the government and install its own puppet regime, 45 million Ukrainians are going to reject that one way or the other," he said.

The war has already not gone as Russian President Vladimir Putin might have planned, he added.
Stiff resistance by Ukrainian forces continued to hamper Russian advances across the country on the ninth day of the invasion.

Mr Blinken spoke to BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale after meeting his European Union counterparts in Brussels at the start of a six-day trip to Europe.

He said the international community was committed to doing everything it could to help Ukraine and also to put "excruciating pressure on Russia to end this war of choice that Vladimir Putin started".
Asked if he was convinced Ukraine could win, he said: "Over time, absolutely."
"I can't tell you how long this will go on. I can't tell you how long it will take. But the idea that Russia can subjugate to its will 45 million people who are ardently fighting for their future and their freedom, that does not involve Russia having its thumb on Ukraine, that tells you a lot."

Civvies should avoid standing near radars. There is a risk of cancer.
On top of that I also say, accurately that Cantonese and mandarin are more different than Bosnian and russian.
over a billion people in this world speak Englishi, but it doesn't mean they are kins, it's the blood, not languages or dialects, even small Britian has many mutually unintelligible local dialects let alone continetal size country China.
Putin is a very calculating fox, let's see how it plays out. Russians think it is going to plan, not sure whose plan.
Quran 08:30


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Jinjer is a famous Ukrainian band.. Most of them have Muslim sounding last names and probably muslims by hertige.


Eugene Abdukhanov, the bassist of Ukrainian metal band Jinjer, has shared a video message from the band's YouTube account in which he condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine and asks for support from metalheads worldwide. You can watch the full video below.

Russia began a large-scale military attack on Ukraine, which is the country's southern border, on Thursday morning. There were reports of Russian attacks on Ukrainian military infrastructure across the country, with Russian convoys entering from all directions, as ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

United States President Joe Biden has accused Putin of choosing to carry out "a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering." For a full explanation of what is unfolding, as well as live updates on the conflict, go here.

"Hello, the whole world," Abdukhanov begins (as transcribed by Blabbermouth). "I'm speaking to you from Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, which is now under the siege of Russian troops. It's five o'clock in the afternoon [on] Saturday."

He went on to say that all members of Jinjer currently in Kyiv are "relatively safe and O.K., as much as it is possible during these dark days."

He continues, "We appreciate all of our fans worldwide for showing the solidarity with us and our country for opposing the barbarism of war which was started by Putin here in Ukraine on the 24th of February.

"I would like to speak to all the people of the civilized world, all our fans, all music fans, all metalheads worldwide, no matter where you're from, especially if you're from Russia," he continued. "This war cannot be justified by anything, no matter what propaganda says. No one deserves what we are going through now here in Ukraine. The innocent people of Ukraine are suffering. I'm not talking about politicians; I'm not talking about our government. The innocent people of our country are suffering… All the people of Kyiv are spending their days and nights in the shelters in basements. Children are spending their days and nights in the shelters. They are scared. They don't have proper food. They don't have enough water. They don't have any comfort. Do they deserve this?"

Read More: Jinjer Condemn Russia's Invasion of Ukraine | https://loudwire.com/jinjer-condemn...witter&utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral


Ukraine technically use to be Ottoman country for centuries hence there are still remnants and flavors of the Ottoman present in Ukraine to some form and degree
Close, but not quite.

You said so yourself that Islam put situational constraints on speech because of certain VIRTUES. Am not going to challenge that aspect of your religion.

What is a 'virtue'? What we casually use the word 'virtue' is actually something that is desirable. For example, having a family is desirable, so a family is VIRTUOUS, meaning what we should aspire to have. A truth or fact is not a 'virtue' but being truthful and factual is VIRTUOUS. Am not being pedantic but the difference is critical to remove misunderstanding.

The difference between what Islam teaches to desire and what the US Constitution say is that the US Constitution have literally no constraint. The First Amendment simply say:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.​
The First says nothing about what are desirable or VIRTUOUS traits, behaviors, customs, or situations. The First simply forbid Congress to make any law that restrict speech.

Now, if you want to make such a law, then you must descent down one level, the practical or situational level, and justify why you must restrict speech based only on this situation. You cannot yell 'Fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire, that is the law. But if you are in the middle of the ocean, then yell 'Fire' all you want. The law say nothing about the latter situation, so it is implicit that you are allowed to yell 'Fire' if you are alone in the middle of the ocean.

This 'virtue' or 'virtuous' based misunderstanding of the First Amendment is why so many people make flawed criticisms and comparisons to their current beliefs.
The word virtue was thrown out but more precisely Islam believes in god given sacred rights - the Arabic term is “hurumaat”. Actually the underpinning of the US system borrowed this idea from Islam and it’s maqasid as shariah - loose translation purpose of law.

In Islamic law, the 4 Sunni schools in general provide for 5 specific categories of sacred rights under 3 general categories - life, liberty and social-economic, sound familiar?
Must read thread by Kamil Galaev

Russian economy is super fragile. It's critically dependent upon the:

1. Export of natural resources
2. Technological import

It has always been so. That's why Russia could never win a major war without massive economic help of the West. Without Western allies Russia's doomed.

Thread focuses on solid reasons for this.
Must read thread by Kamil Galaev

Russian economy is super fragile. It's critically dependent upon the:

1. Export of natural resources
2. Technological import

It has always been so. That's why Russia could never win a major war without massive economic help of the West. Without Western allies Russia's doomed

We see Germany , but don't see Russia

depend on trade.jpeg
And what's your point ?

I was just surprised by their surnames.. I also found an entire city in Switzerland claiming to be the Al-Andalus moors and they are correct including their last names but they are not muslims anymore but they were the invaders who settled down.. Things like that are obviously interesting
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