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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Interesting point of view! Former senior adviser to secretary of defense, Col. Doug McGregor, on Fox News:

I will ask you the same question?

Let's for the sake of argument we analyse the current events, had ukraine took negotiations seriously this war would have never happened. Now the 2 independent republics are off the table as well. ( Remember Putin called for neutrality ( a solid agreement) but Ukraine rejected it that forced Russia to accept the independence of these republics.

Had Ukraine not get involved in geostrategic western agenda before they would have crimea with them as well. Now its gone for good.

The sooner the sense prevails the less Ukraine will loose. The West wants Ukraine to be an Afghanistan for Russia.

Now it is argument of blood, prestige and trust, so that territory is lost.

What ones point of view about this conflict differs is just between

1) Either one pursues western ( US/UK) agenda and uses loss of lives of Ukrainians as a cover up. The ones advocating for the puppet that destroyed his country and only intends to prolong the war.


2) Genuinely cares for the lives lost and wants this to end with minimum loss to Ukraine.

You can easily filter out who's agenda is what from their comments.

Perhaps you are not realizing, but your argument is based only upon "Might is Right". And your suggestion is to lay down weapons to the "Blackmailing".
And if you reject the blackmailing, they you blame the victim to be the traitor and agent of West (which make the majority of Ukrainians to be the agents of west).
Your recipe is only to become a slave of Putin in order to save their life. Otherwise, you put the loss of lives upon the victims and not upon the aggressor.

It would be same if someone suggest Pakistan to give away the Kashmir to India, while India has more might, and Pakistan has become bank-corrupt due to these clashes and wars with India. And Pakistan is only fighting due to its false ego ..... etc. etc. etc.

Please don't be angry after hearing these suggestions about Pakistan. It is the same with the Ukrainians when such suggestions are given to them and they also become angry upon it.
Couldn’t agree more, the main this is that he’s given his people someone to rally around and that is commendable.

Also his last appeal to Putin in TV felt sincere.
He is got is country invaded as a result of his poor diplomacy. He reminds of UK's Tommy Robinson another extremist who jumped on the cheap nationalist bandwagon. Getting your country destroyed and your people conquered is nothing to be proud of.
Lmao at indian viral fake news as they were claiming russia would declare ceasefire to escort Indians but their minister denies this news as made news

These Indians failed to evecuate when other nations pulled out their citizens no need for fake news you gotta make way for yourself
His father is but that means he was born into privilege

In Pakistan all these socialist clowns are just NED backed puppets with no roots among the actual working class

She too is one of those NED clowns
Sadly due to Pakistan being a democratic country we really cant do anything about it

They were disposed off
My question is this: what is PM Imran Khan doing about it?
There was an insurgency in Ukraine for the last 8 years. What were the American mercenaries doing in Ukraine or on the opposite side who was supporting the now independent republics.

Coming to insurgency alot of it depends on the West aswell ( specifically the Anglo block). This will keep the Europe hooked and serve their purpose in this regard.

Any insurgency will not only affect Russia but also Europe. Its in neither of their interests, most of all common folk in Ukraine.

How do you put the blame of insurgency upon the West? They didn't annexed Crimea, but it was Putin who did it, and never offered back Crimean on the negotiation table for peace and neutrality of Ukraine.

This annexation is the cause that Zelensky came to power, and this is the cause that Ukraine wanted to join NATO.

Your problem is this that you are asking only and only from Ukraine, but demanding nothing from Putin.

Putin closed the doors of any negotiation, and peace, and end of surgency by annexing Crimea, and then making more and more demands from Ukraine instead of solving the problem of his illegal annexation.
Combine these 2 tweets and anyone with basic IQ will understand the war..

(the video lays it bare)

The assessment was spot on. Just that CIA saw it as an opportunity and flamed it for its strategic interests. Everything mentioned in 2008 happened, from ethnic cleansing to civil war to Russia ukraine war. Each word has come true.
I am not saying that the Russia (Putin) is going to change the world order. He is in for some pain as a result of the war. However, these sanctions are double edged. Russia which up to this point has been pretty tame will now seek to flex muscles elsewhere. Whether those muscles are strong enough is a different matter.

It may be the opposite. If Putin wins it without any serious consequences, then it will be a green light for him to invade other lands. It will also encourage then China to attack Taiwan. It will then encourage all the mightier powers to attack the neighboring weaker countries and impose their demands.

Basically, the west cornered him and he reacted. Simple as that. There is no one else to blame but the west for their miscalculation of Putin.

Basically, Putin cornered himself by annexing Crimea previously, and then never putting Crimean upon the negotiation table as bargaining chip for peace and neutrality of Ukraine.

It is exactly the same that Pakistan denied any peace solution with India without the freedom of Kashmir.
His father is but that means he was born into privilege

He may have been born into privilege but you should applaud him because he is using that privilege ( money and network ) towards progressive causes. It's not like that he has built a two billion dollar 27-storey "house" and kept 168 cars there like Mukesh Ambani did and he ( Ammar ) goes on three hajjs every five years to collect divine points for himself while the society surrounding him suffers and he doesn't care. :)

In Pakistan all these socialist clowns are just NED backed puppets with no roots among the actual working class

The "Leather Jacket Girl" Arooj Aurangezb and her Socialist comrades certainly are not NED agents. Please watch this nice interview of hers and of her comrades from 2019. The event from which they because famous, Faiz Mela, celebrates Faiz Ahmed Faiz who was also a Socialist who in 1951 was involved in an attempt in bringing Socialist governance in Pakistan. Would you call Faiz a NED agent too ? On the contrary he received the Lenin Peace Prize. And Arooj's group's inspirations included the late Mashal Khan who was lynched in Pakistan in 2017 by a mob of mullah-minds and it is such mullah-minds who are the real agents of Western governments and are the first ones to stone Aurat March.

@SIPRA, can you present a simple ( for me ) couplet of Faiz, or perhaps you know one of Mashal, that is connected with revolutionary thought including recognizing disparities and wrongs ?

She too is one of those NED clowns
Sadly due to Pakistan being a democratic country we really cant do anything about it

Hmm, she then is one of the co-opted ones who may be good of heart but doesn't see she is being used.

They were disposed off

You mean the Jewish woman was used to divide the march ? And the article condemns Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam movement which was supposed to provide security to the march. Farrakhan was one of the few Western bloc people to support Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya in 2011 when the Western governments used crooks and crooked methods to invade Libya.

It’s what the USA calculated is in its best interests. And it can get away with it

Yes, tragedy it is because it can get away with it. The minds of a lot of the world's masses can be so easily controlled by Western government false propaganda.

But USA governments should really be seeing that its best interests are in the welfare of its citizens and in seeing a progressive and peaceful world and peace in the world until now is what USA governments have not been doing. USA's own citizens are miserable in ways big and small while the two-party-cycle USA governments invade other countries to install fake democracy and oppression.

If post Soviet Russia wants to play that game it is welcome. We will see how that work out for them.

Can you elaborate ?

Ukraine war: Ukraine can absolutely win against Russia - Blinken​

Published7 hours ago

Media caption,
Watch: Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says the US does not seek regime change in Russia
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told the BBC that he is convinced Ukraine can win its war with Russia.
He could not say how long the conflict would last, but insisted that Ukraine's defeat was not inevitable.
Mr Blinken praised the "extraordinary resilience" of the Ukrainian people.
"If it's the intention of Moscow to try somehow to topple the government and install its own puppet regime, 45 million Ukrainians are going to reject that one way or the other," he said.
The war has already not gone as Russian President Vladimir Putin might have planned, he added.
Stiff resistance by Ukrainian forces continued to hamper Russian advances across the country on the ninth day of the invasion.

In the south, Russian forces captured areas along the Black Sea coast, and the port city of Mariupol remained surrounded. But the governor of Mykolaiv said Russian troops had been driven out of the city.
Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv, in the north, also remained under siege.

Media caption,
Watch: Sarah Rainsford reports from a metro station in Kharkiv where people have been sheltering from attacks
Mr Blinken spoke to BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale after meeting his European Union counterparts in Brussels at the start of a six-day trip to Europe.
He said the international community was committed to doing everything it could to help Ukraine and also to put "excruciating pressure on Russia to end this war of choice that Vladimir Putin started".
Asked if he was convinced Ukraine could win, he said: "Over time, absolutely."
"I can't tell you how long this will go on. I can't tell you how long it will take. But the idea that Russia can subjugate to its will 45 million people who are ardently fighting for their future and their freedom, that does not involve Russia having its thumb on Ukraine, that tells you a lot."


Russia attacks Ukraine: More coverage​


Mr Blinken also said he was concerned about escalation.
"It's something we care about and are focused on because the only thing worse than a war which is contained to Ukraine is one that escalates even further and goes beyond it."
He warned that Russian forces were using "increasingly brutal" methods against civilians in Ukraine, and that there had been tremendous human suffering as a result.
"We're seeing Russia go after critical infrastructure that's denying Ukrainians water, denying them electricity, denying them heat," he said. "Those methods are, unfortunately, tragically, part of the Russian playbook under President Putin. And I think we're likely to see more of that."
Asked if the US would seek a change in Moscow's leadership to bring an end to the invasion, he replied: "We don't seek that, and in any event it's not up to us. The Russian people need to decide their leadership."
"What I would say to the Russian people is: How in the world is this war of aggression... advancing your interests, your needs?" he added.

Map showing areas of Ukraine that are under Russian control
You mean the Israelis had 0.1second to decide whether or not to carry out their premeditated missile strike at a journalism hq? Also who else gets this special benefit of a doubt? What if the Russians kill a journalist?
No, I mean what I have always say on this forum: Do not jump to conclusion. But again, as I often said, I do not debate people to change their minds but to present an alternative viewpoint to the many unknown silent readers out there. Is it too much to wait for some more details, even incomplete details? You do not have to answer. That was a rhetorical question. The image I posted is evident enough that in the heat of combat, it is not always clear on what you see, or what you think you saw when you finally have time to rest and reflect. Embedded journalists, aka 'embeds', know the dangers of what they do, which includes being mistaken for an enemy soldier. I met a couple from Desert Storm.
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