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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Well, less hostile is one thing, whether or not they will raise an insurgency is another. I mean, do you think Eastern Ukraine will be spare if Western Ukraine decided to raise an insurgence? Look back at Afghanistan, not all of the Province are hostile to NATO force, but they engage insurgency with Taliban either way, either they are forced to do it, or they are into the clause, either way, just because Eastern Ukraine are more "Forgiving" than the western part does not mean the entire country will not suffer some degree of hard core insurgency...

And insurgency is bad for Russia in a long term.

There was an insurgency in Ukraine for the last 8 years. What were the American mercenaries doing in Ukraine or on the opposite side who was supporting the now independent republics.

Coming to insurgency alot of it depends on the West aswell ( specifically the Anglo block). This will keep the Europe hooked and serve their purpose in this regard.

Any insurgency will not only affect Russia but also Europe. Its in neither of their interests, most of all common folk in Ukraine.
Shooting White journalist --> Bad

Shooting Brown Journalist --> Good

Let us not jump to conclusion.

You have .1 second to shoot or no shoot.


In that .1 second, your blood pressure is elevated, high on adrenaline to the point of vomiting, some hearing loss and ears ringing, physically stressed from carrying a heavy load as well as tired from running, and your vision is degraded from smoke or dust or rain or tears or even blood.

Shoot or no shoot.
Let us not jump to conclusion.

You have .1 second to shoot or no shoot.


In that .1 second, your blood pressure is elevated, high on adrenaline to the point of vomiting, some hearing loss and ears ringing, physically stressed from carrying a heavy load as well as tired from running, and your vision is degraded from smoke or dust or rain or tears or even blood.

Shoot or no shoot.

You mean the Israelis had 0.1second to decide whether or not to carry out their premeditated missile strike at a journalism hq? Also who else gets this special benefit of a doubt? What if the Russians kill a journalist?
There was an insurgency in Ukraine for the last 8 years. What were the American mercenaries doing in Ukraine or on the opposite side who was supporting the now independent republics.

Coming to insurgency alot of it depends on the West aswell ( specifically the Anglo block). This will keep the Europe hooked and serve their purpose in this regard.

Any insurgency will not only affect Russia but also Europe. Its in neither of their interests, most of all common folk in Ukraine.
Problem is, neither NATO or EU or Russia can stop an insurgency from coming,

Again, this is no longer about NATO or EU anymore, once Russia uses unrestricted warfare, that is where there are no return for the Ukrainian. It's one thing for normal everyday Ukrainian to hold a cordial view with Russia, another thing when they started bombing your home.

And as I stated, this is going to be bad for Russia, especially it would be EU who is financing the Insurgency. Problem is, EU is in a financial position to support an Ukrainian insurgency. but Russia is not so much.
From Amar ALi Jan owner of billion rs Nayab Garden real estate to western puppet Nighat Dad its full of fifth columnists

1. Amar Ali Jan ? You mean Ammar Ali Jan who is a male progressive activist ? Is he owner of Nayab Garden Real Estate ? If so he will be among a few rich people who have empathy. It has happened before that revolutionaries, revolutions and progressive activism have had rich backers. Karl Marx himself had his friend and comrade Friedrich Engels who contributed to the cause through his wealthy father and there was another wealthy helper, Lion Philips. And Ammar himself is an activist too.

2. Nighat Dad's wiki says she has been involved in various women's causes including helping divorced women get custody of their children and campaigning against acid attack. What's wrong with that ?

There was a woman march in US that was mainly used to pressurize Trump but as soon as it became critical of Israel

You didn't complete the sentence. :)

What/who is preventing Cuba or NKR from trying to convince their ideas are superior to the America idea? Do they not have newspaper? Printing? Writing? Technical experts?

Before the 2011 invasion of Libya the Green Book which was the basis of Libya's Communist-Socialist political and socio-economic system called Jamahiriya, that book had been printed in paper form in various European languages and also I think in Russian and of course Arabic and available in various places. From the wiki about it :
The book caused a scandal in 1987, when West German ice hockey club ECD Iserlohn, led by Heinz Weifenbach, signed a US$900,000 advertising deal for the book.[14]

On a 2008 visit to Libya it was reported by Libyan state media that Bolivian President Evo Morales remarked "I read the Green Book, studied it and I am enthusiastic about the thinking spelled out in the Green Book"
I will ask you to read the Green Book in its website copy on marxists.org. It is an advancement of the previous progressive left-wing ideas and is written in simple language. A marvelous work. The political system derived from it is what traditional Communism had as one of its desires - true democracy - through direct democracy attached to a progressive socio-economic framework. Please read this post of mine on origin of democracy and what it is, what not, and an article quoted in it about Libya's application of it.

The US is not perfect. Never said we are perfect. But the US is a great country and the American people is a great people. You do not have to be perfect in order to be great. In fact, if you are perfect you cannot be great because 'greatness' imply you exceeded an expectation or jumped over a bar that is beyond most reach. Perfection is the nth standard that no one can reach. So when people looks at the America idea, they do not see perfection but only greatness, so many of them booked the next liner passage to America. In the end, YOU lose this contest of ideas.

If USA is not perfect what was the point of those countless invasions, sabotages, subversions, sanctions and assassinations done by it since the end of World War 2 in its attempt to impose its own "perfect" system upon the world ? Why does the USA government maintain a huge invasions-oriented military - its own and of its allies ?
Probably not 1700. But...

The Soviet Union collapsed in Dec '91. One night in Aug '92, we just completed some night air refuel training and waiting for four crews to land and that would the end of the shift. I can still remember that night. At about 2200, the wing king called down and effectively shut down all four squadrons' ramps. Not the runway. Just the squadrons' areas. We were told to get off the flightline and no one was to get out until the wing king himself said clear. Then we saw the cops ran all over the place and it looked like they called up even the off duty guys. The next thing shocked the shit out of all of us: They turned off all the stadium lights. The flightline was all dark. We can barely make out any shape from the lights from the rest of the base.

Then we all heard the distinctive whine of a C-5. Any AF guy or gal who have been on the flightline long enough would learn to know that whine. That C-5 taxied all the way to one end of the flightline that was no longer in use. I know that area because the base allowed the local SCCA club to use for racing and I was in that club racing my IROC-Z Camaro. Then a chain of fuel trucks ran out and for a couple hrs they refueled and do whatever some things to that C-5. That C-5 never shut off its engines. Then the C-5 taxied out and took off. Then they turned back on the stadium lights and allowed us to return to regular duties on the flightline.

For yrs, in our reunions and over beers and pizzas we occasionally speculated about that night. Never had a clue what happened. Then on our 2002 reunion, we met a retired CMSGT who was chief of the Transient Alert group in '92. The T/A group is responsible for meeting and taking care of any visiting aircraft. He told us that C-5 flight engineer said they were carrying nukes from an eastern European country that sold US the nukes. We were: SOLD...??? :o: Eventually, it came out that the former Soviet satellites were short on cash so they were selling anything they could disassemble.

When I was in Afghanistan, there was this upper echelon CIA station guy who saw the curtain come down, we would talked to him and he have some crazy account how his team is tasked to recover unaccounted for Soviet Nuke by any mean necessary, and he told us that they were actually working with the KGB on that. A lot of crazy story I have heard.......
Eu or nato countries cannot provide aircover which means a direct war with Russia. They sent manpads and atgms and they have limited effectiveness. They cant send bulky patriot sams or samp/t sams they can be taken out by arm strikes and each are expensive installations.

However just like Russia sent Buk batteries and possibly Pantsyr in first stages of Ukraine civil war inside Donbass , Eu has similar medium altitude smaller sam systems. These are between the manpads and long range sam systems. If the war prolongs Russian capture of areas would also come to a halt because these can be transferred more easily than larger sam systems.

1. Amar Ali Jan ? You mean Ammar Ali Jan who is a male progressive activist ? Is he owner of Nayab Garden Real Estate ?
His father is but that means he was born into privilege
Is he owner of Nayab Garden Real Estate ? If so he will be among a few rich people who have empathy. It has happened before that revolutionaries, revolutions and progressive activism have had rich backers. Karl Marx himself had his friend and comrade Friedrich Engels who
In Pakistan all these socialist clowns are just NED backed puppets with no roots among the actual working class
2. Nighat Dad's wiki says she has been involved in various women's causes including helping divorced women get custody of their children and campaigning against acid attack. What's wrong with that ?
She too is one of those NED clowns
Sadly due to Pakistan being a democratic country we really cant do anything about it
You didn't complete the sentence. :)
They were disposed off
If USA is not perfect what was the point of those countless invasions, sabotages, subversions, sanctions and assassinations done by it since the end of World War 2 in its attempt to impose its own "perfect" system upon the world ? Why does the USA government maintain a huge invasions-oriented military - its own and of its allies ?
It’s what the USA calculated is in its best interests. And it can get away with it. If post Soviet Russia wants to play that game it is welcome. We will see how that work out for them.
You are very optimistic about Russian options and leverage.

Vladimir Putin was doing well until he decided to invade Ukraine. Have a look at my take on this matter:

Putin have managed to rejuvenate NATO instead; more countries are willing to join NATO now:

Russian economy took a hit from the sanctions imposed on it by USA in 2014 - dropped from 5th spot to 11th spot in the (2014 - 2021) period. This was the situation when much of Europe was supporting Russia all along.

But things are changing now - and fast.

You mentioned CIPS but is it good enough to rescue Russian economy by itself? It will be a lifeline at most. Fairly good explanation in following article:

And this:

“Both the US and UK financial sanctions against Russia will lead to an increase in the volume of yuan transactions in terms of Russian-Chinese trade. This may be one reason for the strong yuan, but a strong yuan is bad news for China’s export sector,” Zheng said.


Europe is in search for alternative to Russian gas in Africa:

LNG also stepping up its game:

Let us not delude ourselves - some of the greatest minds are in the Western hemisphere.

The rules of game will change for all involved. China will also have to come to terms with appreciation in Yuan in coming years. There are trade-offs.

I am not saying that the Russia (Putin) is going to change the world order. He is in for some pain as a result of the war. However, these sanctions are double edged. Russia which up to this point has been pretty tame will now seek to flex muscles elsewhere. Whether those muscles are strong enough is a different matter.

As for countries joining Nato, this is a kneejerk reaction. The cost of the alliance is a significant burden and a bill hardly anyone is willing to pay. Lets not kid ourselves, Russia is relevant and will always be relevant.

You claim that the Western hemisphese has some of the greatest minds....who had to band together to take on a single state...the USSR who was reknowned worldwide for having some of the greatest minds and several occasions beating the western world in achievements.

I am now here to advocate for Putin. I am merely trying to prophesize what may be going through his mind and the reason of launching an invasion of Ukraine.

Right now Zelensky is struggling to even get air cover from Nato even when Ukraine is a sizeable democracy and one that should be protected. Once Puting gets a handle, if he does, then the real politik will come into picture.

If the west can impose sanctions on Russia, then Russia can start arming and helping anti-West elements. This is a state that can cause severe discomfort for the West around the world.

However, I am hopeful, that Putin will not linger in Ukraine and remove zelensky or make a neutrality deal after dishing out punishment. Part of leaving Ukraine would be an expectation to the return of status quo to whatever extent.

Putin was offered all he wanted to stop this.

With a flick of his finger he could have spared millions of refugees , who knows how many lives and how many ruined cities.

But he thought this world crises is what the world needed after two years of corona virus .

Fail to see the admiration.

There is no admiration just attempting to put in perspective the reason for his invasion. As for offering everything he sought, that is a big no. He did not get what he was seeking and there was extreme resistance and threats issued in his face.

Basically, the west cornered him and he reacted. Simple as that. There is no one else to blame but the west for their miscalculation of Putin.
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