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‘Gunmen asked why don’t you join our fight’: Indian students recall nightmare of exiting Ukraine​

Thousands of Indians faced a harrowing ordeal as they sought to escape Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia's attack on the European nation, which began last week.​

2 March, 2022 06:59 pm IST


Tiyasha Biswas (extreme left), a student in Lviv, with other Indian students rescued from Ukraine, at Banga Bhawan in New Delhi | Photo by special arrangement
Tiyasha Biswas (extreme left), a student in Lviv, with other Indian students rescued from Ukraine, at Banga Bhawan in New Delhi | Photo by special arrangement
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New Delhi: The two years that Kolkata resident Hamza Kabir spent studying medicine at the Uzhhorod National University in Ukraine were quite happy. “People there are very nice,” he said. That’s why nothing could have ever prepared him for the “hostility” he faced as he was leaving the country via the Hungary border in a bus that his university had arranged.
“There was checking at the border, we kept waiting in the bus. They told us ‘you can buy food, use the washroom…’ But we were having problems (in exchanging currency). Then, as we started leaving the country, armed gunmen walked up to us and said: ‘Why are you leaving the country? Why is India doing this? Why don’t you join us and fight?’” recounted Kabir.

This was immediately after India abstained during a United Nations Security Council resolution last week on the Russia-Ukraine war, which has gone on for nearly a week now and is threatening to unravel global security.
“I did not want to argue with them. I said ‘Tobo Bachino’ in my broken Ukrainian, which basically means ‘farewell’…” Kabir said. “Some of my friends, people I used to play basketball with, have joined them (Ukrainian forces), I have heard.”
Kabir is part of one of several batches of students evacuated from Ukraine by the Government of India. Students from West Bengal are currently lodged in Delhi’s Banga Bhawan on their way back home, and are waiting for the state government to hand them flight tickets to get back home.

There are uncertainties now about what the future holds but Kabir is hoping that, maybe after his college break ends on 13 March, he will be able to rejoin his course. “I have to go back, education is important,” he said.
His batchmate Tiyasha Biswas, a student of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, is hopeful that even if they cannot go back to Ukraine, the students might be allowed to finish their medical education in one of Ukraine’s neighbouring countries, such as Poland, Hungary and Romania.

Biswas got a bruised shoulder in a scuffle at the border where thousands of people were jostling to get out of the country.
“We arranged for a taxi and went to the Poland border along with our friends. We had to walk 16 km at -5°C temperature because, after a point, the taxi said it could not go any further,” said the Barasat resident. “We walked almost for 11 hours before reaching the border but at the border we had to wait for two hours as Ukraine residents were prioritised for evacuation. There was discrimination. There were no Indian officials there who could push our case.”
Her mother Shibani spoke about the difficulty families like hers faced in reaching government officials and telling them about the hardships the children were facing.

Also read: West’s bid to shut down Russian economy normally an ‘act of war’, says India’s ex-envoy to Moscow

Jostling at the borders

Nistha, another student in Lviv, spoke about how armed Ukrainian border guards “kept pushing students”, saying “go back”, when they were queuing up at the Medyka border to leave the country and enter Poland, where Indian officials had arranged Polish visas.
“The guards were particularly vicious with the Nigerians there. Sometimes they were chasing them away,” said Nistha.
Kalsang, a student from Darjeeling who is also studying in Lviv, said she booked a private cab along with friends to reach the border but the journey proved arduous.
“The cab told us that, from the drop-off point, the border was a distance of 5 km but that was not the case. We had to travel 40-45 km by foot to reach the border,” she added. “A girl in my group fainted because of hypothermia. We called the ambulance for her and we stayed the night in a jungle at -5°C,” said Kalsang.
“We did not even have proper clothes because we had expected to reach the border much earlier. Meanwhile, the friend who had hypothermia was sent back on foot. She walked 20 km to the border,” she added. “In the morning, they started making groups of girls but the Nigerians broke the order and tried to run ahead. The Ukrainian army opened fire with airguns. The Nigerians tried to get into the bus but the police stopped them.”
Kalsang said “there were huge crowds at all points”. “There was jostling, lathicharge. Even at the Poland border, there were huge queues for the stamping but there was again jostling,” she added. “I got hurt in my foot during that melee.”
(Edited by Amit Upadhyaya)

Also read: Russia-Ukraine information warfare is following century-old playbook, dating back to WW1

Why is Indian TV news focused on Ukraine 24X7? Even BBC & CNN take a break

Here the Audio file for the other hijacked Military frequency:

This time there is a recording that says " Glory to Ukraine" before playing the Ukrainian national anthem:

Frequency: 4615 Khz 2.40 Filter USB

On this second one they have hijacked it and replaced it with an audio file of pigs squealing:

Frequency: 5125 Khz 2.40 Filter USB

Enjoy, the audio files are included.
Yup been at these since Day 2, hopefully Buran 30 is okay.
Yemen never had support from so called international community.


Syria on the other hand had to give up to NATO supported terrorists since it was a threat to Israel. Compare it to western campaign in case of Ukraine

Muslims are used to taste NATO bombs under the pretext of fighting terrorism
Yup been at these since Day 2, hopefully Buran 30 is okay.
I've noted down a couple of frequencies that have been hijacked and a few that are still transmitting. Let me know and i'll dm you. The 4x and 5x purportedly operating in Ukraine are now either scrambled or dead air.

I deleted previous reply to this because the tweet I posted himself was in doubt about coordinates.

But one thing they identified was that there were more than 1 tracks visible in the footage from alleged bayraktar attack.

So below is one part of Crimea's rail path just after entering Ukraine that has multiple tracks and some oil tankers visible.

46.17881155650204, 33.603816193579824

View attachment 820270

View attachment 820269

View attachment 820272

Video footage shows multiple tracks, at least 3
One has train on it, other 2 visible just after the blast:

View attachment 820274

Bellingcat are doing really good work too.

For real?

Military Jargon/slang for a bad situation

SNAFU - Situation Normal - All Fucked Up
FUBAR - Fucked up Beyond any recognition
BOHICA - Bend Over Here it comes.... AGAIN :D

My favorite -- REMF Rear Echelon Mother Fucker
I need to watch some more war movies.
Meanwhile Russians are fed a diet of lies and propaganda.
The Russian populace believe this as all other sources of actual events is banned and erased.

Ukraine: Watching the war on Russian TV - a whole different story​

By Simona Kralova & Sandro Vetsko
BBC Monitoring

Do not call Ukraine invasion a ‘war’, Russia tells media, schools​

Instead, ‘special military operation’ should be used to describe Moscow’s assault on Ukraine, according to officials.

For instance, a statement by Russia’s internet censor board, Roskomnadzor, warns that referring to the ongoing military campaign as an “invasion”, “attack” or “declaration of war” will lead to the offending website being blocked.

When the "Aww" mask fell off momentarily
View attachment 820264

Then the amended "PR" friendly version
That is a war crime and against the Geneva Convention, but also shows the real Nazi criminal nature of the Ukrainians. This will only bring on a harsher Russian response and stiffen the spine of conscripts even. The Ukrainians are losing badly and even western public turning off against their lies and racism.
Russia gonna Landlock it, you elect a comedian you get clown results

I wonder how long would you have stayed in Kiev if the whole Russian army was on your tail . . .

*Polite Notice* please avoid personal attacks, quips and nonsense, lets keep on topic and save our energies for positive things.

Thank you.

This Russian convoy seems to be getting longer and longer, NATO and Ukrainians must be wringing their hands:-​

64-km-long Russian convoy nearing Kyiv made up of ‘armoured vehicles, tanks, towed artillery’​

The length of the convoy was so large that it could not be entirely captured by the satellites. In some areas, the convoy was nearly two to three rows deep.​

1 March, 2022 09:40 pm IST


Russian tanks in Ukraine | ANI
Russian tanks in Ukraine | Representational image | ANI
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New Delhi: On the sixth day of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine Tuesday, a 64-km-long Russian convoy was assumed to be heading towards Ukraine’s capital city of Kyiv. US-based satellite imagery company Maxar Technologies captured the images.
The length of the convoy was so large that it could not be entirely captured by the satellites. In some areas, the convoy was nearly two to three rows deep.

Further updates showed that the convoy had reached Antonov Airport, a cargo facility, located in the North-West suburbs of Kyiv. The image also showed houses burning along the route of the convoy.

Reports suggest that the convoy is made up of armoured vehicles, tanks, towed artillery and other vehicles.

Some reports also noted that the convoy’s origins can be traced to Belarus. The former Soviet state, which lies to the northwest of Kyiv, can be argued to be where the convoy took off from. All major routes in the northwest of Kyiv end in Belarus.

Russia placed multiple troops, military vehicles, and helicopters in Belarus prior to the invasion, under the pretext of joint exercises by the two countries. However, as the exercises ended, the troops, vehicles and helicopters stayed behind, according to reports.
Russia then built a pontoon bridge across the Pripyat River, crossing the Chernobyl exclusion zone, into Ukraine from Belarus. The day invasions began, and further images depicted that Russia began moving troops and vehicles across that bridge into Ukraine.
Looking at the scale of troops, armoured vehicles, tanks and towed artillery, as part of the convoy and the route which it is following — Belarus’s acquiescence or clandestine support could look implicit.
However, there is still ambiguity whether the convoy is headed towards the centre of Kyiv or to assist and join Russian troops deployed elsewhere in Ukraine. The convoy, however, was judged to be 25-kilometre-long from Kyiv.
As talks between Russia and Ukraine stalled on the first day, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stating that there “can be fair negotiations if one side does not hit the other side with rocket artillery at the time of negotiations”, stakes could rest on the fate of this Russian convoy and where it goes from here.

Also read: ‘Stepped out to buy groceries’: Indian medical student, 21, dies in Ukraine from shelling

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