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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Ukrainian Nazis have made it clear that they will kill Russian prisoners, which is totally against the Geneva Convention, so the Russia will now take the velvet glove off and encircle and starve the Uki Nazis. Most of the east up to the traditional Kievan-Rus natural boundary of Dnieper River is now firmly in Russian hands. The whole operation has caused less than 500 lives or less than daily accidents toll in Russia. The Kiev railway station has just been hit by ground to ground missiles, most likely Tochka which the Russians were about to dismantle but getting good use.

OTR-21 Tochka is a Soviet tactical ballistic missile. Its GRAU designation is 9K79; its NATO reporting name is SS-21 Scarab. It is transported in a 9P129 vehicle and raised prior to launch. It uses an inertial guidance system. Wikipedia
Length: 6.4 m (21 ft)
Maximum speed: 1.8 km/s (1.1 mi/s; Mach 5.3)
Accuracy: 150 m (Scarab A)
Mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb) Scarab A; 2,010 kg (4,430 lb) Scarab B; 1,800 kg (4,000 lb) Scarab C
Engine: Single-stage Solid-fuel rocket; 96kN
Guidance system: Inertial guidance, Tochka-R added passive radar against radar installations
Warhead: Chemical, 100 kt nuclear warhead, EMP, or fragmentation filling
but "civilized" Ukranian can commit war crimes!

for all the pro western puppies in the world living in as they call it sub human/third world countries this war and this open hypocrisy should be an eye opener! fkers dont even consider such puppies as humans and yet they bow down to western ideas!
Gentlemen, this is an invasion from Russian side even if you call it preemptive strikes, it still is an aggression. I have noticed that some posters are justifying it because either they believe that Ukrainians are racists or West has been a hypocrite. While this is true that both things are correct however civilians dying at the hands of forces didn't deserve it and just because West bombed civilians, it doesn't mean we should support Russian bombing as well.

Think from human perspective and not from East vs West perspective. Thousands have died and thousands will become disabled for life be it Russian or Ukrainians.

You can always point towards the hypocrisy of west or racism by White people without justifying war crimes by their opponents.
There are always some people who say the right nonsense but can't solve real problems
There are always some people who say the right nonsense but can't solve real problems
They are known as coconut apologists for western racist warmongers. The west is full of them. They also were the cheerleaders for US and NATO genocidal wars on Muslim countries. Now these coconuts fail to acknowledge that Ukraine sent 7,000 racist troops to Iraq, who also committed various atrocities. The hypocrisy of these morally bankrupt puppets is beyond appalling.
Gentlemen, this is an invasion from Russian side even if you call it preemptive strikes, it still is an aggression. I have noticed that some posters are justifying it because either they believe that Ukrainians are racists or West has been a hypocrite. While this is true that both things are correct however civilians dying at the hands of forces didn't deserve it and just because West bombed civilians, it doesn't mean we should support Russian bombing as well.

Think from human perspective and not from East vs West perspective. Thousands have died and thousands will become disabled for life be it Russian or Ukrainians.

You can always point towards the hypocrisy of west or racism by White people without justifying war crimes by their opponents.
Yes, any war is a war of immense suffering , an exchange of pain with one side hoping to give more than the other.
They are known as coconut apologists for western racist warmongers. The west is full of them. They also were the cheerleaders for US and NATO genocidal wars on Muslim countries. Now these coconuts fail to acknowledge that Ukraine sent 7,000 racist troops to Iraq, who also committed various atrocities. The hypocrisy of these morally bankrupt puppets is beyond appalling.
How war crimes are okay?
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Gentlemen, this is an invasion from Russian side even if you call it preemptive strikes, it still is an aggression. I have noticed that some posters are justifying it because either they believe that Ukrainians are racists or West has been a hypocrite. While this is true that both things are correct however civilians dying at the hands of forces didn't deserve it and just because West bombed civilians, it doesn't mean we should support Russian bombing as well.

Think from human perspective and not from East vs West perspective. Thousands have died and thousands will become disabled for life be it Russian or Ukrainians.

You can always point towards the hypocrisy of west or racism by White people without justifying war crimes by their opponents.
Very well said. How it could be avoided? The Ukrainian Move is not acceptable to Russians...and the West continued to instigate the conflict and they are succeeded.
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