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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Factually incorrect according to your media. They just said Belarusian troops have refused to participate.

So which is it, are Belarusian troops involved on Russia's side or not?
Belarusian troops were spotted inside Ukraine but they were probably called off due to sanctions imposed on Belarus.

Russian Wagner Group and Chechens are operating inside Ukraine for sure.
So my liberal, staunchly Democrat neighbor friend was over last night
And he also said that it is the Neo Cons who have pushed Biden to such aggressive policies just as they pushed Obama to let CIA topple the pro Russia govt in 2014.

I'm glad you posted that. An average Democratic voting American is saying that the the neocons made America do this. In case people are unsure, "neocon" is another word for "Jew."

The word neocon, (neo-conservative), originally referred to Jews who used to be part of the Democratic left-wing. They joined the Republican party during the time of Ronald Reagan, hence called "new conservative."

They were the ones in the Republican party who were in the forefront of promoting 9/11 and the wars on Muslim countries.

Now all the warmongering Jews in the US are called neocons irrespective of which party they belong to. It's a codeword for Israel-first, war promoting Jews in the US. But saying the "J" word is too scary for the average American, so they say neocon.
Well , Russian army performance is not as good at it was excepted , but for russians , this is good , at least they have time to correct it before a serious war which threaten their heartland ...
Don't deluded yourself. There is no democracy in Ukraine or so called but stage orange revolution. If you want the world go into Armageddon with nuke throwing around as a mad man. Go ahead and ignore Putin warning.

Ukraine is just 1km away from Russia territory. While when has Russia ever threaten even 1km away from Pearl harbour?

Oh for goodness sake, this propaganda may have worked in WW2, but does he not realise that today we have satellites, that are allowing us to see exactly what they are doing?
Your comparison does not make sense.

How many tanks China could dispatch to Vietnam? How capable were these back then?
How many jet fighters China could dispatch to Vietnam? How capable were these back then?
Did China had cruise missiles back then?
Did China had highly accurate ballistic missiles back then?
Did China had network-centric warfare capabilities back then?
Did China had precision munitions back then?

Chinese troops (infantry) were EXPOSED to gunfire, shelling and traps inside Vietnamese terrain on a broader level. Vietnamese terrain restricts mechanized movements in fact. This is the reason for China loosing so many men in Vietnam in a span of 30 days.

You cannot compare Chinese forces of the 1970s to Russian forces in the present. Technologies have changed on all counts. Russian forces could strike at numerous targets inside Ukraine from a safe distance using cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. Russian troops move with tanks and armored vehicles for protection and cover. Russian forces use jet fighters, UAVs, tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters gunships and heavy artillery to soften enemy positions when spotted. Russian forces have advanced surveillance capabilities to monitor enemy movements inside Ukraine and decide their course of action accordingly. Russians will not loose troops in Ukraine at the same rate as the Chinese did in Vietnam, therefore.

Russian losses are heavy in Ukraine in the context of modern warfare.
You win a war by killing people, not by destroying tanks or whatever fancy toys you would like to destroy. People without tanks can still find some other way to fight. Tanks without people are just piles of junk.
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