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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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(March 10 2022) Lavrov: We have not attacked any country, (bcs we dont see Ukr as a country) and we do not intend to attack

(March 10, 2023, Doomsday) Lavrov: We have not launched nuclear warheads to any country, man, they are just tactical, and we dont intend to use ICBM


Omg I love that movie.
another problem is Russia has a serious issue with C2 which many are ignoring is this:

Russia has a serious problem of communication - they are allegedly relying of unencrypted baofeng and Motorola hf radios which are notoriously unreliable in mission critical communication.

Baofeng UV 82HP
View attachment 822621
Secondly the encrypted radios that Russia do have apparently rely of 4G enabled BTS (Base Tower Stations) - as Russians have targeted Ukrainian Teleco BTS - they have discovered they cannot use their shiny encrypted radios.

Russian Encrypted VHF/UHF Azart Radio:
Azart 187-P1
View attachment 822623
The Azart a sixth-generation digital tactical SDR with built-in encryption designed to provide Russian troops with secure and jam-resistant communications.

It operates in the very high frequency (VHF)/ultra high frequency (UHF) bands, has a range of 18 km in ground communications depending on configuration, can be used as a repeater station and can utilise GLONASS or GPS to provide positioning.

The Russians also utilise the R168-25UE at a battalion level which can provide a range of up to 300km depending on configuration:View attachment 822622

The Russians and indeed the Ukrainians too have been utilising satellite phones and ordinary cellphones to communicate.

Videos from the Russian War Report Wargonzo shows Russian commanders using the Thurya Sat Seleve:
View attachment 822624

So why is there such a lack of encrypted military grade communication kit in the Russian military? Reading some Russian radio forums shows that there is a case of rampant corruption in the delivery and procurement of the Azart family of radios in the Russian army:

Link the the forum for your own reading pleasure: http://www.radioscanner.ru/forum/topic48460-2.html

An account provided by a captured Russian soldier states, ‘The officers started stationing themselves further and further away from the fighting … they are out of radio range at this point, and no one can contact them’.

The soldier proceeds to explain that a lack of long-range communications equipment was preventing anyone from contacting the Central Command of the deployed forces.

It follows that some Russian soldiers may have resorted to the use of mobile phones to communicate with officers and each other in order to gain some situational awareness.

Radios like the BaoFeng UV-82HP will be relatively easy for electronic warfare (EW) practitioners to exploit. Firstly, their lack of discernible military-grade COMSEC/TRANSEC means the radios should be relatively susceptible to straightforward jamming.

Secondly, this lack of COMSEC/TRANSEC could make it easy to feed false or misleading traffic into networks depending on these radios. This could pay tactical dividends for the Ukrainians, allowing them to sow disorganisation, doubt and demoralisation into Russian units.

It is highly likely these radios are being used for squad communications at the tactical edge by dismounted infantry. Attacking networks at the tactical edge using these radios could help blunt or slow Russian manoeuvres.

Moreover, transmissions from these radios could be relatively easy to detect using rudimentary communications intelligence (COMINT) equipment.

Once these transmissions are detected, COMINT systems could be used to follow the movement of the transmissions, and hence the movements of troops.

The communication of the Russians is so vulnerable that I was able to pick up a Russian transmission using SDR software where Ukrainians had hijacked comms and played the Ukrainian National Anthem over their transmission:

Shocking, UAE has Thuraya, and Russia with one thousand millions and one satellites, doesnt have a similar system?.

Russian soldiers can make a crowdfunding and make their own wifi mesh system with encrypted voice comm, it's something so cheap and widely available nowadays that is hard to understand.
You also have to keep in mind Russia isn't trying to destroy Ukraine and views eastern Ukrainians as their own people so they aren't as careless as typical invading countries can be.

They are keeping the vast majority of their forces, air and naval power on standby at home such as their 1st armored division. As per NATO, Russia would steamroll most NATO countries only several can put up a real fight outside the US, like Turkey, Germany, France, and UK...

No, Russia is not showing leniency in Ukraine:

Russia cannot take Ukraine lightly because it is loosing troops and equipment on a daily basis.

Statistics for reference:

Russian losses are staggering and will be unbearable at this rate.

Russian Air Force have suffered losses in Ukraine as well:

Russian navy is deployed in Black Sea and actively involved in the war. Russian navy is used to counter Ukrainian naval activity, enforce blockade, and to engage high value targets in Ukraine with cruise missiles.

Russians are also using ballistic missiles to strike at high value targets in Ukraine.

This war is as intense as it can get.

As per NATO, Russia would steamroll most NATO countries only several can put up a real fight outside the US, like Turkey, Germany, France, and UK...

NATO did not make this claim but RAND which is a Think Tank. It is laughable assessment. Russia cannot steamroll Baltics. Too much terrain to cover and NATO will destroy much of Russian army in the process.
This war is as intense as it can get.
No it is not. Check China-Vietnam conflict in 1979. 27 days only. China alone suffered 30K casualty by its own estimate.

I remember RT now celebrating US troop casualties in Afghanistan. Now it is the turn for CNN to do the same.

About 15K Soviet troops are said to have been killed in Afghanistan. Hope the Russians have the sense to abandon this campaign before their losses inevitably crawl up to that figure :undecided:
No it is not. Check China-Vietnam conflict in 1979. 27 days only. China alone suffered 30K casualty by its own estimate.
Chinese military technologies were much less capable back then. Conflicts in Vietnam were infantry-focused as well.
I would only ever live in a democratic country. Anything else would for me be the equivalent of slavery.

I feel terribly sorry for the people forced to live in US supported dictatorships. Its criminal. But when the US overthrows such a dictatorship, everyone turns on the US.

I bet if US removed the Saudi leadership and replaced them with a democratic government, the same anger would be directed to US again.

Russias nuclear blackmail can't be stopped with surrender. You must realise that. Only with technological and military dominance. As will be shown in Ukraine.

BTW, I really do believe in freedom and democracy, I used to live in a communist dictatorship. I would fight to the end to preserve the freedoms that we have. Because I know the difference and Ive tried both.

Pakistan has been, despite all it's fault, far more democratic than you Balkan people ever knew. Pakistan never tolerated its dictators for long but we know the Yugoslavia history!! That's for another topic though.

I repeat, you have drank a lot of Kool Aid. This war was unnecessary and I would BET if and only if America had not pushed for it then all of Europe and people like you living in a safe distance in Australia would oppose the war. And if America today decides to make some kind of 'deal' with Russia then the tune of people like you would change quickly. Time was the solution but YOU never saw that! A post Putin Russia would become part of Europe organically but you keep coming up with some bizarre theories about Russia gobbling up even the NATO countries!
An opinion, based on the driven agenda from a few hundred Neo Cons, is pretty malleable!
Chinese military technologies were much less capable back then. Conflicts in Vietnam were infantry-focused as well.
Who cares about the technologies? It is the life we are talking about. If not, then video war games would be the most intense.
Seriously Russia should just delete their army at this point. 😂
Here I wrote something about the extent of corruption in the Russian army on the 3rd day of the war. Unfortunately, this is a situation that has shown itself from time to time in the history of the Russian army. I think it's going to be a big purge after war, may be even before the end of war.
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