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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Pakistan has been, despite all it's fault, far more democratic than you Balkan people ever knew. Pakistan never tolerated its dictators for long but we know the Yugoslavia history!!
I dont deny this.
And if America today decides to make some kind of 'deal' with Russia then the tune of people like you would change quickly.
it would be sad if a deal was made. It would be repeating the mistakes made with Poland and abandoning them to the soviets.

No nation that wants freedom should be ensalved by the Russians.

I think this is going very well. terrible price is being paid, but its the only hope for a free Europe.

I think Putin miscalculated so bad, he was doing very well dividing Europe, alsmot made nato obsolete. had a grip over several EU countries. But miscalculated soooo badly. It was a nato trap.
And you missed mine.
Your comparison does not make sense.

How many tanks China could dispatch to Vietnam? How capable were these back then?
How many jet fighters China could dispatch to Vietnam? How capable were these back then?
Did China had cruise missiles back then?
Did China had highly accurate ballistic missiles back then?
Did China had network-centric warfare capabilities back then?
Did China had precision munitions back then?

Chinese troops (infantry) were EXPOSED to gunfire, shelling and traps inside Vietnamese terrain on a broader level. Vietnamese terrain restricts mechanized movements in fact. This is the reason for China loosing so many men in Vietnam in a span of 30 days.

You cannot compare Chinese forces of the 1970s to Russian forces in the present. Technologies have changed on all counts. Russian forces could strike at numerous targets inside Ukraine from a safe distance using cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. Russian troops move with tanks and armored vehicles for protection and cover. Russian forces use jet fighters, UAVs, tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters gunships and heavy artillery to soften enemy positions when spotted. Russian forces have advanced surveillance capabilities to monitor enemy movements inside Ukraine and decide their course of action accordingly. Russians will not loose troops in Ukraine at the same rate as the Chinese did in Vietnam, therefore.

Russian losses are heavy in Ukraine in the context of modern warfare.
Sadly, Pootin is following his past behavior in Allepo and Chechnya. Scorched earth. Kill all living organisms. Long pattern more consistent with patho-psychological
In your world view defence of Ukraine is the equivalent as attacking pearl harbour.

In my word view, attacking a democracy is the red line warranting full intervention.

It wont happen. They will instead wear Putin down slowly.
Don't deluded yourself. There is no democracy in Ukraine or so called but stage orange revolution. If you want the world go into Armageddon with nuke throwing around as a mad man. Go ahead and ignore Putin warning.

Ukraine is just 1km away from Russia territory. While when has Russia ever threaten even 1km away from Pearl harbour?
Putin will be running out of generals at this rate. Those that don't die on the battlefield are fired...
Don't deluded yourself. There is no democracy in Ukraine or so called but stage orange revolution. If you want the world go into Armageddon with nuke throwing around as a mad man. Go ahead and ignore Putin warning.

Ukraine is just 1km away from Russia territory. While when has Russia ever threaten even 1km away from Pearl harbour?
He is a guy that is finished. he wont come closer than 20 meters to his own generals. He's more scared of his own people than NATO now.

if he gets out of this he's a magician.

the way he treated the FSB guy on TV, that tells us there are real divisions between FSB and military.

Russia might have a civil war if sanctions continue. Plus there is CIA strring things up, making promises and bribing people.

He must be desperate to make these nuclear threats.
this is little wagner he is a nice kid from russia
View attachment 822738

this is little pavel he is a nice kid that was the leader of donbas
View attachment 822741
more nice nice russian boys

View attachment 822742
I think Moscow or Russia in general had 50,000 Neo-nazis. That's what I heard in that documentary I watched many years ago.
Russians have called in Belarusian troops, Wagner mercenaries, and Chechens to fight in Ukraine. This war is stress-testing Russia unlike any other in its history since 1992.
Factually incorrect according to your media. They just said Belarusian troops have refused to participate.

So which is it, are Belarusian troops involved on Russia's side or not?
He is a guy that is finished. he wont come closer than 20 meters to his own generals. He's more scared of his own people than NATO now.

if he gets out of this he's a magician.

the way he treated the FSB guy on TV, that tells us there are real divisions between FSB and military.
That's bullshit though.

Sadly, Pootin is following his past behavior in Allepo and Chechnya. Scorched earth. Kill all living organisms. Long pattern more consistent with patho-psychological
Give me a break...stop smoking that weed.
It is not feasible for Russia to divert its entire army to Ukraine and expose itself in other borders. Russia has dispatched 190,000 troops to Ukraine in total. Rotations and replacement of casualties in Ukraine are important considerations now. Russians have also called in Belarusian troops, Wagner mercenaries and Chechens in Ukraine. This is substantial military deployment and commitment on the whole. Russia is taking Ukraine very seriously in other words.

Russian navy is deployed in Black Sea and actively involved in the war. Russians have used over 600 cruise missiles and ballistic missiles in Ukraine by now. These are safer methods to project power from a distance, to take out high value targets in the process.

Russian Air Force have suffered losses in Ukraine on the other hand. Russians might be reluctant to use it very proactively, therefore.

Use of naval and air power has been pretty limited and use of naval power in Black Sea came later in the invasion. That’s what those pro-western articles don’t tell you. Again they have been fighting this war with their C grade forces.

As of today Russia has blocked off and controls much of Ukraine’s southern coast, and pretty much everything east of the Dneiper river and that’s with limited force.

Russian losses have been exaggerated as of today they’ve only lost 5% of their invasion force. How much has Ukraine lost?
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