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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So my liberal, staunchly Democrat neighbor friend was over last night for some Daal (lentils) dish and homemade pomegranate wine and we chatted for 6 hours--till past midnight. He is against wars and the Military Industrial Complex. He is also a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). And apparently has a soft spot for Russia but would never directly criticize President Biden. And I generally value is opinion.
His view is that there is no way Ukraine could win this conflict. And he also said that it is the Neo Cons who have pushed Biden to such aggressive policies just as they pushed Obama to let CIA topple the pro Russia govt in 2014. I think he has blinders or too much faith in the Democratic Party. But he did say something which more and more people not only in this forum but also outside of this forum are saying: Russia could use a tactical nuke 'with about 1/10th of the Hiroshima power' [his words] to conquer Kiev and there is nothing the West would be able to do about that.
Think about where we are going???
Back on topic,but don't rush to condemn everything as Russian brutality. Wait and see. That's all I'm saying. There's a lot of fake news in this war.
Following incidents are confirmed:

If the main cities are gone, we are taking vast majority of population, economy, the scientific community. In other words nations cannot survive as viable states, talking about some post apocalyptic mad max type world.

You should see the nuclear war scenario video from the Cold War.

It's complete destruction.

Every place in USA and Russia is already being targeted and calculating the damage.

It's more like a complete extinction rather than just a small "but rather big" explosive on some main cities.

That will explain, why it needs thousands of nuclear warheads instead of just one or two.

Not just the nuclear missile itself, but the mechanism of defense against nuclear missiles before arriving is also massive.

The wars in Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq are child play compared to it.
They were shamed and ridiculed for these developments in relevant topics.

Now back to current topic. The point is not to deny Russian atrocities.
Shamed and ridiculed? Why not sanctioned?

Russia has been rightly sanctioned already.
Shamed and ridiculed? Why not sanctioned?

Russia has been rightly sanctioned already.

The world is not fair, it is a jungle out there, might is right, China has done it the right way, you can't sanction China without suffering yourself.
So my liberal, staunchly Democrat neighbor friend was over last night for some Daal (lentils) dish and homemade pomegranate wine and we chatted for 6 hours--till past midnight. He is against wars and the Military Industrial Complex. He is also a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). And apparently has a soft spot for Russia but would never directly criticize President Biden. And I generally value is opinion.
His view is that there is no way Ukraine could win this conflict. And he also said that it is the Neo Cons who have pushed Biden to such aggressive policies just as they pushed Obama to let CIA topple the pro Russia govt in 2014. I think he has blinders or too much faith in the Democratic Party. But he did say something which more and more people not only in this forum but also outside of this forum are saying: Russia could use a tactical nuke 'with about 1/10th of the Hiroshima power' [his words] to conquer Kiev and there is nothing the West would be able to do about that.
Think about where we are going???

Before using the tactical nuke option Russia would try to use more conventional force. Nobody wants to join the nuke user club and considering Russia's "gentle" approach so far they can definitely escalate their use of force before getting to nuke territory. Also, if Russia plans on occupying the territory, a no-nuke policy would be a must otherwise even their supporters/neutrals will turn against them.
Why do you think indirect involvement is not an act of aggression?

Someone is kidnapping your little sister, to hurt you indirectly, but indirectly it's not directly, since it's not you who is being kidnapped, so there's no reason for you to be angry and panic.

But you know, that logic is misleading.

I think between the end of the year or next year, you will see the result of Russia's action.

WW3 will be quick, very quick, just an hour.

You will know it's WW3 just an hour later, assuming you are still alive in the UK, and you know suddenly the conflict is ended.

I don't know whatever today is a fake peace or a fake danger.

But many say we are living in a fake peace while a huge huge huge danger that all humanity in the past has never seen before is actually the real reality.

Someone is blind and playing with big fire right now.

I don't think people in UK, Europe, USA, Russia, China, and the rest of the world want a war or any conflict.

But that is what we are being pushed by idiots.

I hope it's not going to happen.

We can change our actions today.

Today is not tomorrow, luckily.

We are already very very close.

Your post should be read very carefully by all and truly mentally absorbed. An unthinkable is happening right now with this war and far worse could happen if we don't pull back.
Why do you think indirect involvement is not an act of aggression?

Someone is kidnapping your little sister, to hurt you indirectly, but indirectly it's not directly, since it's not you who is being kidnapped, so there's no reason for you to be angry and panic.

But you know, that logic is misleading.

I think between the end of the year or next year, you will see the result of Russia's action.

WW3 will be quick, very quick, just an hour.

You will know it's WW3 just an hour later, assuming you are still alive in the UK, and you know suddenly the conflict is ended.

I don't know whatever today is a fake peace or a fake danger.

But many say we are living in a fake peace while a huge huge huge danger that all humanity in the past has never seen before is actually the real reality.

Someone is blind and playing with big fire right now.

I don't think people in UK, Europe, USA, Russia, China, and the rest of the world want a war or any conflict.

But that is what we are being pushed by idiots.

I hope it's not going to happen.

We can change our actions today.

Today is not tomorrow, luckily.

We are already very very close.

What an hour? You are daydreaming if you think it will last an hour?.. In my estimation WW3 will be running for a whopping 10 years with multiple series of conflicts nonestop
Following incidents are confirmed:

Part and parcel of war what if Ukrainian nazis were using hospitals as bases? Mistakes also happen, read it from a professional yourself:
Let us not jump to conclusion.

You have .1 second to shoot or no shoot.


In that .1 second, your blood pressure is elevated, high on adrenaline to the point of vomiting, some hearing loss and ears ringing, physically stressed from carrying a heavy load as well as tired from running, and your vision is degraded from smoke or dust or rain or tears or even blood.

Shoot or no shoot.
Russia could use a tactical nuke 'with about 1/10th of the Hiroshima power' [his words] to conquer Kiev and there is nothing the West would be able to do about that.
Think about where we are going???
And then Russia would send its troops to occupy ground zero? Im Sure they would love that and follow those orders to walk over radioactive terrain and stay there.

Russia can achieve the same goal with conventional bombs.
So my liberal, staunchly Democrat neighbor friend was over last night for some Daal (lentils) dish and homemade pomegranate wine and we chatted for 6 hours--till past midnight. He is against wars and the Military Industrial Complex. He is also a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). And apparently has a soft spot for Russia but would never directly criticize President Biden. And I generally value is opinion.
His view is that there is no way Ukraine could win this conflict. And he also said that it is the Neo Cons who have pushed Biden to such aggressive policies just as they pushed Obama to let CIA topple the pro Russia govt in 2014. I think he has blinders or too much faith in the Democratic Party. But he did say something which more and more people not only in this forum but also outside of this forum are saying: Russia could use a tactical nuke 'with about 1/10th of the Hiroshima power' [his words] to conquer Kiev and there is nothing the West would be able to do about that.
Think about where we are going???

Real question is that how much home-made wine was in him, when he made these predictions? :lol: :lol: :p:
Following incidents are confirmed:

Because it's under international law, it's the safest place to hide for Ukrainian soldiers, to lunch nasty and evil attacks.

More like, I can hit you, but you can't hit me, because I'm in children's hospital.

So basically both of them are wrong.

But Ukraine's side is more wrong than Russia's in this case.

It's like some criminal taking a hostage in a children's hospital.

And the policeman arrives and storms the building...

But the policeman is wrong, and the criminal is right.

Because the hospital is under international protection law.

And then the journalist is even crazy by publishing articles to justify the criminal as the good guy and policeman deserve jail and heavy punishment.

Ah, the empire of lies.

So my liberal, staunchly Democrat neighbor friend was over last night for some Daal (lentils) dish and homemade pomegranate wine and we chatted for 6 hours--till past midnight. He is against wars and the Military Industrial Complex. He is also a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). And apparently has a soft spot for Russia but would never directly criticize President Biden. And I generally value is opinion.
His view is that there is no way Ukraine could win this conflict. And he also said that it is the Neo Cons who have pushed Biden to such aggressive policies just as they pushed Obama to let CIA topple the pro Russia govt in 2014. I think he has blinders or too much faith in the Democratic Party. But he did say something which more and more people not only in this forum but also outside of this forum are saying: Russia could use a tactical nuke 'with about 1/10th of the Hiroshima power' [his words] to conquer Kiev and there is nothing the West would be able to do about that.
Think about where we are going???

If the West is still sane and afraid to die...

Russia can do anything toward Ukraine and nuke it if Russia wants.

It's an analogy.

Basically, your friend is right.
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