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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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the 2014 was people dont wanting more russia presents they were protesting against more ties with russia ... the ex president was pushing for it so your neutrality is just fake... russia wanted and still wants ukraine to be under it shoe...
What people? Pravii Sektor,Svoboda and pro-Western politicians? What about all those who protested against the riots in Eastern and South Ukraine?

Zelensky could have made Ukraine neutral to both sides,but he wanted NATO and EU. The Russians aren't stupid to let an enemy in their front yard.
They are forced to say " let Ukraine be a part of Russia. "

Seriously out of order , what does Russia gain from posting such images ?

this tells us that the Russian war objective is the annexation of Ukraine. But we knew that.
All that bull in this war and you're still not skeptical about all that stuff?

It's the same story again from 1991 Iraq War,to Yugoslavia to Syria. "Evil guy bombs hospitals and kills women and children,good American ally is fighting,NATO must intervene to save them".
Russians have bombed hospitals in Syria as well as in Ukraine. These events are well-documented.
And NATO has bombed hospitals in Serbia,Iraq and Afghanistan. Where's the outcry and sanctions?
They were shamed and ridiculed for these developments in relevant topics.

Now back to current topic. The point is not to deny Russian atrocities.
Russia has landmass but how Russian population base is distributed across it? This is the point. USA can eliminate anything of value in Russia; from Russian military positions to ports. USN will be directed to wipe out Russian navy as well. Everything is marked.

American military communication networks are designed with nuclear war in mind. They keep a fleet in every ocean as well. Survivors can regroup and rebuild USA in Canada or another country if necessary. Russians cannot take out Americans around the world.

Anyways, this is discussion for another time.
They will nuke empty forests and mountains as well? Much of Canada is unpopulated.

If the main cities are gone, we are taking vast majority of population, economy, the scientific community. In other words nations cannot survive as viable states, talking about some post apocalyptic mad max type world.
They were shamed and ridiculed for these developments in relevant topics.

Now back to current topic. The point is not to deny Russian atrocities.
Back on topic,but don't rush to condemn everything as Russian brutality. Wait and see. That's all I'm saying. There's a lot of fake news in this war.
I think we as the West have overplayed our hand in eagerness as well. If the situation was not ending up in a stalemate there could be peace on the horizon.
To start off with all the sanctions that we can implement have been implemented, there is nothing else we can do but to arm Ukraine defensively or get involved directly - direct involvement will not happen as thing can spiral out of control and into WW3.

However, when Russia invaded a first tranche of sanctions should have been brought in and Russia should have been warned to get back to the table and pursue peace with a warning on further sanctions. With the current resistance they would have seen how their plan would have failed and would have come to a compromise.

Right now their backs are against the wall - they need to have some positive take away otherwise Putin will lose public trust and that is why Russia will keep its unrealistic demands up in negotiations.

Unfortunately we are where are but it must be a lesson for the future.

Why do you think indirect involvement is not an act of aggression?

Someone is kidnapping your little sister, to hurt you indirectly, but indirectly it's not directly, since it's not you who is being kidnapped, so there's no reason for you to be angry and panic.

But you know, that logic is misleading.

I think between the end of the year or next year, you will see the result of Russia's action.

WW3 will be quick, very quick, just an hour.

You will know it's WW3 just an hour later, assuming you are still alive in the UK, and you know suddenly the conflict is ended.

I don't know whatever today is a fake peace or a fake danger.

But many say we are living in a fake peace while a huge huge huge danger that all humanity in the past has never seen before is actually the real reality.

Someone is blind and playing with big fire right now.

I don't think people in UK, Europe, USA, Russia, China, and the rest of the world want a war or any conflict.

But that is what we are being pushed by idiots.


And the whole world will have to face the consequences for this for decades to come (that is, if anyone survives at all).

Even explosion of one single nuclear weapon anywhere in the world has after effects everywhere and here we are speaking about 100s and 1000s!

God have mercy on us all!

I hope it's not going to happen.

We can change our actions today.

Today is not tomorrow, luckily.

We are already very very close.
Right now their backs are against the wall - they need to have some positive take away otherwise Putin will lose public trust and that is why Russia will keep its unrealistic demands up in negotiations.
let them keep their demands. Russia is all in now. This will play out to the end.
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