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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I know you're Polish,but not everything the Ukrainians and NATO is saying is true. I know Russians often lie about stuff during war,but NATO has become an expert on propaganda the last 30 years.

Another example. This photo had circulated on social media as a real scene from the war. I did a search on google and foud out it's from a movie.

Man after what i heard from the russians past few days is enough to tell me that russian propaganda is high on crack, Yee Ukrainians do propaganda oh my god who would have thought, they are beeing invaided and they need postive press for the help to continue to flow ...
Simply a lie.

This is the Instagram page of the model where the idiot who made this assertion of photos copied and pasted from , clearly not the same woman , enough with the lies you are grasping at straws now.

And how do you know it's a lie? How are YOU so sure? Can you prove it?

And she's the same woman,if you can't see that,then get glasses.
Man after what i heard from the russians past few days is enough to tell me that russian propaganda is high on crack, Yee Ukrainians do propaganda oh my god who would have thought, they are beeing invaided and they need postive press for the help to continue to flow ...
Oh then Ukrainian propaganda is ok?
And how do you know it's a lie? How are YOU so sure? Can you prove it?

And she's the same woman,if you can't see that,then get glasses.
i mean like your photos didn't really prove anything more than she looks a bit similar 🤷‍♂️
Nuclear Radiation and Radiation wind's will make whole area impossible to live in for hundreds of years.
A major nuclear exchange between USA and Russia will be a catastrophic event for mankind and billions might die around the world consequently. Global Order might collapse by extension.

However, Soviet spy Sergei Tretyakov disclosed in his accounts that KGB created and advanced Nuclear Winter argument and many have bought it.

American forces are made to operate around the world - this makes sense and could be in line with a contingency plan. There are some well-prepared locations in USA which can continue to function after a nuclear war. Raven Rock is one of these locations. Regrouping and relocation of survivors to a new landscape is possible. If Canada is not suitable, another place could be. It depends.

Let us focus on the topic on hand.
i mean like your photos didn't really prove anything more than she looks a bit similar 🤷‍♂️
All that bull in this war and you're still not skeptical about all that stuff?

It's the same story again from 1991 Iraq War,to Yugoslavia to Syria. "Evil guy bombs hospitals and kills women and children,good American ally is fighting,NATO must intervene to save them".
All that bull in this war and you're still not skeptical about all that stuff?
Nope i have Ukrainins in family so im biased 🤷‍♂️ Sceptical to what russia invading our neighbour bombing it and making us take 2 mln refugee? guess i should only blame the Ukraine ? Because russia only wants to bring peace ?

Like after lawrow said "We didn't even attack Ukraine" i will ignore russian sources it lost all means to take it serious.
Nope i have Ukrainins in family so im biased 🤷‍♂️ Sceptical to what russia invading our neighbour bombing it and making us take 2 mln refugee? guess i should only blame the Ukraine ? Because russia only wants to bring peace ?
I'm not saying the Russians should have invaded,but the Ukrainian governments after 2014 and the Americans and British are to blame for this situation. They pushed the Russians to react and invade. Ukraine should have been neutral for both sides and the West should have tried to persuade the Ukrainians to be neutral as well. They wanted Ukraine in their sphere of influence as well.

This crazy NATO expansion should have stopped a long time ago. Or they should at least not try to grab Ukraine as well. Zelensky fell for their promises as well...
Jews have a hatred for Russia going back to the time of the czars. The Bolshevik revolution resulted in them killing off the royal family and taking over the country.
After the end of the USSR the bulk of Russian resources were stolen by the Jewish oligarchs. When Putin threw them out they moved to Israel.
Then Putin got them angrier by getting involved in Syria and Iran, targets of Israeli regime change.
not really. Israel does not care one way or another who runs syria. They just want a destroyed syria who will leave them alone and let them keep Golan heights.
The bulk of supremacistsright wingers, white supremacists in the West are on Israeli payroll. That explains why nationalist European politicians mainly target Muslims, never Jews.
yes. its more like 50% 50%. The problem is that most of these neo nazi groups are infiltrated by the secret service and as you say paid off by Israel.
Traditional nazis obviously hated Jews, but very few of them exist now. The neo-nazis in Ukraine were working under a Jewish President and Prime Minister, so obviously they didn’t have a problem with Jews.
Its about 50% of the nazis that hate the jews. In the end, the far right ideology will always come to the conclusion that white europeans should never be jewish, muslim or black slaves and that white people should rule. this will be the outcome no matter how much money anyone throws at them.
This war is an Israeli declaration of war on Russia.
no. This war is Russia recreating its empire which was so "foolishly given away" by Gorbachev.
Nothing short of the collapse of Russia will be tolerated.
Putin has to go and a government friendly to Israel has to be installed. They want a penis-piano-playing guy like Jewlensky running Russia. That’s the objective.
not important if its friendly to Israel, like Putin is now, but yes, that would be ideal yes. a comedian penis player in charge of Russia would be ideal for the west.
If Putin survives then Zion will be in a lot of trouble.
no. Putin loves Israel. he allows them to operate in syria. He wont help Iran get nukes because it endangers Israel.
Russian demands for outcome of the war seems to be not clear. For example Ukraine giving high autonomy to Donetsk Luhansk and Crimea region(similar to north Iraq) and accepts Russian bases military presence there with non aggression packt and non militarized zone around Azov sea region connecting Donetsk with Crimea. This gives those strategic Azov sea area to Russian control. But If putin wants whole black sea control that is another issue.
In return maybe some sanctions can be lifted from Russia as well depending on the bargain rolling back the situation as much as possible before the war conditions. It is easy to disband azov battalion and similar groups and full iaea control on Ukraine future nuclear activities also non nato membership guarantee. But what are Russian terms.full scale submission or demilitarization and control of whole black sea coast that would be very hard to accept unless Ukr is totally defeated costing high both sides especially the civilians trapped in cities.

I think Russia wants a puppet government in Ukraine.

Just like USA did.

Once the president is captured or killed or runs away, Russia will install a puppet government there.
I'm not saying the Russians should have invaded,but the Ukrainian governments after 2014 and the Americans and British are to blame for this situation. They pushed the Russians to react and invade. Ukraine should have been neutral for both sides and the West should have tried to persuade the Ukrainians to be neutral as well. They wanted Ukraine in their sphere of influence as well
the 2014 was people dont wanting more russia presents they were protesting against more ties with russia ... the ex president was pushing for it so your neutrality is just fake... russia wanted and still wants ukraine to be under it shoe...
Not sure if someone already posted, but gotta share this video. Things don't look good on civilians who are caught in this conflict.

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