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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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A severe global geopolitical conflict between US/West and China/Russia was in the offing, for quite some time, in somewhat covert form. It had to take an an overt manifestation; so it has happened, now, in the form of this Russia-Ukraine War. The world has changed from now onward.
I was actually arguing with @WebMaster regarding the same issue, your question is subjective as from your POV my post adds no value but from many it does add, as It's a personal observation and a hit to the Propaganda which we see on Social media including PDF which is flooded with one sided narrative. So yes you delete the post of constructive Sarcasm but it will just strengthen my argument that PDF is pushing a very limited and selective narrative (As usual) and the forum I know where you are free to post constructive critics/Arguments/sarcasm is dead.

I would like to think that legend is just getting old and his sharpness has dulled.

Personally would agree with you to whats happening in this thread though.
Diesel prices skyrocketing to EUR 2,39 per liter.

They are definitely gonna go up!

This is insane and Harder times ahead...
What Russia wanted to avoid is just happening before our eyes.

Putin bet on a clean and swift operation,the quick surrender of Ukraine and eastern Ukraine rallying on the Russian cause,towns falling one by one,welcoming Russian troops as liberators,a quick war that would limit the worldwide outrage and the world's response to the Russian invasion as well as the cost of the operation. (in terms of money and human lives)

The exact opposite happened. Ukraine is resisting,more united than ever,majority Russian speaking towns are the ones resisting the most to Russian assaults,Zelensky didn't surrender,Ukrainians living under Russian occupation haven't welcomed Russian as liberators,but are protesting against the occupier.

Meanwhile the operation is pretty much stalling,what Putin didn't want. Because the longer the operation lasts,the higher the cost is in Russian lives (already thousands killed,even more wounded....) and for Russian finances. (You've got to fund that 200K strong force.... and they can't forever).

The longer the conflict lasts,the more destructions Ukraine will suffer,higher the international outrage would be and higher the sanctions would be,higher the international support for Ukraine would be...

What has Putin achieved so far is ruining Russia's economy,turning Russia into a pariah state on par with North Korea,getting Europe and NATO even more united,making more and neutral countries wanting to join NATO (NATO expension which the Russians do not want) and last but not least showing the whole world the questionnable performance and quality of the Russian armed forces on the ground.

@LeGenD @RescueRanger
I think we as the West have overplayed our hand in eagerness as well. If the situation was not ending up in a stalemate there could be peace on the horizon.
To start off with all the sanctions that we can implement have been implemented, there is nothing else we can do but to arm Ukraine defensively or get involved directly - direct involvement will not happen as thing can spiral out of control and into WW3.

However, when Russia invaded a first tranche of sanctions should have been brought in and Russia should have been warned to get back to the table and pursue peace with a warning on further sanctions. With the current resistance they would have seen how their plan would have failed and would have come to a compromise.

Right now their backs are against the wall - they need to have some positive take away otherwise Putin will lose public trust and that is why Russia will keep its unrealistic demands up in negotiations.

Unfortunately we are where are but it must be a lesson for the future.
In that case Russia would end the existence of Washington DC, New York, LA, SF, and every other major US city. They have over 2000 warheads. They can spend all the high yield ones on Europe and over 1000 for the US.

This is more than solid thrashing my friend. Even half of this would end the US forever not just to come back from.

Russia is the world's largest landmass country. Lots of it is total wilderness. It could be targeted by US but like you said, Russia stands to lose three or 20 major cities and towns and US and Europe stands to lose multi trillion dollar economies and over 20 important cities. Let's hope no one ever uses nuclear weapons.
Russia has landmass but how Russian population base is distributed across it? This is the point. USA can eliminate anything of value in Russia; from Russian military positions to ports. USN will be directed to wipe out Russian navy as well. Everything is marked.

American military communication networks are designed with nuclear war in mind. They keep a fleet in every ocean as well. Survivors can regroup and rebuild USA in Canada or another country if necessary. Russians cannot take out Americans around the world.

Anyways, this is discussion for another time.
Russia has landmass but how Russian population base is distributed?

USA can eliminate anything of value in Russia; from Russia military positions to ports. Everything is marked.

Americans have numerous overseas bases and a fleet in every ocean. Survivors can rebuild USA in Canada or another if necessary.

Russia are much more concentrated in their activities and cannot take out Americans everywhere.
In case of Nuclear exchange there would be nothing left in USA or Russia to rebuild for hundreds of years.

Russia has landmass but how Russian population base is distributed across it? This is the point. USA can eliminate anything of value in Russia; from Russian military positions to ports. USN will be directed to wipe out Russian navy as well. Everything is marked.

American military communication networks are designed with nuclear war in mind. They keep a fleet in every ocean as well. Survivors can regroup and rebuild USA in Canada or another country if necessary. Russians cannot take out Americans around the world.

Anyways, this is discussion for another time.
Also what makes you think Russia will not nuke Canada? They will, along with UK, Europe and all of the countries they recently made list of.
I saw this from a friend's post


They expect Ukraine to give up on Crimea and the Black Sea and recognize the independence of Eastern Ukraine. They also want Ukraine to be disarmed, to be supervised by Russia, and take the guarentee that it will not join a military or political union.

In short, unacceptable conditions are put forward. Russia will not give the green light for peace until it achieves satisfactory results on the ground. Because if it cannot save its face, Russia's neo-Eurasian policies will dead.

Yesterday i was more optimistic that some sort of a deal could be reached.

Those here who tried to justify Putin argued , that Ukraine joining NATO was the main issue here. But Ukraine already indicated that they are willing to compromise on that.

Every day that passes , where no deal is reached, and this avoidable war continues , give reason to suspect that Putin's intention are much more sinister .

Though it is hard to say exactly what his intentions are . Who knows what goes on in the head of a dictator.

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In case of Nuclear exchange there would be nothing left in USA or Russia to rebuild for hundreds of years.

Also what makes you think Russia will not nuke Canada? They will, along with UK, Europe and all of the countries they recently made list of.
They will nuke empty forests and mountains as well? Much of Canada is unpopulated.
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Also what makes you think Russia will not nuke Canada? They will along with UK, Europe and all of the countries they recently made list of.

And the whole world will have to face the consequences for this for decades to come (that is, if anyone survives at all).

Even explosion of one single nuclear weapon anywhere in the world has after effects everywhere and here we are speaking about 100s and 1000s!

God have mercy on us all!
Videos from the Russian War Report Wargonzo shows Russian commanders using the Thurya Sat Seleve:

I wonder if UAE gives Russian comms to the US.

It is highly likely these radios are being used for squad communications at the tactical edge by dismounted infantry. Attacking networks at the tactical edge using these radios could help blunt or slow Russian manoeuvres.

Handheld HF is unlikely for squad manoeuvres. UHF radios are much more practical in the field, and their batteries last like 10 times more. It's an ad-hoc long range replacement of relay stations which Ukrainians been locating since first days of war. HF is not what you use to avoid detection. VHF 400Mhz+ is much more safe due to weaker, and wider signal

Moreover, transmissions from these radios could be relatively easy to detect using rudimentary communications intelligence (COMINT) equipment.

Detection is not everything, you need to know exactly which radio is used for relaying orders, or used by high rank officers In case of Russia, it's the presence of encrypted radio comms which outs them.

Ukrainians probably already got all of their radio maps, and know which systems, and frequencies are used by Russian chain of command.

Say, they hear encrypted TX on 20.705, and already know it's Russian generals talking because nobody else in the regular C&C has encrypted radio sets with 100W+ power.
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They will nuke empty forests and mountains as well? Much of Canada is unpopulated.
Nuclear radiation and radiation wind's will make whole area impossible to live in for hundreds of years.
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