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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Imo, the Ukrainian war is not a main event, but the first step in a series of events. The agenda of the world will be famine, permanent food inflation, climate change crisis, permanent energy inflation between many wars.

Well, if this becomes a regional war then it will only accelerate some of what you are saying. In the end, unless nukes are used, the West will prevail over Russia. But the cost will be heavy for Europe especially and possibly for many other countries.
Already a friend in California is envying that I live on so much land and that I can grow and hunt my food. Some others are stocking up on supplies. One friend saying learn to hunt wild turkeys, raccoons and dears on our land. One complaining that bullets are sold out in stores. I am not panicking--yet!
Well, if this becomes a regional war then it will only accelerate some of what you are saying. In the end, unless nukes are used, the West will prevail over Russia. But the cost will be heavy for Europe especially and possibly for many other countries.
Already a friend in California is envying that I live on so much land and that I can grow and hunt my food. Some others are stocking up on supplies. One friend saying learn to hunt wild turkeys, raccoons and dears on our land. One complaining that bullets are sold out in stores. I am not panicking--yet!

You thinking tracking of Russian losses is hard now? Wait until US forces get involved.

The US has several hundred thousand precision guided bombs and 10,000+ cruise missiles.
Well, if this becomes a regional war then it will only accelerate some of what you are saying. In the end, unless nukes are used, the West will prevail over Russia. But the cost will be heavy for Europe especially and possibly for many other countries.
Already a friend in California is envying that I live on so much land and that I can grow and hunt my food. Some others are stocking up on supplies. One friend saying learn to hunt wild turkeys, raccoons and dears on our land. One complaining that bullets are sold out in stores. I am not panicking--yet!
Before the Ukraine war started, there was only one thing I wrote here many times: Even if you have 1 square meter of land, learn to grow something there. The wheat crisis is only the leading indicator, the real crisis has not started yet.
On Channel 4 TV News :

Poland to transfer 29 x Mig29s to a German Airbase - from which Ukraine can pickup these fighters. This has been agreed now.

(others have posted this news aswell it seems)

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Field tests continue
A no fly zone would achieve little anyway. Russia cannot afford to lose very expensive fighter jets, that's why his main offensive is ground based, tanks, artillery, rockets etc. The killing would just increase, as would the risk of all out war.

Give them javelins

Looks to be confirmed. I believe Poland has 28 MiG-29s?

United States

The United States bought 21 aircraft from Moldova.[32] Different private owned companies and individuals bought MiG-29s from former USSR republics.[33]

The Americans have some aswell - though they may have been militarily deactivated? If they can be re-activated - then they can be useful ? At a minimum they could be useful as ground attack/mud movers if they cannot get the radars reactivated etc.

All Soviet armour is very hard to drive, like physically hard. There is no steering wheel, only 2 sticks.

I tried driving type 59 on drills: pulling the stick with 2 legs on the floor, and it's barely turning. You need to slowdown, turn, and accelerate again. Visibility is also terrible because decades old plastic glass turned into schmoo. Driver's seat also has very low hatch. Near impossible to sit there for somebody >180cm

I can imagine somebody getting used to it over the years, but I think a lot of Russian armour loss is because of draftee drivers losing their shit under combat stress.
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