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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Meanwhile somewhere in suburban America:


Bhai meray, you want to have my honest opinion? You are not gonna like it .... but here it is:

Russia and Urkaine are going to settle this soon, sooner than you think!

Few more months and the impact of sanctions will start wearing down. Like it or not, the largest economies of Europe are totally dependent on Russia for all sorts of metals, minerals, raw materials, oil, gas and what not. The car industry in Germany has already started to put pressure on the govt and articles have started to appear in the media questioning sanctions.

It wont take long. Today's warning from Russian top official about closing down Nordstream 1 if it continues should not be taken light.

Russia will remain a major power in the world. I know it is not something you want to hear, but it is how it is.

Make your own prediction and lets bet. :-)

It will be the ultimate irony if the US will have to buy oil from Iran now. Saudis will be very hurt.

I can't imagine what their facial expression would look like.

I fact, US making a deal with Iran is probably US' only remaining way to extricate itself out of the middle east in an any much dignified manner.
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On a different perspective.

Two years ago the world has experienced a first of a kind global event where all the world got sick together.

Now , when we started feeling that this corona is ( hopefully ) , starting to fade away , we are hit by another global event , that already starting to effect every one .

Maybe there is a lesson to be learnt here ? Your thoughts ?

Imo, the Ukrainian war is not a main event, but the first step in a series of events. The agenda of the world will be famine, permanent food inflation, climate change crisis, permanent energy inflation between many wars.
Pootin may well decide to nuke Kyiv if a siege drags on long enough and Russian casualties keep on mounting. This could possibly end the war if they take out Zelensky and decapitiate the Ukrainian government, but would Ukrainian resistance necesarily falter in the wake of a nuclear strike? And what would NATOs response be?
There are rumors that he already sent a Chechen hit squad for Zelensky but sources within the FSB betrayed them.

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On a different perspective.

Two years ago the world has experienced a first of a kind global event where all the world got sick together.

Now , when we started feeling that this corona is ( hopefully ) , starting to fade away , we are hit by another global event , that already starting to effect every one .

Maybe there is a lesson to be learnt here ? Your thoughts ?


The Great Reset?
By end of may what will b left of kiev?
Who cares. Thats the price of freedom. If they valued Kiyev more than freedom they would have surrendered on day 1. No casualties, no destruction. Just occupation and enslavement.

Freedom has a price. And its very expensive.
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