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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Imo, the Ukrainian war is not a main event, but the first step in a series of events. The agenda of the world will be famine, permanent food inflation, climate change crisis, permanent energy inflation between many wars.

I see it too

Take a notice of news from Egypt. A new revolution is brewing
It will be the ultimate irony if the US will have to buy oil from Iran now. Saudis will be very hurt.

I can't imagine what their facial expression would look like.

I fact, US making a deal with Iran is probably US' only remaining way to extricate itself out of the middle east in an any much dignified manner.

As if the West in general and Anglo-Saxon in particular have any morals when it comes to own interests.

It will be the ultimate irony if the US will have to buy oil from Iran now. Saudis will be very hurt.

I can't imagine what their facial expression would look like.

I fact, US making a deal with Iran is probably US' only remaining way to extricate itself out of the middle east in an any much dignified manner.
The US will position itself as a provider of LPG to Europe. <Watch this space.
Pootin may well decide to nuke Kyiv if a siege drags on long enough and Russian casualties keep on mounting. This could possibly end the war if they take out Zelensky and decapitiate the Ukrainian government, but would Ukrainian resistance necesarily falter in the wake of a nuclear strike? And what would NATOs response be?

Did he personally tell you this that he will be using Tsar Bomba v2? or you just had a dream?
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Pootin may well decide to nuke Kyiv if a siege drags on long enough and Russian casualties keep on mounting. This could possibly end the war if they take out Zelensky and decapitiate the Ukrainian government, but would Ukrainian resistance necesarily falter in the wake of a nuclear strike? And what would NATOs response be?

No one knows the answer and we don't want to find out what is going to happen in that scenario. Yesterday saw a video in which the former US House Speaker Newt Gingritch was asked about enforcing a No Fly Zone over Ukraine. Newt, a realist, said no, can't do. He said America had a long cold war and some proxy wars against the Soviets/Russians but we carefully avoided direct conflict. He said Russia has 6000 nukes. He was corrected by the anchor: 7000 nukes.
The wisdom lies in giving Putin an 'off ramp'. Let him pass away. Stop the stupid war and the killing. This will all be sorted by time.
The Great Reset?
Inevitable end.

Key term: Nation states. Moving to the second stage before the nation-state term is sufficiently destroyed creates some side-effect fears for globalists.

All the wars right now, all the conflicts, all the political camps are just the result of disagreements about when that should happen.
Hard to believe that I was Kiev on New Years Eve. Hope everyone I know there is safe.
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