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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Before the Ukraine war started, there was only one thing I wrote here many times: Even if you have 1 square meter of land, learn to grow something there. The wheat crisis is only the leading indicator, the real crisis has not started yet.

I knew a time would come for my mountain lands.
Forget the Ukraine Russia conflict for a moment. What I have enjoyed most is the hypocritical US/Western outrage against Pakistan for remaining neutral. At times it felt like the Americans and Europeans want to blame Pakistan for the entire fiasco. Just have a look at the insane amount of coverage given to Pakistan:

LOL why aren't they asking the same from India? Aren't they the shooopapowa?

We are irrelevant on the international stage esp. vis a vis european conflicts.
A no fly zone would achieve little anyway. Russia cannot afford to lose very expensive fighter jets, that's why his main offensive is ground based, tanks, artillery, rockets etc. The killing would just increase, as would the risk of all out war.

Give them javelins

A run of 2-3 B-2 bombers would annihilate those Russian columns. B-2s can launch up to 80 PGMs in one pass.

Is it just my impression or have the reports on the fighting today subsided ?

Maybe there is still a chance to make some deal after all ?

Maybe Putin's demand of the " demilitarization " of Ukraine was just a starting point in order to get a better deal ?

Does anyone here sees a scenario where in a week or two , those Russian convoy around Kiev just turns around and go home ?


Is it just my impression or have the reports on the fighting today subsided ?

Maybe there is still a chance to make some deal after all ?

Maybe Putin's demand of the " demilitarization " of Ukraine was just a starting point in order to get a better deal ?

Does anyone here sees a scenario where in a week or two , those Russian convoy around Kiev just turns around and go home ?


Russia is stuck, that’s the problem
On Channel 4 TV News :

Poland to transfer 29 x Mig29s to a German Airbase - from which Ukraine can pickup these fighters. This has been agreed now.

(others have posted this news aswell it seems)

Poland is ready to move their mig 29 to Rammstein and give it to the USA. Poland ask for aircraft with similar capabilities in return.
Bhai meray, you want to have my honest opinion? You are not gonna like it .... but here it is:

Russia and Urkaine are going to settle this soon, sooner than you think!

Few more months and the impact of sanctions will start wearing down. Like it or not, the largest economies of Europe are totally dependent on Russia for all sorts of metals, minerals, raw materials, oil, gas and what not. The car industry in Germany has already started to put pressure on the govt and articles have started to appear in the media questioning sanctions.

It wont take long. Today's warning from Russian top official about closing down Nordstream 1 if it continues should not be taken light.

Russia will remain a major power in the world. I know it is not something you want to hear, but it is how it is.

Make your own prediction and lets bet. :-)
Russian military intervention in Ukraine is proving costly to Putin administration. Russia is very likely to consider political solution for Ukraine, therefore. 3 rounds of talks have taken place by now. I am not surprised.

Few more months and the impact of sanctions will start wearing down? How easily you draw conclusions, right? Did the impact of American sanctions imposed on Russian economy in 2014 start to wear out? NO. Russian economy dropped from 5th spot to 11th spot in the (2014 - 2021) period. American sanctions produced the desired effects in passing years.

Russia could benefit from Nord Stream 2 with Germany but fate of this project is uncertain now.

Multiple countries have imposed sanctions on Russia by now. These will collectively bite very hard. You will see desired effects in time.

Europe has been crucial to sustaining Russian economy but European countries are now realizing that they need to find ways to decouple from Russia. UK has made a decision in this regard just now:

Germany and Italy are in a bind due to heavy reliance on Russian gas. Russia can counter-hurt these two rather easily. I give you this. But can Russia take this risk in current situation?

Speaking of alternatives, some Asian countries can provide some relief to Russia but they do not substitute European markets. USA is watching this development closely as well.

Sanctions imposed on Russia will affect many countries in time.

Even PM Imran khan has voiced his concern that crippling sanctions on Russia will harm developing countries including Pakistan down the road.

- - -

You are mistaking my critic of Russian miscalculations for disliking Russia. This might surprise you but I am one of the unspoken distant fans of Vladimir Putin. I like Russia very much as well. I wasn't very expressive in this regard here on PDF.

I am of the view that Putin was doing very well until he miscalculated in Ukraine.

Putin can do some Damage Control by considering a political solution for Ukraine. He can soothe tempers in this manner. This might convince some countries to reduce sanctions on Russia. However, he cannot reverse everything in motion against Russia now.

When the dust will settle, there will be numerous humbling lessons to write about.

You need to stop assuming about my likes and dislikes while addressing me.
Will Ukrainians be able to get weapons for their MIGs from Poland? Do they have enough pilots to fly these planes?
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