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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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This such nonsense.

Far right parties in the last elections got like 2% of the votes, to blame the whole Ukrainian political system of this Is ridiculous.

And trying to sell us that a Jewish president whose members of family fought the Nazis with the soviet army in WW2, formed a Nazi government ,is not just nonsense but a dirty lie , written with bad intent to justify this war.

and you know what else, if this nonsense is true and if zelinsky after synagog goes to bed with a picture of hitler on his pillow, it still does not justify an invasion.

i am also curious and amazed that Keyboard Wariors are Peddling the Turkish drones a little too much in this conflict

Seems like, some are intentionally want to Drag Turkey in this conflict Against Russian by broadcasting the socalled Havocs of TB2 or whatsoever system

I cant even believe that some Drone is flying destroying the conveys of Russia and Russia is doing nothing but having fun time watching its conveys burning
Some Afro country, i can believe, however Russia has been cornered by Drones (after Azer-Armenia conflict because everybody have definitely learnt alot from it) is unacceptable to me

An Airforce is kept rendered by Russia but somehow some Drone hand alone is annihilating Russian Convey - Total Crapshit
yes Turkish drones are very bad, Russia does need to worry about them. Also Armenia doesn't have to worry about them. Its all Turkish propaganda.
You thinking tracking of Russian losses is hard now? Wait until US forces get involved.

The US has several hundred thousand precision guided bombs and 10,000+ cruise missiles.

I agree.
And ironically, Western Europe needed nukes to deter a superior USSR conventional attack but now it is reversed: Russia uses nukes as the ultimate weapon / threat to try to get what it wants or needs.
Opera Snapshot_2022-03-09_010701_gab.com.png

All Soviet armour is very hard to drive, like physically hard. There is no steering wheel, only 2 sticks.

I tried driving type 59 on drills: pulling the stick with 2 legs on the floor, and it's barely turning. You need to slowdown, turn, and accelerate again. Visibility is also terrible because decades old plastic glass turned into schmoo. Driver's seat also has very low hatch. Near impossible to sit there for somebody >180cm

I can imagine somebody getting used to it over the years, but I think a lot of Russian armour loss is because of draftee drivers losing their shit under combat stress.

Then you have probably seen this movie ('The Beast' or 'The Beast of War' - 1988) multiple times. I have plenty of times. Fantastic stuff!!

I agree.
And ironically, Western Europe needed nukes to deter a superior USSR conventional attack but now it is reversed: Russia uses nukes as the ultimate weapon / threat to try to get what it wants or needs.

Ironically, the force built according to Soviet military doctrine is the most adept at fighting another Soviet style force. Tons of raw firepower against ******** of cheap armour.
Russian military intervention in Ukraine is proving costly to Putin administration. Russia is very likely to consider political solution for Ukraine, therefore. 3 rounds of talks have taken place by now. I am not surprised.

Few more months and the impact of sanctions will start wearing down? How easily you draw conclusions, right? Did the impact of American sanctions imposed on Russian economy in 2014 start to wear out? NO. Russian economy dropped from 5th spot to 11th spot in the (2014 - 2021) period. American sanctions produced the desired effects in passing years.

Russia could benefit from Nord Stream 2 with Germany but fate of this project is uncertain now.

Multiple countries have imposed sanctions on Russia by now. These will collectively bite very hard. You will see desired effects in time.

Europe has been crucial to sustaining Russian economy but European countries are now realizing that they need to find ways to decouple from Russia. UK has made a decision in this regard just now:

Germany and Italy are in a bind due to heavy reliance on Russian gas. Russia can counter-hurt these two rather easily. I give you this. But can Russia take this risk in current situation?

Speaking of alternatives, some Asian countries can provide some relief to Russia but they do not substitute European markets. USA is watching this development closely as well.

Sanctions imposed on Russia will affect many countries in time.

Even PM Imran khan has voiced his concern that crippling sanctions on Russia will harm developing countries including Pakistan down the road.

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You are mistaking my critic of Russian miscalculations for disliking Russia. This might surprise you but I am one of the unspoken distant fans of Vladimir Putin. I like Russia very much as well. I wasn't very expressive in this regard here on PDF.

I am of the view that Putin was doing very well until he miscalculated in Ukraine.

Putin can do some Damage Control by considering a political solution for Ukraine. He can soothe tempers in this manner. This might convince some countries to reduce sanctions on Russia. However, he cannot reverse everything in motion against Russia now.

When the dust will settle, there will be numerous humbling lessons to write about.

You need to stop assuming about my likes and dislikes while addressing me.

Well, if you listen to the man himself, he says the Western sanction would have come anyway, no matter whether he invaded Ukraine or not. This is his version.

Russians might have known few things that you or me could never know sitting here.

Even though, I dont support his invasion, but one thing seems certain, the USA would have not settled on anything less than arming Ukraine to the teeth for various reasons.

Every country has red-lines, USA has it, Pakistan has it, China has it and so does Russia.

My opinion is a bit non-mainstream and I think despite all the media circus and all the sanction cries, the saner heads will find a way out of this mess. Or the world will cease to exist as we know it. No one wants that. Even all those George Soros' pulling the strings know it.

From one day to the other media will find something else to go nuts about and life will carry on. Russia will take a hit economically but to dismiss her as a non-entity in the world politics is a grave misjudgement.

And lastly, my post was directed towards some people who have already declared Russia dead and that sanctions will bring her to her knees and Russia will start begging for mercy from Anglo-Saxon clan.
Russian military intervention in Ukraine is proving costly to Putin administration. Russia is very likely to consider political solution for Ukraine, therefore. 3 rounds of talks have taken place by now. I am not surprised.

Few more months and the impact of sanctions will start wearing down? How easily you draw conclusions, right? Did the impact of American sanctions imposed on Russian economy in 2014 start to wear out? NO. Russian economy dropped from 5th spot to 11th spot in the (2014 - 2021) period. American sanctions produced the desired effects in passing years.

Russia could benefit from Nord Stream 2 with Germany but fate of this project is uncertain now.

Multiple countries have imposed sanctions on Russia by now. These will collectively bite very hard. You will see desired effects in time.

Europe has been crucial to sustaining Russian economy but European countries are now realizing that they need to find ways to decouple from Russia. UK has made a decision in this regard just now:

Germany and Italy are in a bind due to heavy reliance on Russian gas. Russia can counter-hurt these two rather easily. I give you this. But can Russia take this risk in current situation?

Speaking of alternatives, some Asian countries can provide some relief to Russia but they do not substitute European markets. USA is watching this development closely as well.

Sanctions imposed on Russia will affect many countries in time.

Even PM Imran khan has voiced his concern that crippling sanctions on Russia will harm developing countries including Pakistan down the road.

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You are mistaking my critic of Russian miscalculations for disliking Russia. This might surprise you but I am one of the unspoken distant fans of Vladimir Putin. I like Russia very much as well. I wasn't very expressive in this regard here on PDF.

I am of the view that Putin was doing very well until he miscalculated in Ukraine.

Putin can do some Damage Control by considering a political solution for Ukraine. He can soothe tempers in this manner. This might convince some countries to reduce sanctions on Russia. However, he cannot reverse everything in motion against Russia now.

When the dust will settle, there will be numerous humbling lessons to write about.

You need to stop assuming about my likes and dislikes while addressing me.
The decision for Europe and US to move away from Russian oil and gas is strategic and not a tactical response. Unless and until Russia turns into a pro western democracy, Putin's mistake will continue to extract its toll on Russian economy. If it takes too long for Russians to reform, then the world will successfully shift to alternate energy technologies in a few decades. China will be the winner in this scenario.
Ironically, the force built according to Soviet military doctrine is the most adept at fighting another Soviet style force. Tons of raw firepower against ******** of cheap armour.

The integrated fires of US Air Force and Navy PGMs and cruise missiles with US Army guided rocket and self propelled artillery would devastate Russian Forces. And fast IMO
Then you have probably seen this movie ('The Beast' or 'The Beast of War' - 1988) multiple times. I have plenty of times. Fantastic stuff!!

One of my favourite movies. The best part is the Kipling quote at the start.
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