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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russian military intervention in Ukraine is proving costly to Putin administration. Russia is very likely to consider political solution for Ukraine, therefore. 3 rounds of talks have taken place by now. I am not surprised.

Few more months and the impact of sanctions will start wearing down? How easily you draw conclusions, right? Did the impact of American sanctions imposed on Russian economy in 2014 start to wear out? NO. Russian economy dropped from 5th spot to 11th spot in the (2014 - 2021) period. American sanctions produced the desired effects in passing years.

Russia could benefit from Nord Stream 2 with Germany but fate of this project is uncertain now.

Multiple countries have imposed sanctions on Russia by now. These will collectively bite very hard. You will see desired effects in time.

Europe has been crucial to sustaining Russian economy but European countries are now realizing that they need to find ways to decouple from Russia. UK has made a decision in this regard just now:

Germany and Italy are in a bind due to heavy reliance on Russian gas. Russia can counter-hurt these two rather easily. I give you this. But can Russia take this risk in current situation?

Speaking of alternatives, some Asian countries can provide some relief to Russia but they do not substitute European markets. USA is watching this development closely as well.

Sanctions imposed on Russia will affect many countries in time.

Even PM Imran khan has voiced his concern that crippling sanctions on Russia will harm developing countries including Pakistan down the road.

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You are mistaking my critic of Russian miscalculations for disliking Russia. This might surprise you but I am one of the unspoken distant fans of Vladimir Putin. I like Russia very much as well. I wasn't very expressive in this regard here on PDF.

I am of the view that Putin was doing very well until he miscalculated in Ukraine.

Putin can do some Damage Control by considering a political solution for Ukraine. He can soothe tempers in this manner. This might convince some countries to reduce sanctions on Russia. However, he cannot reverse everything in motion against Russia now.

When the dust will settle, there will be numerous humbling lessons to write about.

You need to stop assuming about my likes and dislikes while addressing me.
Yes Putin did well for Russia, until Crimea. I can see why he did it. CIA maidan coup. But invading Crimea, an area which UK and Ottomans went to war with Russia over. That really ruined him in the eyes of the west, and this invasion has buried him.

Even if he goes home tomorrow and leaves Ukraine. Who will pay for all the damage? It will have to be Russia, so sanctions cant be lifted until there is regime change and Russia agrees to pay for it all.

Its all over for him and all over for Russia while they harbour him. it could take 15 years to sort all this out.
This clown has a point. Russia can choose to interpret the fighter jets transfer to Ukraine as an act of war and go after NATO. But I doubt that Putin has the balls to take NATO on a conventional war without a green light from China.

Despite Putin's threats, I doubt that he wants a nuclear war. He will most definitely not have a kingdom to rule at the end of it.

Maybe Putin wouldn't care and maybe those around him would be powerless or complicit themselves to stop Putin from going 'the whole hog'?? You see, if rumors are true, Trump was going to be stopped from launching the nukes/attacks against China after Trump's loss in the 2020 elections. Who is going to stop Putin if it comes to that?? A cornered Putin is extremely dangerous! That's a reality people need to truly understand and give him an 'off ramp'. Russia's issues will be sorted out in time, as I keep repeating. Give time a chance!
Even if he goes home tomorrow and leaves Ukraine. Who will pay for all the damage? It will have to be Russia, so sanctions cant be lifted until there is regime change and Russia agrees to pay for it all.

Agree - this is the point that most people are forgetting - the sanctions will remain until we have proof that Russia cannot do this again - either economically or politically or militarily ever again.
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Shit he is right, I am living in a bizzaro world


He's phenomenal! I don't think I had ever seen him for more than 5-10 minutes of videos before but he's the Tucker Carlson of India or vice versa. And looking at his Indian invitees, there is strong anti-Americanism in Indian intelligentsia. I am surprised.
Which brings to me say: Pakistan really has no dog in this fight. India is far more affected because of the India-Russia decades old relations but for Pakistan, except for some potential benefits for Pakistan's main ally China gaining some leverage, Pakistanis can afford to be truly neutral. An immediate Russian loss or cutting to size and a Russian over dependence on China or an American UNPivoting from the Pacific back to Europe is not good for India.

I still wish the killing ends and ends asap!
From the Telegram of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

▪️ The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, continuing offensive operations, took control of Pudovka and Nizhnee.

▪️ The units of the People's Militia of the Donetsk People's Republic took control over Olenovka, Pol'noe and Yuzhno-Donbass.

In Mariupol, after the end of cease-fire, the units of the Donetsk Republic advanced another 800-900 meters.

▪️ The units of the Russian Armed Forces took control of Peredovoe and Kariernaya.

▪️ During the day, bomber and assault aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 32 military facilities.

💥 Among them: 4 command posts, 3 radar station, 2 fuel depots and 11 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment.

▪️ In total, 2,581 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

💥 Among them: 90 command posts and communication centres of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 123 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as 81 radar stations.

💥 Destroyed: 897 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 95 multiple rocket launch systems, 336 field artillery and mortars, 662 units of special military vehicles, 84 unmanned aerial vehicles.

#MoD #Briefing #Russia #Ukraine
Biden: I said from the beginning that the American citizen will pay the price for sanctions against Russia..

Meanwhile.. the average Americans:

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They dont. They really dont.

They have 7000 t72, 4000 t80 and about 200 t90 in storage/reserves. No other tanks are im reserves/stotage
It gets proven factually wrong multiple times and instead of admitting fault just goes on to the next topic to lie about with its copium dreams.

What an interesting creature.
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