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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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We all need to be cautious of the outcome. We just saw what happened in Afghanistan in August 2021. So many 'experts' proved wrong. So many nice words from Biden when meeting Ghani in the White House were just words. So much social media support for the then 'democratically elected' Afghan govt. amounted to nothing once the Taliban took over Kabul. So who is to say what we are hearing about the Russian losses, however factual, may amount to nothing if and when Russia truly captures and consolidates its hold on Ukraine in a chunk of Eastern Ukraine and cuts off Ukraine from its sea access?? Wars were never won on social media in human history and likely not now either.

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Putins got a few options to consider

1) Accept a stalemate and withdraw with some narrative they achieved their objectives
2) Hunker down and continue to take big losses
3) Hunker down and switch tactics to indiscriminatory carpet bombing to bomb the Ukrainians into submission
4) Cut a deal with the west and end the war

Is there any other options? which one is he likely to go with. I think hel end up with option 3.
Maybe Putin wouldn't care and maybe those around him would be powerless or complicit themselves to stop Putin from going 'the whole hog'?? You see, if rumors are true, Trump was going to be stopped from launching the nukes/attacks against China after Trump's loss in the 2020 elections. Who is going to stop Putin if it comes to that?? A cornered Putin is extremely dangerous! That's a reality people need to truly understand and give him an 'off ramp'. Russia's issues will be sorted out in time, as I keep repeating. Give time a chance!
He cant be stopped. He has to lose. Appeasement wont stop him unfortunately. he will do what he has to do. If someone in Russia manages to get rid of him good, but otherwise he will do what he thinks is best for Russia.
I think that the Ukrainians have said that NATO membership will not be pursued because NATO is not willing to allow them in anyway. But Zelensky has refused to enshrine this in the constitution. With respect to the eastern provinces claimed by Russia, I suspect Ukraine will be ready to offer autonomous status only.

Considering that Ukraine's resistance is fighting the war largely fueled by nationalism, I don't expect Zelensky to be in a position to give away everything that Putin expects him to.
Like I said watch for who gives concessions and who sticks to their terms or makes them more onerous.

From what I see, Russia is just adding terms, while Ukraine is giving up concessions.

Why give concessions if you are winning?
Maybe Putin wouldn't care and maybe those around him would be powerless or complicit themselves to stop Putin from going 'the whole hog'?? You see, if rumors are true, Trump was going to be stopped from launching the nukes/attacks against China after Trump's loss in the 2020 elections. Who is going to stop Putin if it comes to that?? A cornered Putin is extremely dangerous! That's a reality people need to truly understand and give him an 'off ramp'. Russia's issues will be sorted out in time, as I keep repeating. Give time a chance!
Both US and EU want to give him an off ramp. But will the autocrat be able to keep his position in the throne after taking a face saving exit? Will he not fear the sharks around him?

Time will tell :-)
My go to book for casual reading is Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising". It is a modern warfare masterpiece which predates his Jack Ryan Series.

Some of these events unfolding feel eerily similar....

And he wrote that in early 1980s!
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Like I said watch for who gives concessions and who sticks to their terms or makes them more onerous.

From what I see, Russia is just adding terms, while Ukraine is giving up concessions.

Why give concessions if you are winning?
Putin set out to achieve a regime change in Ukraine. Any dialogue outcome that is less than a regime change is a step down for him. Let's see what happens.

If Putin simply takes control of Ukraine by force, he will deal with a bigger insurgency than what the Americans had to deal with in Afghanistan. Unlike in places like Kashmir or Chechnya, the whole EU/US block will sanction Putin and fund this insurgency until the to be puppet regime is overthrown. :cheers:
It gets proven factually wrong multiple times and instead of admitting fault just goes on to the next topic to lie about with its copium dreams.

What an interesting creature.
Who are you talking about?
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