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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They dont. They really dont.

They have 7000 t72, 4000 t80 and about 200 t90 in storage/reserves. No other tanks are im reserves/stotage

They still have 150 T-62M/MV in service, which will be upgraded to T-62M3. (I know, even english Wiki doesn't shows that.)
And they have "some" T-62M/MV in reserve/in depots but mostly for Syria.
i am also curious and amazed that Keyboard Wariors are Peddling the Turkish drones a little too much in this conflict

Seems like, some are intentionally want to Drag Turkey in this conflict Against Russian by broadcasting the socalled Havocs of TB2 or whatsoever system

I cant even believe that some Drone is flying destroying the conveys of Russia and Russia is doing nothing but having fun time watching its conveys burning
Some Afro country, i can believe, however Russia has been cornered by Drones (after Azer-Armenia conflict because everybody have definitely learnt alot from it) is unacceptable to me

An Airforce is kept rendered by Russia but somehow some Drone hand alone is annihilating Russian Convey - Total Crapshit
Drones are definitely very effective, no doubt about it. What I'm talking about is not that. I'm just saying that there is no Turkish drone in Ukraine at the moment. The pilots are ukrainian, and the flying planes have the ukrainian air force mark on their wings.


I hope that a ceasefire will be agreed upon in a short time, this agenda will lose some of its intensity, so that I can explain to you with a few examples what kind of 'perception' operations are being carried out on the Turkish public opinion. As I have tried to explain several times before, Turkey has to proceed on a delicate balance. We are not a party to the Ukrainian war. In the last two weeks, countless manipulations have been made to make Turkey lose its neutral position. There has also been great pressure to close our airspace, not enforce Montreux, and participate in economic sanctions.

On the Ukrainian side: We give Ukraine some military technologies, we get other military technologies in return. In fact, we have implemented and are carrying out the joint production of some military sub-systems over buying or JVs, especially on the engine area, which other countries have imposed export restrictions on Turkey. For Turkey, the real reason for developing such a strategic defense industry relationship with Ukraine was not Russia, but the other side.

However, the reasons of Ukraine was mostly accelerate its preparations against the risk of Russian invasion, while these systems could not be get or financed by west.

Sounds too complicated? The war of hegemony between the West and Russia necessitates a special alliance area between Ukraine and Turkey to combine their skills on some issues.

However, Turkey's geopolitical conditions also necessitate the continuation of a similarly complex relationship with Russia. This makes Turkey the only truly neutral country, west of Russia.
Everyone knows that Russia is fighting the entire West and for years in Ukraine. And that makes the conflict much more dangerous! A seemingly defeated Russia likely to throw in everything into Ukraine and the foreign suppliers when they are inside Ukraine. Possibly some massive bombs and even tactical nukes could be used. Russia has already made accusations of chemical and/or biological weapons factory inside Ukraine; they could use that as an excuse to really cross some boundaries in a do or die situation.

We should not rule out anything once some thresholds are reached. If a Russian victory would be bad for Ukraine then a Russian loss would be bad for not just Ukraine but for a much wider region!
Pootin may well decide to nuke Kyiv if a siege drags on long enough and Russian casualties keep on mounting. This could possibly end the war if they take out Zelensky and decapitiate the Ukrainian government, but would Ukrainian resistance necesarily falter in the wake of a nuclear strike? And what would NATOs response be?
Seems like reality has started to dawn on those who sit in the power corridors.

Well ... Zelensky knows no body is coming to help him. It would be best to talk to Russia and get a deal.
He has the same chance of getting a deal as the Palestinians.

On a different perspective.

Two years ago the world has experienced a first of a kind global event where all the world got sick together.

Now , when we started feeling that this corona is ( hopefully ) , starting to fade away , we are hit by another global event , that already starting to effect every one .

Maybe there is a lesson to be learnt here ? Your thoughts ?


Can the Mig-29 withstand with S-400 and S-500 air defense systems? I just don't understand the significance of these Mig-29s? Did they forget the fact that they were originally built by Russia? It seems the US government just wants to satisfy the Zelensky's call for air support. But I am pretty sure they know that Russians will be ready for them.
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