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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russian police detain 3,500 people at anti-war protests - TASS

people at anti-war protests in cities across Russia on Sunday, including 1,700 people in Moscow and 750 in St Petersburg, TASS news agency the interior ministry as saying.(Reporting by Reuters)


Must be getting rid of most of their stock of these types before bulk ordering a new batch of NLAW's. Good for Ukraine - fast supply for them.

14 cargo aircraft landed in Poland on Friday. Western weapons continue to flow into Ukraine.
. . . the conditions and interests of the countries. Russia is a 'distant threat' to many Muslim countries. The western bloc is an 'imminent threat' for some reasons.

Just watched Turkish analyst Yunus Soner says that US organized 3 coups in Turkey . . . and says that today it's Russia tomorrow it will be Turkey.

ex Ukr PM says Zelensky allowed US to conduct exercises of a nuclear attack on Russia from Ukrainian air space, thereby putting his country in danger:

There are contradicting claims coming out of Mariupol. The Russian side are claiming Azov is holding them hostage

That 3rd part is exactly what Russia says they want to eliminate.
Putin asked Ukrainian military to take over the gang (the likes of Azov+Zelensky type etc.) and talk to Russia directly.

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Ok bro, give me that accountant or financial adviser, I dont need much... just a million or two will do. ; -)

For some reason only crooks like Ashraf Ghani, Sharifs, Zelenskys and co seem to have them.

A massively corrupt person should not be made a hero, you agree?
You are comparing Zelenskyy to the likes of Ashraf Ghani and Nawaz Sharif? Like seriously?

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