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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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He's a former actor turned politician. Not really worth mentioning.

How much does a top notch comedian make in Ukraine (he is certainly not top notch, but for the arguments sake, lets assume he is) ?

100K $ a year? 200K$ after expenses, including all sorts of promotions (I am being very generous here). Ok lets give him 100K more.... still he would need like 1000+ years to make half a billion$ with that.

Both you and me know, there is only one possible way to pile it up in a corrupt country like Ukraine .... immense corruption!!
Putin willingly and stubbornly losing 5% to 10% Russian military on every move means roughly 2 to 3 weeks before depleted. That willingness to lose things for hardly any real gain means Putin is doing this intentionally.

How plausible is this scenario? It sounds a bit farfetched tbh.
How much does a top notch comedian make in Ukraine (he is certainly not top notch, but for the arguments sake, lets assume he is) ?

100K $ a year? 200K$ after expenses, including all sorts of promotions (I am being very generous here). Ok lets give him 100K more.... still he would need like 1000+ years to make half a billion$ with that.

Both you and me know, there is only one possible way to pile it up in a corrupt country like Ukraine .... immense corruption!!
It's called having an accountant. A good accountant will tell you how to invest your money.

One NATO country being attacked by an external entity will legally cause the whole of NATO to defend the attacked country, so when Ukraine is given NATO membership now will NATO attack Russians and Belarusians in Ukraine and will NATO take the war to Russia ? :lol:

And what will this American carrier strike group do ?

Some Ukranian-government-affiliated media says 99 Russian tanks destroyed, another says 269 and here it says 300. :lol:

And just yesterday, wasn't the number of Russian personnel killed 10,000 ? Now it is 11,000. One thousand in a day ?

Who is doing all this counting ?

RT, on Ukrainian trops doing a runner. Seems genuine.

During the initial bits of the report I was wondering if the Ukranians have left surprises in the base and then the reporter said it. And he also said that the Ukranians soldiers from here may now have mingled with the civilians. It must be pointed that the Russians are being quite decent with the civilians, letting them stop by the Russian vehicles and film. The Russians are also delivering emergency supplies in at least one place. The Ukranians will be doing a wrong thing by dressing up as civilians.

As it is, the Ukranian military, including the embedded Nazis, is preventing the civilians from leaving the cities, holding them hostage and then claiming that the evil Russians are killing civilians. This is the same claim that NATO made about Libyan and Syrian forces in 2011. Bloody liars !

Also, such reports will not be made by our @Vergennes and @Messerschmitt and sorry to say, @dBSPL.
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When your adversary starts banning cats and literary authors, you know that all retaliatory steps he has taken did not have the desired effect and has effectively extinguished all meaningful options to the degree that they are now illegally looting Russian citizens assets.

Regardless of the military losses that Russia might suffer, wether they are exaggerated or underreported, they are ultimately an insignificant price in return for neutralizing a potential nuclear Nato Ukraine, this is the nation that gave 20 million people in WW2, a few thousands personel and some vehicles is a non figure.
Russia wasn't alone but had 15 other Soviet Socialist Republics (SSR) on its side back in the time of World War 2 - Ukraine being one of the SSR at the time.

This war is different - between two former SSR. Putin, in his hubris, does not seem to realize that his own country will pay a heavy price for this war in the long term. The logical course of action for Putin is to consider political solution for this conflict. He should not take NATO and Ukrainian insurgency for granted.

Ukrainian farmers #2 most powerful military in Europe

This is quite funny actually.

As funny as the rag-tag Talibans driving tanks of the GREATEST military power the world has ever seen. Some of them hadnt driven a 4 wheeler in their whole life, :- D

I wish these things could help end the war. Every one would have a good laughter and conflicts would be resolved peacefully too!
how many arrested in France over protest against Sarkuzy ? what about usa

You obviously have lived in a dictatorship too long and have lost any concept of what it is like to live in a democracy.

Sure , some times protesters get arrested when they get violent , some times police get out of line.

But the basic right to demonstrate and voice your opinion is fundamental yo any democracy. Without it it cant be called a democracy.

It's called having an accountant. A good accountant will tell you how to invest your money.

Even the greatest of accountants can give you few millions 10...20? but here we are talking about more than half a billion!


BTW, afai accountants are not financial advisers. It is out of scope for their mandate.
Can we all please quit the virtue signalling and concentrate on the war because at the end of the day all that matters is who is stronger because this is not about whos right or whos wrong AND this was never about morality but revenge and powerplay hence lets keep the discussion to the military sphere and also lets exclude past or future events being dragging into this but just this present conflict..

There is no rights or wrongs remember this and this counts anywhere else in the world
Aibak bhai your profile DP is very unique....
Even the greatest of accountants can give you few millions 10...20? but not more than half a billion!


BTW, afai accountants are not financial advisers. It is out of scope for their mandate.
It is not. You have no idea about accountants and financial advisers.

You probably don't even know the difference between a financial adviser and a financial advisor.

Regardless, you're making a big deal over nothing. Who cares how much money he has?
Russia has made little progress in the last 24 hours. Supplies seem to be a huge problem
Russia lost nearly all of their best tanks on Ukraine with most of them not firing a single shot?

How could anyone here know this? Why wouldn't they fire a single shot unless UAF or Ukrainian operated drones have struck all the many thousands of tanks without those tanks firing a shot.
You will find this information in following thread:

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