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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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AL Jazeera showing Ukrainian supported group using bullets rubbed with pig hide.... and saying these bullets are for Chechen fighters... These bullets will take you to Hell... 😁
It is not. You have no idea about accountants and financial advisers.

You probably don't even know the difference between a financial adviser and a financial advisor.

Ok bro, give me that accountant or financial adviser, I dont need much... just a million or two will do. ; -)

For some reason only crooks like Ashraf Ghani, Sharifs, Zelenskys and co seem to have them.

A massively corrupt person should not be made a hero, you agree?
Great point... I didn't think of this. But yes, definitely the Russians will arm to the teeth any opposition to Western misadventures in the middle East or any other region... They will not forget this....

They missed their chance in the American Afghan war.
Dude the Soviets raped and killed Musims right at our border and if you really want to give credit for decolonization give it to Nazis who weakened Britain so much that it had to let go

And the Japanese too.
I gotta give it to the Western media and Ukrainian supporters . They have shamelessly propagate and peddled fake news like never before in the history .

Most of the videos are outright fake or exaggerated to say the least.

Western media created the fake news such as a 40 mile Russian convoy, which was once attacking Kiev , then bogged down , then ran out of fuel, then soldiers deserted and finally ambushed by the brave Ukrainians. The entire story is so outlandish and stupid that any one with an ounce of brain will not be able to stop shaking their heads in disbelief.

Western media deliberately created the hype that Russians are unable to take Kiev as if it was supposed to be a walk in the park. Ukraine had a large professional and well armed army. They are equally armed and trained as the Russians except they cannot match Russians in number . Ofcourse they were going to fight to death their equally trained and qualitatively equal army.

Why wouldn’t they ?

So the expectation Russia was to win the war in few days was a deliberate misinformation to create the sense that Russians are stalled and loosing.

They are neither stalled nor loosing. They are deliberately and methodically moving and capturing area. Their goal is not to just capture the territory but to destroy and disarm Ukrainian army infrastructure . That they are doing well and moving slowly in the process .

Yes in some places they are stalled but that is totally expected from a well armed enemy that is determined to defend their homeland .

The end is not in doubt. The question is how much Russians will destroy …. Both the military and civilian …. To teach their enemy a lesson.

Good post. No one can win a propaganda war led by Americans in the world. But facts on the ground are the real facts; and I am not sure of them as of now. Remember just six months ago how spectacularly the Taliban conquered Afghanistan despite so much noise about the capabilities of the American-backed Kabul govt.

To be sure, Ukraine is not some babe in the woods. It is a powerful, large country of 40+ million, generously supplied and trained by the most powerful and richest military and economic block on earth for many years, and is fighting on its home turf. Plus they are putting up a good fight. Let's not forget that in a defensive conventional war, the attackers are supposed to have 3 times superiority. Plus, Russians and Ukrainians are much related and that makes total brutal war by Russia not so easy; it is the soldiers and commanders on the ground who are ultimately the ones to pull the triggers.
But I will still say it will be cruel for Russia to take more than a sliver of land in eastern Ukraine and perhaps block Ukraine's sea access; use those as bargaining chip and end the war.
PS. Pakistan doesn't have much of stake in this war as long it is confined to the region around Ukraine. At best Pakistan's ally China gains but those gains are not very significant for Pakistan to take sides.
What's the backstory.... Those seem to be American accents....

I see cameras, so I assume journalist

Ok bro, give me that accountant or financial adviser, I dont need much... just a million or two will do. ; -)

For some reason only crooks like Ashraf Ghani, Sharifs, Zelenskys and co seem to have them.

A massively corrupt person should not be made a hero, you agree?
Holy shit, drop it. This has nothing to do with the thread at hand. Once again, who cares? Every politician is rich. Putin is a multibillionaire. Who cares?
What's the backstory.... Those seem to be American accents....
They are journalists they were reporting an evacuation.

Two claims here:

UKR: claim that Russians shelled Irpin during civ evacuations resulting in deaths of three civilians

RUS: claim the Ukrainians staged this by firing an RPG into the street. Lots of videos and maps on Twitter but I am now giving Twitter a very wide berth as it’s full of nonsense.
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