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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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**** the Russians, I have personal Ukranian interests in this fight, but this thread is one sided with even the MODs supporting Ukraine (which is think is right morally) but it would be better to have an analytical and more even handed approach so we can study the conflict.

Or are we just gonna be fan boys like the "normies".
Ok bro, give me that accountant or financial adviser, I dont need much... just a million or two will do. ; -)

For some reason only crooks like Ashraf Ghani, Sharifs, Zelenskys and co seem to have them.

A massively corrupt person should not be made a hero, you agree?
Isn't it strange that all US backed leaders end up having vast amounts of money?
CNN reported it was the Ukrainian who did it in order to stop or slow the Russian military advance.
Bridge was incapacitated by Ukrainians. Later civilianstook shelter under the part of it that was standing. This is when the Russians have been said to have fired at it.
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