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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Kharkiv still holds.

How does Russia expect to take Kiev? Kiev is TWICE the size of Kharkiv. I don't see how Russia can seize and occupy it for any length of time. Impossible for them IMO.

They are waiting for civilians to leave and flatten it to the ground.. Then take the city and they could keep onto the city in my honest once they take it like Kherson and several other cities they have taken
**** the Russians, I have personal Ukranian interests in this fight, but this thread is one sided with even the MODs supporting Ukraine (which is think is right morally) but it would be better to have an analytical and more even handed approach so we can study the conflict.

Or are we just gonna be fan boys like the "normies".

Check my thread:

For analytical coverage:

For statistics:

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People use Twitter to convey information and exchange views in current times though. This tradition is apparent in this thread as well.
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The British role is the worst in this crisis so far. They were the one throwing most of the oil on fire. And making most of the noise.

And now when it comes to actions, they are not letting Ukrainians into UK. Families who drove all the way from Ukraine to France are being held there and British authorities are asking them to apply for an emergency visa which is very expensive!

This is beyond outrageous!

Europe will pay the price, whereas these cunning foxes will take all the profits!

@Vergennes : Have those Ukrainian families stuck in Calais made any progress yet?
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