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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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YT has disabled translation of Russian voices so we can't hear them

"Perhaps one very surprising and puzzling aspect of this conflict is the lack of regular official briefs from Russian MOD or any other relevant department."

The Western mental bubble is now complete
Perhaps because things aren't going to plan, and they're trying to clean up their own mess of an army?
I think this thread has lost some important perspective.

Russia is at war with a technologically near peer adversary. Despite being 10 times larger and more numerous, it is performing an invasion into Ukrainian home turf. This means the logistics problem is mostly for Russia. Supply lines for this is easy since it is right next door and they have Belarus. Meanwhile Ukraine has also benefited from supply increases before the war and also during of western arms.

Russia losing stuff is to be expected. They are making progress on control of regions. We don't see much of what Ukraine has been losing but the losing control of land shows enough. It would be total loss on Ukrainian side for loss of land or if strategic pull back, then defeated by Russian side. Just to be objective about it.

Maybe some (and this is pushed by media) expected that Russia would have minimal loss or something.

This is an occupation invasion, and a very intense one and fast paced. In Iraq, US took about 2 weeks for control over it and Ukraine is far stronger than Iraq with the military capability between Iraq and then USA compared to Ukraine and Russia now being far greater as well.
On a side note, China's military planners are probably learning a lot from this war. I bet China doubles down on its anti-SAM systems and logistics over the coming years, as well as significantly increasing its cruise missiles inventory.

Meh, nothing exciting. I've already seen these :|
US SEAD Mission - EA-18G flew over SAM site, plotting their radar and F-15E or other F-18E/F Fire anti-radiation missile
Russia SEAD - Ram the tank into the SAM Battery and destroy them.......

It's worth notice that Russia did not have EA-18G or F-15E equivalent aircraft....
Poland has refuted the reports and today again categorically stated, it wont give any war planes to Ukraine.

Furthermore, it has also stated that no airfield will be allowed to use for any war planes in Ukraine.

It will however keep helping Ukraine in other areas.

(German "Tagesschau" is reporting)
US SEAD Mission - EA-18G flew over SAM site, plotting their radar and F-15E or other F-18E/F Fire anti-radiation missile
Russia SEAD - Ram the tank into the SAM Battery and destroy them.......

It's worth notice that Russia did not have EA-18G or F-15E equivalent aircraft....
True; the Chinese seem to be developing their own version of the growler called the J-16D. Whichever Chinese guy convinced his boss to develop this fighter may be feeling vindicated by his decision.

If the Russians had such a system, they may have not suffered as many losses.
As far as I am concerned, the respect for Russian general staff is still there.

Our conclusions here are mostly based on whatever is available v on western media.

Equipment losses are in built in any war. Couple of tanks here, couple of aircraft there, c everyday, is always expected.

We have hardly seen any pics of Ukrainian dead, or their destroyed equipment. They say they are winning this. And every then, they are panicking.

Is not simple, it's not russia against Ukraine only. It's Russia against the whole NATO, look at the amount and quality of equipment and firepower being given to Ukrainians....
Wholeheartedly agree. Several days ago I suggested this was a war, conflict or engagement like no other because the height of social media and the western press seem to portray everything from a Ukrainian stance - it seems so 1 sided. I am no fan of Putin but I can say with confidence that the Russian army is a well oiled and equipped beast and won’t by a sacrificial pawn in this conflict - not seen ANY casualties from Ukraine of significance.

Wars where the USA and NATO have instigated and attempted to introduce their “democracy” have been different in many aspects - the propaganda lies and poisoning of the mind won’t wash here. As they say Russia ain’t no Iraq Afghanistan Libya et al.
Btw nice to see a voice like yours on here - always a pleasure sir.
What argument?

International law ceased to exist the day US/NATO illegally invaded Yogoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc etc, flattening cities and killing millions by carpet bombing, throwing cluster bombs, depleted uranium and what not.

And none of them ever brought to justice in ICC for genocides and war crimes.

So when the supreme intelligent beings from USA tell us "You dont invade smaller countries in 21st century", what does it exactly mean? Can you explain us normal mortals?
You want the truth?

We can do whatever the hell we want because the people we killed are what the world consider as "Secondary People" They are not equal, they don't sell advertisement slot, and nobody in the west care enough to care about them. And nobody in the West would bat an eyelid when they died a horrible way.

It's like what Nick Nolte said in Hotel Rwanda

The world focus on Power and Money, and if your country did not have neither, then you are dirt, you want to look to the UN to help you? Well, you are either in US camp or in Russia Camp, and if you are stupid enough to go beside either one of those interest, you are stupid enough to get deal with by the UN. This is how UN was set up.

So in what way do you have enough "power" or "money" to put US or Russia or China or UK or France on trial? Nobody care about what you think, you can scream unfair all day long but at the end of the day you are just going to do that until you die and died bitterly in the end.

If you want to bring US to justice? Develop your economy so you can replace us. Otherwise, nobody will listen to you, because your opinion don't worth shit. And I am sorry for that, but that IS the truth. Whether you like it or not. This is how world politic works.
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So even western media agrees on these:
1) Donbas in Russian control
2) Mariupol in Russian control
3) Kherson in Russian control
4) Chernobyl and Zaporzhzhia (at least power plants) in Russian control
5) Kiev almost surrounded

All in the course of 10 days. But the official agenda is Ukraine is winning? Any of the NATO apologists care to explain?
Who said that Ukraine is winning the war? They are fighting back and inflicting losses on invading forces. Observers are rather surprised and intrigued.

Russian advances aren't fluid either. Fighting is very intense in some locations. Russians suffered setbacks in some locations while attempting to overrun them. Mariupol and Kyiv have not fallen to Russian forces yet.

Poland has refuted the reports and today again categorically stated, it wont give any war planes to Ukraine.

Furthermore, it has also stated that no airfield will be allowed to use for any war planes in Ukraine.

It will however keep helping Ukraine in other areas.

(German "Tagesschau" is reporting)
Thats too bad but not unexpected.

Who said that Ukraine is winning the war? They are fighting back and inflicting losses on invading forces. Observers are rather surprised and intrigued.
Ukraine just doesn't need to lose.
Wholeheartedly agree. Several days ago I suggested this was a war, conflict or engagement like no other because the height of social media and the western press seem to portray everything from a Ukrainian stance - it seems so 1 sided. I am no fan of Putin but I can say with confidence that the Russian army is a well oiled and equipped beast and won’t by a sacrificial pawn in this conflict - not seen ANY casualties from Ukraine of significance.

Wars where the USA and NATO have instigated and attempted to introduce their “democracy” have been different in many aspects - the propaganda lies and poisoning of the mind won’t wash here. As they say Russia ain’t no Iraq Afghanistan Libya et al.
Btw nice to see a voice like yours on here - always a pleasure sir.
Oryx has been doing a count of losses of equipment on both sides, if you're interested in the OSINT data currently available.
Who said that Ukraine is winning the war? They are fighting back and inflicting losses on invading forces. Observers are rather surprised and intrigued.

Russian advances aren't fluid either. Fighting is very intense in some locations. Russians suffered setbacks in some locations while attempting to overrun them. Mariupol and Kyiv have not fallen to Russian forces yet.
Pretty much.

No one actually expects Ukraine to win. It's just a matter of if they can manage to break a few Russian bones in the process.
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