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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Pretty much.

No one actually expects Ukraine to win. It's just a matter of if they can manage to break a few Russian bones in the process.

Russians might probably win in the end but it'll be a phyrric victory. And given the state of the Russian economy,things will be just made worse. Not adding the insurgency that will follow... (if it hasn't already)
You want the truth?

We can do whatever the hell we want because the people we killed are what the world consider as "Secondary People" They are not equal, they don't sell advertisement slot, and nobody in the west care enough to care about them. And nobody in the West would bat an eyelid when they died a horrible way.

It's like what Nick Nolte said in Hotel Rwanda

The world focus on Power and Money, and if your country did not have neither, then you are dirt, you want to look to the UN to help you? Well, you are either in US camp or in Russia Camp, and if you are stupid enough to go beside either one of those interest, you are stupid enough to get deal with by the UN. This is how UN was set up.

So in what way do you have enough "power" or "money" to put US or Russia or China or UK or France on trial? Nobody care about what you think, you can scream unfair all day long but at the end of the day you are just going to do that until you die and died bitterly in the end.

If you want to bring US to justice? Develop your economy so you can replace us. Otherwise, nobody will listen to you, because your opinion don't worth shit. And I am sorry for that, but that IS the truth. Whether you like it or not.

Might is right. This is what you saying? And you are fine with it that the country you are serving is nothing but a sham, a con-artist, a pathetic tyrant? And you are fine with the fact that the country you are serving is committing genocides around the world?

The rest of the world might not be as resourceful (propaganda wise) but will hear no more lectures from those hyenas! I agree, our countries should take a clue and abandon these "democracy" dramas. Learn from the West if you want to develop yourself!

In the meanwhile deal with Putin, we aint taking no sides. Time, and not propaganda, will tell how it ends...
What argument?

International law ceased to exist the day US/NATO illegally invaded Yogoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc etc, flattening cities and killing millions by carpet bombing, throwing cluster bombs, depleted uranium and what not.

And none of them ever brought to justice in ICC for genocides and war crimes.

So when the supreme intelligent beings from USA tell us "You dont invade smaller countries in 21st century", what does it exactly mean? Can you explain us normal mortals?

E x a c t l y

"The West" has only a simple and clear discourse: We are the Masters of the Universe and you poor mortals must obey in silence.

Our interests, wishes, desires, fancies, whims and delusions are sacred things dear to the gods, and your poor lives are worthless when viewed from our high vantage point of imperial arrogance.
Ah, more farming equipment for the Ukrainian farmers, I see.
A bunch of them, I count 7 intact artillery pieces.

Perhaps they should hunt more artillery besides the ambushes. Blow one up, rest runs away abandoning a whole battery.
If Russia manages to weather the massive sanctions and meet their objectives in Ukraine(which is very likely imo). The West would have played all its non-kinetic soft power cards without having prevented what it was designed to prevent. There will be a serious psychological aftermath around the globe.
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Ukraine just doesn't need to lose.
Not lose what?

They have already lost a million of their population to immigration, most of their combat capability, alot of their trained soldiers and all of their navy and airforce.

The Russians can simply hand over the place to something like the NDPR militia and let Ukies kill each other forever, while withdrawing their own professional military.

Russians might probably win in the end but it'll be a phyrric victory. And given the state of the Russian economy,things will be just made worse. Not adding the insurgency that will follow... (if it hasn't already)
The insurgency has already started. Most of the ambushes are being done by militias that are a part of the TDF.

Even if the entire Ukrainian military collapses, the TDF is set up in a way that will guarantee that they will keep fighting. The Russians are pretty much screwed in the long term.
Quite possible that Russia start arming dissident groups in Poland, Romania, Maldova, Hungry and Solvakia as a counter to what NaTO is doing to Russia in ukraine. it wont be a direct Russian intervention and can create a major challenge in Western europe…
The question is what can NATO do, and you all know the answer, nothing when non state actors are sent across the border
Let Russia do it. What groups will this be?
On a side note, China's military planners are probably learning a lot from this war. I bet China doubles down on its anti-SAM systems and logistics over the coming years, as well as significantly increasing its cruise missiles inventory.

Meh, nothing exciting. I've already seen these :|

And the need to have CIWS sitting next to your very important Radars and important SAM systems to shoot down cruise missiles that are targetting them !!!!!

Alot of the radars that were knocked out in Ukraine by Russia could have been saved by having a CIWs type platform defending it.

A lesson for Pakistan for sure.
Lose what?

They have already lost a million of their population to immigration, most of their combat capability, alot of their trained soldiers and all of their navy and airforce.

The Russians can simply hand over the place to something like the NDPR militia and let Ukies kill each other forever, while withdrawing their own professional military.
LOL! Considering what happened in the past wars with superpowers like in Vietnam and Afghanistan, I'm surprised you think they should surrender after all the deaths and destruction. And what makes you think Putin would abandon the country he conquers?

Russians might probably win in the end but it'll be a phyrric victory. And given the state of the Russian economy,things will be just made worse. Not adding the insurgency that will follow... (if it hasn't already)

Russia might be able to accomplish its short term objectives in Ukraine but it will find it impractical to sustain its occupation of Ukraine in view of the type of sanctions it is being subjected to lately.

Ukrainian insurgency might have much more lifeline then some realize. Even Thailand is willing to support Ukraine in this respect.

@That Guy
Might is right. This is what you saying? And you are fine with it that the country you are serving is nothing but a sham, a con-artist, a pathetic tyrant? And you are fine with the fact that the country you are serving is committing genocides around the world?

The rest of the world might not be as resourceful (propaganda wise) but will hear no more lectures from those hyenas! I agree, our countries should take a clue and abandon these "democracy" dramas. Learn from the West if you want to develop yourself!

In the meanwhile deal with Putin, we aint taking no sides. Time, and not propaganda, will tell how it ends...
It seems you didn't really pay attention to what he wrote.

You're doing a poor attempt at shaming him, because what you said is simply ridiculous.
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