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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That's what NATO will try to do.

But it would be a lot easier for these Orcs to go West because of open borders and their current herofication plus eventual demonisation.
Russia has a very long border, so long you got terrorist attacks going back decades in Moscow and other places because of their conflicts.
True; the Chinese seem to be developing their own version of the growler called the J-16D. Whichever Chinese guy convinced his boss to develop this fighter may be feeling vindicated by his decision.

If the Russians had such a system, they may have not suffered as many losses.
J-16D is far from EA-18G.

It's not just about Jamming, this is about sensor infusion. I don't think China has any technology associated with this.
Fooling Indians since 2014
What argument?

International law ceased to exist the day US/NATO illegally invaded Yogoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc etc, flattening cities and killing millions by carpet bombing, throwing cluster bombs, depleted uranium and what not.

And none of them ever brought to justice in ICC for genocides and war crimes.

So when the supreme intelligent beings from USA tell us "You dont invade smaller countries in 21st century", what does it exactly mean? Can you explain us normal mortals?
it means dont invade democracies that follow international law

Putin Threatens Ukraine 'Statehood' as Moscow Sanctions Tighten​

Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened the existence of Ukrainian statehood as his army's invasion of the neighbor faces stiff resistance Sunday and his economy is increasingly asphyxiated by sanctions.

In the latest efforts to freeze Moscow out of the world economy, U.S.-based card payment giants Visa and Mastercard announced they will suspend operations in Russia, while world leaders vowed to act over the intensifying onslaught.

"The current (Ukrainian) authorities must understand that if they continue to do what they are doing, they are putting in question the future of Ukrainian statehood," Putin said on Saturday.

"And if this happens, they will be fully responsible."
You still don't get it.

In any race, there are only 1 winner, you can say you have 2nd place or 3rd place, but in world view, you have 1 winner and 7 loser, nobody is going to remember who come 2nd in 2021 Mens 100 meters sprint race. Because nobody cares about losers, whether or not they are the 1st loser or the 7th,

You can call us Hyena 100 times on your TV, on your internet forum post, so what? How many people see that and care about that? One post from MSNBC calling you (Whatever name they call you) and you stuck got with that, you want to talk about fair? Sad, but true. And you know what, vilify people like you who think the Western value is shit make money, they don't care about you, all they want is to make money, and what you are doing is helping them, not hurting them. The more you react this way, the more the west is going to report that and make money. Nothing else make as much money than setting someone as enemy.

And you think you are big enough or strong enough to challenge the existing system? If you really think so, then you are UBER naïve. The system is set up so no one can challenge anything, otherwise how else do you think there are "Veto" in UN security council? In world politic, you are either a prey or predictor, and there are ALWAYS going to be 5 Predators, and everyone else is a prey.

Nobody care about what you think, because to the people who have money and power to do something, you are nothing to them, you don't even worth 30 second on a news segment to talk about your plight, your story worth shit that nobody want to listen, and you think that is propaganda, maybe, but enough people buy that than your crap then it become mainstream.

I don't honestly care about what you think about the West, or what you think you can do, that does not concern me at all, at the end of the day, you live your life and I live mine, you hatred is none of my business, and none of most people business and people don't care. And you can either keep hating us, or find someone who have similar belief with you and hate us together, either way it didn't change a god damn thing, until you are stupid enough to act on it, then we will come F you up, and you know what, the world don't care about you, and hence don't care about we F you up, because, as I said, you are dirt if you don't have money and power, nobody cares until you give us a reason to care about you.

I am not going to respond this long post which is nothing but repetition of the points you have made earlier.

By calling everyone around naive, less intelligent and what not and trying to portray yourself some sort of super hero by bragging about the places you have (not) served is laughable.

Because in reality, you know it and we know it. You are just a keyboard smasher like 60-70% of people here. So please do us all a favor and next time copy/paste texts from readily available online sources without spicing it up by adding some imaginary places where you have (not) served.
I am not going to respond this long post which is nothing but repetition of the points you have made earlier.

By calling everyone around naive, less intelligent and what not and trying to portray yourself some sort of super hero by bragging about the places you have (not) served is laughable.

Because in reality, you know it and we know it. You are just a keyboard smasher like 60-70% of people here. So please do us all a favor and next time copy/paste texts from readily available online sources without spicing it up by adding some imaginary places where you have (not) served.
I love the optimism you people displayed.

And lol, I don't honestly care about what you think of me, you think I asked for this title? you think I do this on purpose? Well, someone on top think I deserve it, so there are probably not much you can do about that.

As for what I served or where I served, I have mentioned that multiple time on here for everyone to see, what I said, what I didn't say nobody ask you to believe me, nobody force you to believe me, and I don't really care either way.

But stop pretending you know anything when you don't, you get called on and you can't just get away by calling other people a liar.
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Meanwhile Russian gas supplies to Europe will continue, Gazprom says 109,5 million cubic meter will be supplied to Europe today alone.

And if another country buys gas from Russia, that would be violations of sanctions.

At whatever location Russian forces finally stops and starts consolidation, media will term as west succeed in halting Russian advance. Even if Russia takes control of entire Ukraine ( which I don't think is the objective here), west will say we saved poland et al

Some serious propaganda against Russia in full swing.

I don't know what to make of the grand strategy of all the major power groups (not necessarily just about countries/states). We need to realize the world is a dangerous ugly place with those holding power often a lot more invisible than appears.

Western propaganda right now is fucking disgusting. This reaches typical common Russian people and many peoples associated. They are willingly also playing with thermonuclear fire. Europeans at war again and this Hamartia Antidote guy has for the last few months been talking about savage Asians causing mayhem in the world and always fighting lol. Even India and China at the worst of it know how to deal with things and even if it comes to fighting, knowing how to de-escalate and limit severity. As bad as propaganda is, western propaganda is another level of scary and insidious... because it's partly so competent and shrewd.

Russians might probably win in the end but it'll be a phyrric victory. And given the state of the Russian economy,things will be just made worse. Not adding the insurgency that will follow... (if it hasn't already)
They will just create a puppet state controlled by ethnic Russians right in the middle that will be recognized by no one kind of like Kurdish republic
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