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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I doubt you speak from personal experience in the air force.


What is a 'determined' enemy? it is a meaningless phrase. The default position is that all enemies are determined regardless of how much weapons they have, how many soldiers/airmen/sailors available, and so on. We CANNOT assume that the enemy is any less determined to defend than we are to attack. So your statement is meaningless to start.

But as far as the USAF go, if your airbase is designated, we WILL make it there. In the image above, one B-2 dropped six bombs at the Obvra airbase runway. The four runway-taxiway intersections were cratered to prevent aircraft movements. The two other craters neatly dissected the runways into segments too short to use by any aircraft except for helos. The result is that the runways will be out of operation for at least 1/2 day. In that time, we will see no threat from that base. The mission is called 'runway denial'. There is a science to this. Just because Iran does not have that knowledge does not mean no one else does.

A flying base without a functional runway is useless. Everything on a flying base is there to support the aircrafts. But if the runway is damaged, the entire base is useless. We can destroy runways, simple as that.
Actually, it is not at all clear what @Hack-Hook meant by that phrase. Dhaka 71 did seem different.

or to PDF :)

PDF is much more dangerous than Kharkiv.....
Can't argue with that!
Why didn't you answer my question ? Where's the proof of Russia hitting "2129" targets inside Ukraine ? Any proofs ? :)

That was a report from Russian news agency (Tass). You take up with them. But didn't I shown entire bases, full of tanks and other equipment, abandoned by the Ukrainian army?
Sorry if this is a repost, but Johnny Harris is an independent journalist who explained this war better than most.


This is not about NATO or Russian perspective, this may work on the outside third party (like you and me) but it won't work in Ukraine, because you are bombing them, anything you said is going to be an excuse, would you think it is normal for Ukrainian look at the Russian after they bomb their apartment build and said "Aim better next time?"
Where was this wisdom when u werw bombing Afghanistan? At that time u ppl werw cocky. Im sure uve learned the lesson.
Actually, it is not at all clear what @Hack-Hook meant by that phrase. Dhaka 71 did seem different.

Can't argue with that!
I survived 2 years (and some) in 2 different war, I quit this forum less than that.

No joke, the amount of firepower dished out by the like of @coffee_cup et el is more serious than Iraqi or Taliban insurgent ever able to..

Where was this wisdom when u werw bombing Afghanistan? At that time u ppl werw cocky. Im sure uve learned the lesson.
It is not about learning a lesson.

Well, seems like you have never served or been in war.......(not intended as an offence but that just indicate you don't know the ins and outs of the military/war)

When a military fight a war, you don't "end" that war by the definition of you are fighting and they are fighting back. The war is the reason you were there, but you were there is the reason for war. That's the cycle. Everyone who had ever been in a warzone know that.

Now in Afghanistan, we don't care about anything because it will not lead to an insurgency in America, we ain't bordering Afghanistan, that's why we did we we did over there, Ukraine is next to Russia. It's like if we fight the Canadian in a war, any insurgency in Canada will be undoubtedly spill over to the US...

not sure if that make sense to you.
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So that's what I understood,thank you for showing up your hypocrisy. :)

Everyday you post Russian military vehicles "destroyed" or "captured", but the Ukrainian cities are getting surrounded by the Russian army, and Ukrainians are resorting to desperate measures like destroying their own bridges and flooding the plains. Those are not the signs of an army winning in battle. And Zelenksy idiot was lately crying to the West to impose a no-fly zone.

If America can invade Afghanistan because of a 0.01% of the population was Al Qaeda in 2001(remember according to Western polls over 95% of the afghans population had not heard of Al Qaeda) ... Why can't Russia invade Ukraine because of over 10% (according to some stats) of the population being Neo Nazi terrorist???

This guy leaves out the main fact of Russian antagonism ... The expansion of NATO to Ukraine as a redline for Russia ... All he says is Nazi Nazi Nazi ..

Putin will loose because HE said so.
Isnt that enough!?

Youtube is a strange place. Ive seen bunch of these contentmaker who are very good at sounding smart to their audience.
At times like these it would be excellent to have the learned input of people like @vostok — pdf must try to find Russian posters or members from that region.
I am so ill-informed.

Didn't realise that there was a Zia in Afghanistan.

Really must do my homework next time, before attending your military history lessons.
Zia wasn't in Afghanistan, but without Zia Charlie Wilson with all that he brings to Afghanistan would mean nothing.
You are not as smart as you think.

When Cuba fell under Castro and gained closer ties to the Soviet Union, INSTANTLY to the option to have nukes in Cuba was there. And the US did nothing UNTIL the Soviet Union actually placed nukes there. Is Cuba friendly to US today? No. So Russia or China can promise Cuba anything, including placing nukes in Cuba. Except this time, we may actually invade Cuba and take those nukes. :lol:

I am not smart but u r a dumb***. Gaining closer ties and becoming part of a military alliance that involves deploying nuclear weapons are two totally different things. And u justified Russian invasion by saying that, so dont cry here and spread propaganda.
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