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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Just ignore.
And please tell us how was life in Arctic Circle when you were serving in Submarine force there?

Would you call it better than your time serving at NASA launch site as a consultant? Did you have good interactions with Russian astronauts when you were serving in International Space Station?

Did those guys have any idea that Russia was going to invade Ukraine?

Russians claim they want to check people leaving the city, because many Azov people could try to sneak out.

Whereas Ukraine is refusing the checks and hence stopping people from leaving.

No idea, could be propoganda.
Dude, again, you do know Intelligence is a "JOINT" operation? Right? There is a thing called "Intelligence Sharing"

I mean, if you are too stupid to know that people who work in Military Intelligence would have work WITH people from other agency, be it the FBI, NSA or CIA, that was your problem.

I never claim I was a NASA engineer or Whatever the hell you said about else you said, and if you have no idea how the stuff I did work, then don't comment on it.

You people are seriously ignorant. And is it possible for you people to go back to discuss rationally instead of posting stupid arse comment like this?? Especially when it is obvious you have no idea how intelligence work?
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NATO spends a combined $1 Trillion on Defense, out of which the US spends $800 billion. Only a fool would think the Russians even stand a chance in a conventional fight against NATO.

I am simply at a loss at how Russia executed this war. The entire Russian General Staff should be fired, and i used to have the highest amount of respect for the Russian General Staff.
Indeed, Sir.

My take is that Russian military operation in Ukraine was well-planned and executed in the opening phase of the war - Russian forces breached Ukraine from 6 different directions including through Belarus in short order. Russians also convinced Belarus and Chechnya to provide reinforcements. This is the best Russia could do in theory. Quality of Russian army is questionable on the other hand. Russians were also of the view that Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Western puppet and will not be able to mobilize Ukrainian resistance effort? well... Russians just found out that they were wrong on this count.

A major consequence of this war not being discussed?

All these Nato countries openly supplying weapons that kill Russian soldiers.

Can look forward to nasty surprises the next iraq/afghanistan misadventure they go on.

I fully expect to see Russian atgms flooding the next war of aggression nato wages against some near defenceless country

Quite possible that Russia start arming dissident groups in Poland, Romania, Maldova, Hungry and Solvakia as a counter to what NaTO is doing to Russia in ukraine. it wont be a direct Russian intervention and can create a major challenge in Western europe…
The question is what can NATO do, and you all know the answer, nothing when non state actors are sent across the border
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"Why are russian aircrafts flying low" ?


Indeed, Sir.

My take is that Russian military operation in Ukraine was well-planned and executed in the opening phase of the war - Russian forces breached Ukraine from 6 different directions including through Belarus in short order. Russians also convinced Belarus and Chechnya to provide reinforcements. This is the best Russia could do in theory. Quality of Russian army is questionable on the other hand. Russians were also of the view that Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Western puppet and will not be able to mobilize Ukrainian resistance effort? well... Russians just found out that they were wrong on this count.

I think you are wrong in the 2nd point, they do know Ukraine will put up organized resistance because of the Donbas front.
They'll find many Charlie Wilson's for Ukraine, but I doubt there will be a Zia in Ukraine.
I am so ill-informed.

Didn't realise that there was a Zia in Afghanistan.

Really must do my homework next time, before attending your military history lessons.
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Ukrainian Tanks manufacturing factory has been completely leveled by Russian Jets this morning...... CNN reports....
They were the same when they reached Paris in 1814 and took Berlin in 1945. Don't read too much into it just yet. Russians at war are like this, ever thus.”
People tend to forget the lessons of history. In this case, European history; we have let ourselves be overwhelmed by the Russian performance in Asia, specifically in Afghanistan, as in Central Asia, they did not do badly.
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